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Qatar wins right to host Fifa 2022 WC

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  • Qatar wins right to host Fifa 2022 WC

    Well, the title is pretty much self explanatory, what do you guys think, did Fiba choose right ?
    i personaly think they did, as Qatar is an extremely wealthy nation, plus they have nothing on their minds except football, so they probably will invest in every latest piece of technology to make this WC work out for them
    i have a feeling that this WC will be smt special, only bcs i know that the qataris are willing to invest alot of money to make this work.

    But remains the fact that Qatar rank 173 in the Fiba standings
    can they put up a good team that will be able to atleast show a good showing with the big nations by 2022, i think they can, they have 12 years to prepare a good generation of footballers.

    and if that doesent work out, they'll naturalise some brazilians

    I wish Qatar good luck, may it does the middle east proud

  • #2
    Qatar is going to be the host of the FIFA World Cup not FIBA World Cup.


    • #3
      Originally posted by lebanese phoenix View Post
      Well, the title is pretty much self explanatory, what do you guys think, did Fiba choose right ?
      i personaly think they did, as Qatar is an extremely wealthy nation, plus they have nothing on their minds except football, so they probably will invest in every latest piece of technology to make this WC work out for them
      i have a feeling that this WC will be smt special, only bcs i know that the qataris are willing to invest alot of money to make this work.

      But remains the fact that Qatar rank 173 in the Fiba standings
      can they put up a good team that will be able to atleast show a good showing with the big nations by 2022, i think they can, they have 12 years to prepare a good generation of footballers.

      and if that doesent work out, they'll naturalise some brazilians

      I wish Qatar good luck, may it does the middle east proud

      Its Not FIBA its FIFA Sir...


      • #4
        Qatar ... what on earth were they thinking?

        I believe that Qatar did not deserve to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

        Firstly, the temperature, during the time in which the World Cup is held (June-July), the temperature reaches close to 50 degrees celsius. That's right close to 50 degrees. The bidding committee have mentioned that the stadiums will be solar powered and be completely air-conditioned. However, what about when the fans go outside the stadiums? What will Qatar do? Will they have places to protect the fans from the sweltering heat?

        Secondly, the issue of alchohol. Most likely, England and Germany will qualify for the 2022 World Cup. Many of their fans travel to this global event and have a tradition of excessively over drinking. The Qataris have mentioned that alchohol will be available but from my understanding that the country is very strict in terms of the consumption of alchoholic beverages and there's fear that the local enorcement agencies will go to excessive force. Are the Qataris ready to provide the alcholol amounts that's normally provided in World Cups for the fans?

        Thirdly, the Qatar view on women. Western women are considered to dress inappropriately in the eyes of the very conservative Qatari government. Will they be loosening their view on allowing women the same rights in their country or will the Qatari government enforce the foreign women to cover up?

        Fourthly, there are allegations that the President of the Asian Football Confederation: Mohamed Bin Hammam from Qatar pushed the idea to FIFA President Sepp Blatter (both of whom are in the 22 FIFA Executive Committee Board) that if Qatar did not win the rights to host 2022 World Cup he will use his influence to challenge Blatter in the next FIFA Presidencial elections thus, preventing Blatter from having a 4th term. The thread towards Blatter is very strong as Mohamed Bin Hammam has strong influences among FIFA and is the President of the largest football confederation in the world.

        In terms of the 2018 FIFA World Cup bidding war, how does an OIL-RICH country like Russia is able to easily win the rights to host the largest sporting event in the world?

        How can Russia host such an event if they have so much problems?

        Daily Mirror summed up the situation nicely, "Russia, a mafia state rotten to the core with corruption; Qatar a medieval kingdom with no freedom of speech; Both are swimming in oil money,"

        Did both wins came from influence and money rather than credibility. In FIFA's very own independent report on the different bids for both 2018 and 2022, Russia and Qatar were lowly ranked and yet the 22 gentlemen behind close doors thought otherwise.

        Why isn't the voting process more transparent?

        Why is the voting of the largest sporting event only decided by 22 people?

        Where there any "financial benefits" provided that were not recorded?

        As the rest of the world would like to say to FIFA:


        Shame on you Sepp Blatter!
        Shame on all those in the 22 Executive Committee!
        Shame on those who bribed their way to win the rights to host the largest sporting event in the world!

        "No hay poder en el mundo que pueda cambiar el destino"
        -El Padrino


        • #5
          Saskibaloia, i think that Qatar deserves more credit than you are given em

          i'm sure that you will be awestruck by the level of proffesionalism of this WC, Qataris, unlike Saudi arabia and other gulf countries are not so conservative, plus, trust me, they already mentioned that they will invest in i dont know what cooling systems to cool the tourists even outside of the stadiums

          Qatar is going to throw billions and billions of dollars, trust me, they have nothing more valuable to invest in, you will see smt spectacular, trust me

          money makes everything possible


          • #6
            Originally posted by lebanese phoenix View Post
            Saskibaloia, i think that Qatar deserves more credit than you are given em

            i'm sure that you will be awestruck by the level of proffesionalism of this WC, Qataris, unlike Saudi arabia and other gulf countries are not so conservative, plus, trust me, they already mentioned that they will invest in i dont know what cooling systems to cool the tourists even outside of the stadiums

            Qatar is going to throw billions and billions of dollars, trust me, they have nothing more valuable to invest in, you will see smt spectacular, trust me

            money makes everything possible
            thank you bros,you are right man

            congrats qatar


            • #7
              congratulations for Qatar they deserve it
              i think they'll naturalize ronaldino and drogba
              i hope to see our nt in this worldcup,although this will not happen even in dreams


              • #8
                I was surprised that both Russia and Qatar won their respective bids. I'm sure that many Europeans are furious over Russia winning the bid for 2018.

                I'm sure they're even more furious after Qatar won the 2022 bid (The Americans, Aussies, Japanese and South Koreans are definitely upset as well).

                As for the serving of alcohol i'm sure Qatar will manage something...They'll probably build an Island just for the pleasures of others were you can do whatever you want


                • #9
                  Recently I read 2 descriptions of Israelis found themselves in Qatar.

                  One by the Israeli international tennis player Shahar Peer, who year before that didn't get a visa to enter the country because of being Israeli:
                  שחר פאר התרשמה מהבנייה הבלתי נגמרת בדוחא, השקעת המיליונים בתשתיות ספורט והתכניות ארוכות הטווח ליום שאחרי אוצרות הנפט. וגם: החיים כמחליפה בטורניר שרק הגבירו את המוטיבציה לשנה הבאה. שחר בקטאר, בלעדי ל-ynet

                  Another one by Israelis who spend there a day because their transition flight from India to Qatar was late for the plan from Qatar to Israel so they were allowed to enter the country despite being Israelis.

                  From their description there are many foreigners there so the dressing codes should not be a problem.

                  The questions for me are
                  1. There are a lot of Israelis that like football and despite Israel never qualify (and I don't think it will change even in 12 years, although it's going to be a totally different generation), they travel to the word champs.
                  Will they be allowed to enter? And if not, should Fiba give the host for countries that don't allow citizens of other countries to visit their country?

                  2. Aren't the prices there are too expensive for tourists from most of the countries?
                  My Youtube channel


                  • #10

                    IP I actually think you are correct, but I doubt FIFA will address the problem of Israeli's trying to enter.

                    Here are some of my issues with Qatar as well as some I've heard.

                    1) It is incredibly hot
                    2) All the stadium they are building will be worthless once the world cup is over, but that is true for most events like the olympics world cup ect.
                    3) They have no culture/history/anything to do beside shop and avoid the heat...(This is not meant to be racist in anyway, but they have no tourist sites)
                    4)...The Arabian Gulf. Frankly I don't care if it is called the Persian or Arabian Gulf, but it always causes tension in the middle-east.
                    5) It is taking place in one city. This may be a problem.

                    Arguments for

                    1) Badass new stadiums
                    2) Tons of shopping
                    3) Air conditioning
                    4) New Metro system.
                    5) They are serving alcohol.

                    I think Qatar having it is fine. I honestly think the only other candidate that deserved a chance was Australia. The US had it in 94, and I feel it might just be too soon to host again.

                    As for Russia having it...I think England should have been given the World Cup. It has been a long time since they hosted, and they already have almost all the infrastructure in place.
                    Last edited by Guest; 12-05-2010, 09:55 PM. Reason: Didn't want people to get the wrong idea.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ip84 View Post
                      Recently I read 2 descriptions of Israelis found themselves in Qatar.

                      One by the Israeli international tennis player Shahar Peer, who year before that didn't get a visa to enter the country because of being Israeli:
                      שחר פאר התרשמה מהבנייה הבלתי נגמרת בדוחא, השקעת המיליונים בתשתיות ספורט והתכניות ארוכות הטווח ליום שאחרי אוצרות הנפט. וגם: החיים כמחליפה בטורניר שרק הגבירו את המוטיבציה לשנה הבאה. שחר בקטאר, בלעדי ל-ynet

                      Another one by Israelis who spend there a day because their transition flight from India to Qatar was late for the plan from Qatar to Israel so they were allowed to enter the country despite being Israelis.

                      From their description there are many foreigners there so the dressing codes should not be a problem.

                      The questions for me are
                      1. There are a lot of Israelis that like football and despite Israel never qualify (and I don't think it will change even in 12 years, although it's going to be a totally different generation), they travel to the word champs.
                      Will they be allowed to enter? And if not, should Fiba give the host for countries that don't allow citizens of other countries to visit their country?

                      2. Aren't the prices there are too expensive for tourists from most of the countries?
                      Even though these articles are a year old you can read about this issue:


                      • #12
                        I read that Qatar plans to build Air-Conditioned Stadiums. A very ambitious project. Overall, I have seen wonderful engineering innovations done in the Middle East.
                        Sacramento Kings


                        • #13
                          Both decisions were scandalous and I'm more than sure, there are behind the scenes actions, which is why we don't know who has voted for whom (as far as I know).

                          Russia has no infrastructure at all. Arenas have to be built, hotels, airports have to be brought up-to-date. The whole system is too centralized. The distances are too far. Most of the money will land in the pockets of those who are bosses of the regions as well as their own bosses on the federal level. The decision to give Russia the Winter Olympics that will take place in SOCHI 2014 was already a scandalous one as there is probably no worse place for winter games in the ice-cold Russia than a subtropical region around Sochi. People are getting deprived of their homes, the environment is getting damaged, the terrain is simply not suited for such massive constructions. But billions of dollars end up in private pockets and that's normal for Russia.

                          What speaks for Russia is a big population, which is concentrated in the Western part of the country. The prices for tickets will however be too high for most of the people, especially outside of Moscow. For tourists, there are many places to visit in Russia, especially the architectural culture in the French and Italian style of the 18th and 19th centuries.

                          Russia has a history in soccer, be it pre-Soviet era, the Soviet era and modern days.

                          Qatar however has nothing to do with soccer. The country is tiny, the population is very narrow and consists of foreigners for most part. No climate, no changes, problematic politics, which have already been mentioned. No soccer history. It's not enough to spend tons of money. It's not about money. It's about fans. There is nothing to see, soccer fans won't be able to behave how they are used to (not the worst part - hooligans - of course). Will you see women in minis in the summer? I highly doubt it. Will man sit beside women, will women be let into the stadium, and if yes, will there be a difference between Women with an Iranian citizenship and a French one? If such events happen in Europe, while the host country is relatively small and does not have enough infrastructure, it unites with a second country, like Switzerland/Austria in the last soccer European Championship. It would understand it somewhat better, if several Gulf States would unite for this goal. At least, different places, different faces, although other problems would still remain. How should a tiny territory like Qatar host so man visitors at once? How many airports do they have? What will happen with all the soccer arenas, after the Mondial is over? I don't see, how they could be used.

                          FIFA should be ashamed of two more than doubtful decisions. It should have handled the stuff better. It's not enough, to throw around with money. The FIFA World Championship is a huge event that takes place every four years. It's about promoting this sport, it's about having the best possible infrastructure, it's about accessibility by fans and by chances for them to see sth. interesting besides soccer.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CKR13 View Post
                            I read that Qatar plans to build Air-Conditioned Stadiums. A very ambitious project. Overall, I have seen wonderful engineering innovations done in the Middle East.
                            I'm sorry but those innovators are just invited to work there for big money but nothing else. It's not "innovation made in Middle East". Would be better to spend this huge extra money on sth. useful. What happens, if you are outside of the arena? +50°C the whole time?

                            Most of the people here are excited about air-conditioned stadiums instead of thinking about other lingering questions. Apart from everything else, I've written above, I simply don't get it, why smaller European countries (even bigger ones like Ukraine and Poland) unite for a goal, while Qatar will do it alone. It's not about money, it's about best possible conditions there. Best possible conditions for fans and shopping malls are not a top priority here.


                            • #15
                              I'm sorry but those innovators are just invited to work there for big money but nothing else. It's not "innovation made in Middle East".
                              I have read of brilliant architects coming from all over the world in co-designing and pioneering some architectural infrastructures in the Middle East. It is also inherent that they are compensated well financially for their services that justifies the subject, hence "innovations done in the Middle East". But impression varies from one perspective to that of another.

                              Would be better to spend this huge extra money on sth. useful. What happens, if you are outside of the arena? +50°C the whole time?
                              Interesting point and applies to all them football faithfuls. I have also heard that the temperature can surpass that off 50°C.
                              Sacramento Kings
                              HERE WE STAY UNTIL THE COWBELLS COME HOME



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