Originally posted by rikhardur
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I don't have a problem with Carmelo taking that three when he's on fire, simply from a game standpoint of "anything can happen". I've seen some uber-amazing comebacks in my life and even when the USA was up by 28 and then Argentina went on an 8-0 or 10-0 run I thought "get Lebron back in there". In single elimination games you can't hold anything back and if a guy like Carmelo is on fire, heck, take the shot and strengthen the lead.
That seems to be a totally different and separate point from the whole disrespect thing. For instance, when Carmelo yelled "Get the fuck out" or whatever he yelled on that rebound, that should not be a part of the sport. It doesn't bother me that much since I grew up playing with some guys that believe that acts like that are simply 'part of the game'. I wish it wasn't a part of the game, personally, I've never liked the 'macho' side of basketball, talking trash and putting down your opponents. Some of it is playful but sometimes it gets taken over the line and becomes disrespectful, IMO.
The chest thumping may look ugly to foreigners (and I'm not a big fan of it either as it seems to scream "look at me!!!!" instead of celebrating the lead or the great pass that got you the shot with your teammates) but it is not as ugly of a thing to Americans, I think it is a cultural thing. Kind of like when Chris Paul got mad at Pau Gasol during the NBA season because Pau touched Chris' head after a play. In American culture it is not normal for a man to touch another man's head unless he is intending to disrespect him in some way.