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LeBron or Michael Jordan?

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  • LeBron or Michael Jordan?

    So today I stumbled upon reddit post . I mean really? Who's better? Of course it's MJ I mean how is that even a question? Anyways I want to see what you guys think about this? Can LeBron even be compared to MJ?

  • #2
    Can LeBron even be compared to MJ?
    Die Liebe wird eine Krankheit, wenn man sie als eine Heilung sieht
    Artificial Nature


    • #3
      Originally posted by rikhardur View Post
      Absolutely agree, I hate these kids who are saying that LeBron is even now better than MJ. You gotta laught at them...


      • #4
        Lebron maybe the best basketball player of this generation however Michael Jordan will always be the best basketball ever to grace the sport. Hands down.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Allen_Iverson View Post
          Absolutely agree, I hate these kids who are saying that LeBron is even now better than MJ. You gotta laught at them...
          Pippen and Mourning aren't kids

          “I’m gonna tell you what Scottie said," Mourning said, drawing laughter from the crowd. "Scottie said that LeBron would kick MJ’s ass. And I said, ‘Scottie, you’re right.’”
          Pippen in 2011:
          Michael Jordan is probably the greatest scorer to play the game. But I may go as far as to say LeBron James may be the greatest player to ever play the game because he is so potent offensively that not only can he score at will but he keeps everybody involved.
          aim low, score high


          • #6
            Is the question by the original poster asking "Who has had the best career?" or "Who has played best at their peak?". The answer to the first question right now isn't close given that Lebron is only 28. I believe the second question, though, is close. I was able to see Jordan play during his peak years which I consider around '88-'92 or so. My eye test, along with advanced statistics, and an increasing # of opinions of experts and coaches seems to be that, at their peak, we've only seen two players play at this high of a level in the past two generations and that's Jordan and Lebron. Those two, for me, have a more consistent, positive effect on their team's winning than any two players I've ever witnessed.

            Career-wise, I highly doubt Lebron will reach Jordan's accomplishments. Its possible, but not probable. I just think Lebron has faltered a couple of key times in the playoffs when his team was favored to win the series, something that, I don't believe, ever happened in Jordan's career.


            • #7
              Originally posted by NorCal View Post
              Career-wise, I highly doubt Lebron will reach Jordan's accomplishments. Its possible, but not probable. I just think Lebron has faltered a couple of key times in the playoffs when his team was favored to win the series, something that, I don't believe, ever happened in Jordan's career.
              Why is it not probable? Right now, LeBron has the same # of rings as MJ at the same age. MJ also took 2 voluntary breaks from playing afterwards. If you look at the NBA landscape, it's not hard to imagine the Heat repeatedly winning the title in the next few years.

              As far as # of regular season MVPs, I also think LeBron will surpass MJ. DPOY too. So other than slam dunk champion, what MJ accomplishment is impossible for LeBron to reach?

              BTW I don't like LeBron at all.
              aim low, score high


              • #8
                Originally posted by sinobball View Post
                Why is it not probable? Right now, LeBron has the same # of rings as MJ at the same age. MJ also took 2 voluntary breaks from playing afterwards. If you look at the NBA landscape, it's not hard to imagine the Heat repeatedly winning the title in the next few years.

                As far as # of regular season MVPs, I also think LeBron will surpass MJ. DPOY too. So other than slam dunk champion, what MJ accomplishment is impossible for LeBron to reach?

                BTW I don't like LeBron at all.
                Probable would imply that he has a greater than 50% chance. Lebron only has 1 ring, 4 MVPs, 1 Finals MVP, 0 DPOYs, etc. When you are talking about reaching 6 rings, 5 MVPs, 6 Finals MVPs, etc. a lot of things have to go right for a player, even one as dominant as Lebron. And some of those things that have to go right are largely not in Lebron's control. Things such as what players his team surrounds him with, the strength of opposing teams, injuries, etc. Jordan was able to overcome those things and Lebron may but its hard to project out 5+ years when there are too many variables. So I feel that possible, not probable was just about right.

                As an example, Shaq and Kobe looked like they could win 8 championships when they were at the height of their powers over a decade ago and I remember some people thinking Kobe will win at least 8 given that he had 3 rings at the age of 23. That's just an example. Plus, the fact that Jordan won all those rings after the age of 28 is kind of an outlier in NBA history. He was able to translate his game and continue to be dominant as a guard-turned post player as he entered his mid-30s. I personally believe Lebron will need to turn into a full time PF playing more off the block when he enters his early to mid 30s if he wants to stay somewhat close to his current level of efficiency.

                Last thing related to these points- I don't believe a player's career should be measured simply by the awards they won. Lots of times, the awards will naturally come as players get better and better. But if we are truly looking at how much a player positively influences his team's winning % then the discussion has to be about more than just awards. Example- I think that Lebron taking that Cavs team in 2007 to the NBA Finals was one of the more impressive feats in NBA history, yet, lots of people will almost count that against him when talking about his legacy because he "Lost in the Finals, something MJ never did". If you look at that roster on that '07 team, I think there are maybe 1-2 other players in NBA history that could have brought that team to the NBA finals. So my point is, the awards/championships, etc. are a piece of the puzzle when evaluating a player's legacy but other measures complete the puzzle such as WARP, PER, adjusted plus minus, opinions of players/coaches, opinions of other experts and of course what your own eyes tell you.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sinobball View Post
                  Why is it not probable? Right now, LeBron has the same # of rings as MJ at the same age. MJ also took 2 voluntary breaks from playing afterwards. If you look at the NBA landscape, it's not hard to imagine the Heat repeatedly winning the title in the next few years.

                  As far as # of regular season MVPs, I also think LeBron will surpass MJ. DPOY too. So other than slam dunk champion, what MJ accomplishment is impossible for LeBron to reach?

                  BTW I don't like LeBron at all.
                  No way that LeBron will pass a legend like Jordan was...


                  • #10
                    As of now Lebron is playing really great. However were talking bout greatness of all time as of the moment. There are just too many factors to consider on how we can consider the player as the greatest. Aside from the records in which Lebron never was able to accomplish yet, we also have to look how dominant they were. MJ was 6-6 the only one amongst considered greatest to have the record. MJ was a Defensive Player of the Year, a feat where i think only him and payton took and no other guard had. MJ played in an era where the defense is considered harder than it is now. Lebron with Miami even when he had the three (wade,bosh,allen) had difficulty on disposing a Pacer Team. Kudos to this young team but i really dont think they are as great as Ewings' Knicks, Malones' Jazz Olajuwons' Rocket, Robinsons' Spurs, Kemps' supersonics, Reggies' Pacers, Barkleys' Suns and Even a young Shaqs' Magic - MJ totally dominated these teams why dominated? because he won 2 - 3peats and if he didnt retire? who knows. If your old enough to watch MJ played, everyone knows that on critical moments he always took control and a 30 point almost everygame is just so easy for him. His numbers rise up during the playoffs and as most of us know, he hates losing. I admit that am an MJ fan waking up very early morning just to see a live game but who didnt? Almost everyone on that time watched if the Bulls played and everywhere he played its always fullpacked. Lebrons goin to be one of the best who ever play the game but the greatest? am up for a debate.


                    • #11
                      I agree that LeBron is great, but Jordan has 6 rings from 6 finals which LeBron will never done even with this kind of team like Miami Heat... Plus he was such a bigger role model than LeBron is , Lebron is just a douchebag


                      • #12
                        Comparing LeBron to the Greatest Ever

                        I believe you can never compare LeBron James to Michael Jordan because both are from very different eras, both play different positions and both have totally different styles.

                        In regards to comparing LeBron James to an All Time Great, then you would compare him to either Magic Johnson or Larry Bird.

                        LeBron's a 6'8" Point Forward or has he would like to call himself, "Power Guard" and Magic was a 6'9" 220 lbs Point Guard and Larry Bird was a 6'9" Point Forward.

                        I would still put Magic and Larry ahead of LeBron if you had to compare them in respect to individual achievements and team achievements.
                        "No hay poder en el mundo que pueda cambiar el destino"
                        -El Padrino



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