Yes I did watch the ESPN feed via the online broadcast that I posted below. The only deficiencies I picked up from the commentators were that the US has not called a timeout and that the need to. Then finally they called their first timeout in all the games they have played thus far.
Yes there was mention of the "elite" teams Greece, Spain and Argentina and maybe a comment that they need to prepare for them but I didnt hear him put them above the US team.
I personally did not hear much crtisicism on the US team and found it a bit more of "look how great this team is" type commentating. Example like is Redd the best shooter in the world? Isnt Kobe the #1 Time athlete of the year etc
Yes there was mention of the "elite" teams Greece, Spain and Argentina and maybe a comment that they need to prepare for them but I didnt hear him put them above the US team.
I personally did not hear much crtisicism on the US team and found it a bit more of "look how great this team is" type commentating. Example like is Redd the best shooter in the world? Isnt Kobe the #1 Time athlete of the year etc
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