Well, as I expected Argentina outplayed our NT in all possible ways. they are damn good.
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Group B, Day 1: Argentina vs. Lithuania
Originally posted by macleopard13 View PostDoesn't matter which one will win - either way, it will be a close game. True, our 2008 team played a high IQ basketball type of game, as did Argentina, but in recent years, we've evolved to play fast-paced, intense basketball along with aggressive defense (never mind the friendly games - real tournaments are what counts). This type of basketball caused Argentina problems two years ago, as their old veterans could no longer keep up with our youngsters.
we were evolving in the right way (2010), but then Kemzura changed his approach and called back Ĺ aras, Kaukėnas, Songaila, brothers... and our basketball has taken a step back. Now our team is very not clear: we have experienced players, but they compared with the Argentine's veterans look like a mummy's. We have talented players, but they either do not play in a team, or have no opportunities to show what they can. it's sadRemember September 2003!!!
Originally posted by pablonis View PostFirst of all, congratulations to Argentina. They played much better than us and fully deserved the victory.
On a side note, watching the Argentines play makes me feel ashamed to belong to the sex of men - bunch of floppers and drama queens, that make Cristiano Ronaldo look like a lumberjack from Canada.
Any man who likes basketball like this Argentina. Thats pure joy to watchJordi Bertomeu sucks!
Originally posted by pohani komarac View Postthey lookeed ok compared to few luberjack and dirty moves by Lithuania players. Especially Klieza move on Nocioni
Any man who likes basketball like this Argentina. Thats pure joy to watch)
Last edited by Shawshank; 07-30-2012, 09:32 AM.
Originally posted by Shawshank View Postif we compare scolas and nocioni "dirty tricks" inside kleiza looks like clean player.Even that nocioni fall kleiza only touched him and he was flying like bird over table...ofcourse its flooping and replay shown that very clear.Lithuanian basketball always were cleaner and with way less acting than any of the american team.But this is part of basketball ... yesterday argentina just kicked our asses in very impresive style and not because of flooping or dirty tricks ,trhey just totally outplayed us in every category.But doint put finger on dirty play of other teams,when you have on your team scolas and nocioni(those 2 almost in every game are searching for fight partners in opponents team)
Jordi Bertomeu sucks!
yeah he pushed him,but it was running contact betwteen two big bodies and one of those big bodies looked like girl with flooping and melodrama flying over table...Have who watched this aregntina team ever? match agains spain,usa they were fighting,when begin to loosing,making intentionals fouls...James running in fast brake some argentina from behind put him down holding his shoulder when his in air... even yesterday kalnietis running to dunk ginobili bum form behind it was way dangerous than nocioni moments,because kalnietis was in the air... what about scolas trick on ibakas head one week ago? what about nocioni elbow stright to javtokas in 2008 olimpics? Comon lithuanians only kleiza is a bit wild,other are very calm players,jasikevicius is whinner not dirty player,they dont use wrestling elements in game... We lost but we dont begin to wrestling as argentina does when they lose... Nobody disgraced argentina game,i reapeted they just outplayed us,but dont act than lithuanian playing dirty,when argentina is ahead of us in this area...and ofcourse americans is better actors and acts more its normal.Its in their blood to act and make melodramas...venezual QF tiurnaments venezualins with vazques was just fun to watch those "im saving my country" melodramas on the cuoratargentinians have similiar blood, but for me its ok,i dont see problem here, every nation have their own style,their own attitude. BUT WE LITHUANINS NEVER WERe DIRTY PLAYING COUNTRY NEVER! we are juts trying to play hard and fair.Play hard its not dirty,dirty is intentional moves like holding shoulders in air or ibakas head...I see you from croatia and former jugoslavia schols players always were very smart floopers ,so you should know even better about flooping in basketball.Even your M.Popovich is very keen in this area,but after some years in zalgiris,hes now flooping less ,because he seen that it doesnt work in our league.I never could understand how 2m00 100kg men can fly 5 metres after contact with similiar men as some are showing...i didnt thought kleixza is so strong that he can push nocioni without even using hands 3m to stands
Bottom line argentina is very strong and tallented team,and plays superb basketball when the game goes their way,but sometimes look how they act when things dont go that good...Last edited by Shawshank; 07-30-2012, 11:19 AM.
Argentina played perfect basketball no matter Lithuania's average (to say the least?) defence. If they will keep this level, they will win some kind of a medal.
As for Lithuania, I think a bad start might work out well for us. We started very strong in 2004 and 2008 and we missed something in the do or die games. Personally, I think the key wasn't even defence - our both point guards were sinking the team...You wouldn't call that a good game.
Lithuania will bounce back. I'm pretty sure.LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
Originally posted by Hepcat View PostYes, that's what every team wants. But do they exist in Lithuania?
When washed up Jaska and Kaukenas are gifting one ball after another to their opponents, there's not much you can do really...Kemzura is digging his own grave with such approach and I can't wait till this clown is out of NT. I'm sure my feelings are not alone on this matter too
Originally posted by Hepcat View PostYes, that's what every team wants. But do they exist in Lithuania?
Last edited by Raze Lupin; 07-30-2012, 04:52 PM.