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NBA's New Travel Rules - Stern's Vision For Euroleague/FIBA

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  • NBA's New Travel Rules - Stern's Vision For Euroleague/FIBA

    Remember when they changed the rules at the 2008 Olympic games to allow Team USA to travel? To take 3 steps without dribbling and to take a step in the initial move with a dribble? Remember when the NBA officially changed its rules before this season to the same, so that now the NBA is claiming such is "within the rules"?

    Now the NBA has a new rule it has started for the playoffs which allows the player to jump in the air with the ball and return to the court with the ball - without traveling. This is the future of Euroleague/FIBA if David Stern is continued to allow to change and manipulate the game's rules so much in order to make an "entertainment show".

    Something has to be done about this because Stern is having complete influence in all the rules to ULEB and FIBA and even they keep changing them just because he tells them to. The NBA is rapidly becoming a joke that is equivalent to the WWE wrestling and we can't allow this to happen to the European game.

    If you want an example of what is now this new non travel in NBA rules where you can jump in the air with the ball and keep it and then hit the floor and not be called for a travel, look at this:

    This is now considered a legal dribble in the NBA, as is the taking a step in your initial move without dribbling and taking 3 steps without a dribble (even though if you watch the NBA you already know 4-5 steps without a dribble is allowed by the refs).

    So we can expect not only the making a move without a dribble and the 4-5 steps without a dribble like at the 2008 Olympics at the 2010 Worlds, but we can also expect the allowing of jumping in the air with the ball and coming back to the floor still with the ball as being legal as well.

    This is becoming ridiculous and absurd. So what can we do about this to stop this and prevent it from ruing the international game? It's getting out of hand now and going way too far. The NBA can't be allowed to continue this.

    Should we complain as fans directly to ULEB and FIBA or what?
    Last edited by FIBA Europe Basket; 05-05-2010, 12:36 AM.

  • #2
    I believe that in the NBA, they called it the "Pro-Hop" conned from the term "Only in the Pros" meaning legal in the NBA. On street ball it is called the "Side-Sweep"


    • #3
      In my ideal basketball world, i want everyone to use a single, unified set of rules (for obvious reasons)

      Thing is, the more powerful entity will EVENTUALLY force other leagues to adjust to their own rules.

      We have seen this with the adjustments of the trapezoidal to rectangular lanes; moving the 3PT line farther away, etc in the past years...

      This is almost an assurance that it will happen eventually.
      If there is no basketball in heaven, i am NOT going.

      SMALLBALL, bitches..


      • #4
        Originally posted by FIBA Europe Basket View Post
        This is now considered a legal dribble in the NBA
        Only if LeBron does it (OK maybe Wade too). It's his patented move, called "Crab Dribble".

        aim low, score high


        • #5
          i wont be surprised if there will be a rule like 3 point dunk.

          FIBA is dumb if they bend into NBA-ish ballgame.
          i'll go for Basketball as a sport..not basketball as entertainment.


          • #6
            But how is this different from a normal jumpstop? There might have been a small additional step before the jumpstop but that's difficult to see. I'm pretty sure this play would have counted in Europe too. It just looks strange because he jumps so high between two players.

            The illness is rather that 80% (no joke) of the players lift their pivot foot before the dribble. Impossible to keep a player in front of you. Often you see a player establish let's say the left foot as a pivot foot, do a jab step (by that time you know there's, by the rules, only one way for him to start the dribble), then suddenly lift the pivot foot and push off of the other foot, then put the ball on the floor. He's around you before you can move a muscle. Like here:


            • #7
              Originally posted by weward View Post
              i wont be surprised if there will be a rule like 3 point dunk.

              FIBA is dumb if they bend into NBA-ish ballgame.
              i'll go for Basketball as a sport..not basketball as entertainment.
              You make it sound like it's a completely different sport. It's not. Fact is, NBA is more entertaining because they have more talented players.
              If there is no basketball in heaven, i am NOT going.

              SMALLBALL, bitches..


              • #8
                Total degradation. Stern and other greedy basterds should be killed on sight. I am 100% serious. Basketball is one of the greatest things in history of man kind, its social and culture value is unlimited. All world uniting thing - that is just simply great. Yes there are constant changes in basketball rules - game is dynamic and progress fast. But making 4-5 steps legal and allowing this lebrons crab dribble bullshit... I swear I am gonna vomit. Isn't those millions they earn not enough? Why they need more dunks, why they damage the game. This retardization of basketball must be over.. If fans are OK with this rule - then basketball is officially died. FUCK YOU KING CRAB and FUCK YOU DAVID STERN AND YOUR BITCHES


                • #9
                  Man with the NBA becoming like WWE I just want to know when can we see the DDP or the XPac moves! WOOO!

                  "A nationality that easily feels wronged is an insecure one, and one that will be difficult to progress."-Anonymous


                  • #10
                    Oh my god, little bit of favourite whistle for Lebron, which is laughable even in US commentators eyes, and this [Unnecessary: deleted] Fiba Europe is getting heart attack, getting some help from his berserked Lithuanian [Unnecessary: deleted]
                    Have a drink, relax and [Unnecessary: deleted] if you're so into killing.
                    Last edited by rikhardur; 05-08-2010, 08:42 PM.



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