If you need to contact Interbasket for any reason; advertising, news alerts, submitting an article or any questions or problems, please utilize the following email address <strong><a href=”mailto:interbasketmedia@gmail.com”>interbasketmedia@gmail.com</a></strong>
Guidelines: Submitting an Article to Interbasket
Interbasket encourages news contributions and submissions from the public (that means you!). Though we cannot provide any payment for submissions, IBN can provide you a forum to speak your piece all the while gaining experience writing for a reknown website. If you are interested in sending in an article, preview, review, or opinion piece to InterBasket, please take a look into the following guidelines that must be followed:
- Send all submissions to interbasketmedia@gmail.com
- Please state the date in which the piece was written.
- All pieces must be an original work.
- Please spell-check your piece and complete any due diligence before submission
- No derogatory or racist language. Keep in mind that this is an international basketball forum that serves the entire world – that means every country and their respective leagues and players should be represented fairly, truthfully, and with respect.
- Avoid politics unless absolutely necessary to your piece.
- If a submission refers to quotes or facts, please cite those sources.
- Please include your contact information: Interbasket will credit you (or a pseudonym) for your submission, any contact information you provide and a website. Interbasket always wants the authors to receive their due credit for the piece. If If you become a regular contributor, IBN will add you to our authors section.
- By submitting your contribution – you agree to the following: you are the true author of the submission. By submitting your piece, you are allowing Ito publish the article and you are allowing interbasket to edit the piece for clarity and grammatical reasons only. Interbasket will never make any changes to a published piece that will change the direction nor its intention.
- Not every submission will be published. If the editors of the site choose not to publish your piece, we will return your article with an explanation as to why.
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