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Where does the Celtics - Lakers Rivalry rank in World Sports?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lewis View Post
    Red Sox vs Yankees is mile away from any other rivalry is sports, there is NOTHING in this world that can compare to that. PERIOD.
    while 80% of world don't even know what is yankees and red sox

    bigest rivalrys are football ones...that's the most popular sport in world. real-barca, milan-juventus...etc. then comes the rest

    celtics-lakers are among top in terms of quality and popularity (maybe top 30), but in terms of intensity, fan hate etc they are out top 100...mostley it's media hype
    Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


    • #17
      I'm curious, taking other sports out of the equation how would everyone rank Basketball rivalries?
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      • #18
        Originally posted by Lewis View Post
        lol where did you come from? I wasn't eve talking to you

        anyway, when did I say soccer was not worldwide exactly? seriously did I even say that, so stop putting word in my mouth, if you don't have an argument don't say anything please.

        I guess Dtown summed it up pretty well, it all depends on how you measure a rivalry. Though I don't thing a rivalry should be measure by the number of fans or how big the sport is but by how much each team (and their fans) hate each other and for how much the want an excuse to start beating the hell out of each other.

        these is what defines a rivalry for me not the number of fans (what the hell those fan # has to do with this anyway)

        very nice...for USA

        if euros start putting fan fights etc. here to comfirm rivalry forum will be blocked
        Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Dtown View Post
          I'm curious, taking other sports out of the equation how would everyone rank Basketball rivalries?
          quality, popularity wise celtics-lakers tops evreyone

          but itensity, hate etc. belongs to europ, south america...
          Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


          • #20
            Originally posted by ArkadiosV2
            No, actually you decided that you were gonna call a sport played with hands "football" and rename the original thing with "borrowed soccer".
            if it makes you feel better you guys do the same exact thing

            you guys call (American)Football: "handball" when there is already a pretty popular sport that's called like that.

            don't you think handball fans would also get upset about it, the same way you get upset when someone called "American football" football
            why the double standard


            • #21
              Originally posted by Lewis View Post
              if it makes you feel better you guys do the same exact thing

              you guys call (American)Football: "handball" when there is already a pretty popular sport that's called like that.

              don't you think handball fans would also get upset about it, the same way you get upset when someone called "American football" football
              why the double standard
              actually we call (american) football, american football...sometimes in croatia we say american rugby to (in fact that's most closest description of that sport) and football we call football
              Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


              • #22
                Originally posted by ArkadiosV2
                Difference between US and Europe
                To be fair, who needs to beat people when you can tase them.

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                • #23
                  Originally posted by pohani komarac View Post
                  while 80% of world don't even know what is yankees and red sox

                  bigest rivalrys are football ones...that's the most popular sport in world. real-barca, milan-juventus...etc. then comes the rest

                  celtics-lakers are among top in terms of quality and popularity (maybe top 30), but in terms of intensity, fan hate etc they are out top 100...mostley it's media hype

                  2,166,535,424 (population of countries where baseball is #1, countries wherer baseball is popular but not the main sport are not included)

                  not saying that baseball is more popular (or even as popular as) than soccer but 80%?? c'mon now. Just because is not popular in Europe dpes not mean that is not popular, Europe is not the center of the world y'know (unlike what most Europeans think)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ArkadiosV2
                    Good point. How about "rugby for sissies" ?
                    nah, that's already taken, that's how people here refer to soccer
                    good try though

                    btw, since you brought that up, let's see what science has to say about that



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Lewis View Post

                      2,166,535,424 (population of countries where baseball is #1, countries wherer baseball is popular but not the main sport are not included)

                      not saying that baseball is more popular (or even as popular as) than soccer but 80%?? c'mon now. Just because is not popular in Europe dpes not mean that is not popular, Europe is not the center of the world y'know (unlike what most Europeans think)
                      or US is not ceter of the world like most americans behive

                      number is just description (but I wouldn't be so sure number is do know that many people don't even bother with sport).....fact is bigest rivally are from most popular sport of the world. football has big fan base evreywhere, even in USA, unlike baseball who almost has none in quite big part of the world....and it's not world as sport junkie didn't even know untill today that those are rivals and i have espn on tv, tough i did hear for them, but didn't know about rivaly...that's the difret. even in countries where football isn't top sport still has big fan base, ulike baseball

                      when it comes to passion, itensity,'s out of top 100 for sure
                      Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Lewis View Post
                        2,166,535,424 (population of countries where baseball is #1, countries wherer baseball is popular but not the main sport are not included)

                        Baseball is frankly a minor sport worldwide, it's not even in the Olympics anymore.
                        aim low, score high


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by sinobball View Post

                          Baseball is frankly a minor sport worldwide, it's not even in the Olympics anymore.
                          that has nothing to do with being popular, baseball is not in the Olympics because The Olympics are control by Europeans who only care about European games and politics

                          cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world, but it is not in the Olympics ( and please let's not get into the Cricket is not a sport but a game argument pls)

                          actually sinobbal is you look at the tv ratings, baseball is up there with soccer, basketball, rugby, cricket, handball and hockey. among the most watched sports in the world. surpassing sports other really popular sports like Volleyball, water polo and tennis

                          being in the Olympics doesn't mean that a sport is popular these days, it's all about the anti-American and anti-Latin American bias. After all how many people really do Equestrian or even watch it, and that crap is actually in the Olympics

                          actually I counted the population of Mexico there as well, I forgot that Baseball is second to football there.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Lewis View Post

                            actually I counted the population of Mexico there as well, I forgot that Baseball is second to football there.
                            I still don't buy this number. Are you saying 2.2 billion (that's 1/3 of the world) watches baseball as their #1 sport? You can't be serious. Baseball outside America is only played in places like Cuba, Dominican Republic, Taiwan, and even in Japan and South Korea football clearly is #1. So educate me on how you got the number.
                            aim low, score high


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by sinobball View Post
                              Taiwan, and even in Japan and South Korea football clearly is #1. So educate me on how you got the number.
                              I wouldn't say clearly with Japan. Baseball is still hugely popular over there. Every source I've seen has it either number #1 or too close to call.

                              That said the 2 billion number is hard to swallow, especially if you're only counting nations where it's most popular. By that logic you can't even count the United States.
                              Pistons: 2021-22 Let the Motorcade begin!!

                              Bronze medal 2013 Eurobasket prediction Game.


                              • #30
                                Panama, Mexico, USA, Canada, The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Japan, Korea, China Taipei, Cuba, Netherlands Antilles, Venezuela, Cartagena & Barranquilla (Col), New South Wales & Victoria (Aus) Guayaquil (Ecu), Parma (Ita) and São Paulo and Paraná (Bra), I took their total population and that is pretty much all

                                that two billion most be wrong though



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