Originally posted by sinobball
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PHX owner has team to wear "Los Suns" to protest immigration law
Originally posted by Lewis View Postsinobball I'm 100 % sure that if this law were directed towards Chinese/Asian people you'd the first one to speak up in this forum and would be as disgusted as about 40 % of us who still has a functioning brain in this country.
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sinobball I'm 100 % sure that if this law were directed towards Chinese/Asian people you'd the first one to speak up in this forum and would be as disgusted as about 40 % of us who still has a functioning brain in this country.
Imagine, you're walking down the street and a cop stop you and ask you for you document, let's say you forgot them at home, so he then proceed to arrest you and treat you like an average criminal. Then you asking him "but what have I done?, what's my crime officer" and he tells you that he arrested you because you look Chinese
How would you feel then
Illegal immigration in Arizona, and any area near Mexico for that Matter is crazy, and it as certainly become a HUGE social issue, and has brought us a lot of problems, So I do believe that Illegal Immigration should be radically tackle, this wave of undocumented coming in and out of the country at will by illegal means, Must not be permitted. BUT THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO THAT, this is a violation to Human Rights violations, there is no need to humiliate a person for looking different/foreign/non-American.
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Originally posted by sinobball View PostSomewhat related... This is what mixing politics and basketball can do... sigh
But don't worry, Sarah "You Betcha'" Palin is on the way.
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Somewhat related... This is what mixing politics and basketball can do... sigh
Illinois School Nixes Basketball Team's Trip to Arizona Over Immigration Law
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Originally posted by perucho123 View Postimmigration is a complicated issue in america. unlike europe america is a country of immigrants. in america you see last names like ruggerio,lopez,o'flaugherty,eick,shwartz,wentz,joh ansson, jackson etc.. you get my point. the problem is that america is in a economical reseccion. so many americans are forgetting their past because of the economical pinch. compettition for jobs, housing, etc... plus sept. 11 created resentment and mistrust towards immigrants, even though latins were not envolved, they get the backlash. plus a small group of right wing ,white supremacist have controlled the immigration debate and are using that as well as a black president to fuel their comeback.Originally posted by mvblair View PostThat's right. We're getting off-topic, but you're right that immigration is not really a big issue when the economy is good. Immigrants have always been easy "scapegoats" for when the economy is bad.
Not to mention but all through the 90s I heard the immigration debate. It's a good wedge issue for Republicans to attach Democrats on.
Again, nothing new.
Also, I would say that Obama is mixed (being both black and white). Not to mention that there have been more raids and harsher laws against "illegals" under Obama's first year then Bush's worse (best?).
Originally posted by kisssabayhug View PostI look at the jerseys and I start thinking, "Nice gesture, but shouldn't that read LOS SOLES?"
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I look at the jerseys and I start thinking, "Nice gesture, but shouldn't that read LOS SOLES?"
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Originally posted by Czarkazem13 View PostRush Limbaugh called this "who called the move sad and shortsighted." LOL. That's how I feel about the law (and actually Rush Limbaugh for that matter).The real problem is how all the Latino baseball players are reacting and that the All-Star Game will be there next year I believe.
Originally posted by perucho123the problem is that america is in a economical reseccion. so many americans are forgetting their past because of the economical pinch.
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immigration is a complicated issue in america. unlike europe america is a country of immigrants. in america you see last names like ruggerio,lopez,o'flaugherty,eick,shwartz,wentz,joh ansson, jackson etc.. you get my point. the problem is that america is in a economical reseccion. so many americans are forgetting their past because of the economical pinch. compettition for jobs, housing, etc... plus sept. 11 created resentment and mistrust towards immigrants, even though latins were not envolved, they get the backlash. plus a small group of right wing ,white supremacist have controlled the immigration debate and are using that as well as a black president to fuel their comeback.
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As long as the Suns keep winning I doubt they'll suffer any fan backlash, people will be angry mutter about "liberals" for a day, then see they're up 2-0 against the Spurs and get over it. If they don't there will be others to take their spot.
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Originally posted by sinobball View PostPHX' Latino owner has team to wear "Los Suns" to protest immigration law
Originally posted by LordOfLeyte View PostPolitical gesture by Phoenix Suns, a rarity in sports, angers many fans
"Davies said Sarver's decision is nowhere close to the historical events in which sports figures fought to eliminate racial barriers." Old tactic, fighting for civil rights back then was good (even though I wonder if they would truly have been for it back then), but now it's somehow different. This is not about letting "illegals" run rampant, but from stoping a possible direction towards a police state. Many U.S. citizens (especially Latinos) could be subject to harrassmant by cops just based on how they look (already happens, but now cops would have a law to back it up).
The real problem is how all the Latino baseball players are reacting and that the All-Star Game will be there next year I believe.
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