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Top 10 2007 NBA Stories

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  • jugoplastika
    NBA - Where amazing happens...

    NBA is sooooo exciting league , so it is probably the cause of Mr. Tim Donaghy on first five places on the list...

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  • mvblair
    started a topic Top 10 2007 NBA Stories

    Top 10 2007 NBA Stories

    OK, there are a lot of writers putting out their "Top 10 Stories" this week, so I decided to do my own list. The following are the biggest NBA stories of the year. Feel free to disagree and put down your own lists.
    1. Referee Scandal - As if the integrity of the NBA needed more questioning, referee Tim Donaghy was found guilty of fixing games. How many games were impacted by Donaghy's meddling? Gamblers and handicappers say that a great majority were. Are other referees involved? How many people really buy David Stern's allegation that Donaghy is the only one?
    2. Referee Scandal - As if the integrity of the NBA needed more questioning, referee Tim Donaghy was found guilty of fixing games. How many games were impacted by Donaghy's meddling? Gamblers and handicappers say that a great majority were. Are other referees involved? How many people really buy David Stern's allegation that Donaghy is the only one?
    3. Referee Scandal - As if the integrity of the NBA needed more questioning, referee Tim Donaghy was found guilty of fixing games. How many games were impacted by Donaghy's meddling? Gamblers and handicappers say that a great majority were. Are other referees involved? How many people really buy David Stern's allegation that Donaghy is the only one?
    4. Referee Scandal - As if the integrity of the NBA needed more questioning, referee Tim Donaghy was found guilty of fixing games. How many games were impacted by Donaghy's meddling? Gamblers and handicappers say that a great majority were. Are other referees involved? How many people really buy David Stern's allegation that Donaghy is the only one?
    5. Referee Scandal - As if the integrity of the NBA needed more questioning, referee Tim Donaghy was found guilty of fixing games. How many games were impacted by Donaghy's meddling? Gamblers and handicappers say that a great majority were. Are other referees involved? How many people really buy David Stern's allegation that Donaghy is the only one?
    6. NBA Players Crash Americas 2007 - A veritable NBA All-Star Team ran over the injured competition this summer, and each player returned to the NBA a stronger, smarter, better player.
    7. Spurs versus Cavs - The Cavs got smashed. Badly. Unfortunately, the few viewers who tuned in did not see just how good LeBron was, because he didn't play well in the Finals.
    8. Dallas Falling Down - Dallas could've gone to the Finals if they could've found a way to stop Golden State's quick-paced, sloppy offense. The media loved watching Avery Johnson and his team fall.
    9. Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen to Boston - So far, it looks like all of Danny Ainge's mistakes as a GM have been forgiven with these two incredible players. Boston still has many problems as a team, but KG, Ray, and Pierce look great.
    10. Dirk MVP - Everybody had fun saying that it wasn't fair for a team that got knocked out of Round One to have an MVP player. Good stuff for the talking heads on TV. As much as Josh Howard improved with the start of this season, Dirk is still the best player there.

    A notable exception:
    • Allen Iverson to Denver - AI will go down as one of the most iconic players in basketball. He's a magnificent player who brought a lot of excitement to the game in college, and then made the city of Brotherly Love fall in love. Unfortunately, by changing teams, he lost something of his mystique.

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