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Retired players from national team after 2014 WC

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  • Retired players from national team after 2014 WC

    Announced today:

    Tiene 37 años y debutó en la Selección en el 2003 tras una gran campaña en España. Fue integrante del plantel que obtuvo la medalla de bronce en Beijing 2008.

    Tiene 34 años y jugó uno de sus torneos más flojos en la Selección. Debuto en el equipo mayor en 1999, pero desde 1995 ya vistió la camiseta con la selección de cadetes. Fue campeón olímpico en Atenas 2004, sub campeón mundial 2002 y medalla de bronce en Beijing 2008

    Tiene 34 años y jugó por primera vez en la Selección para los cadetes en 1993. Ganó la medalla de oro en Atenas 2004, fue sub campeón mundial en 2002 y bronce en Beijing 2008. Jugó en la Selección 135 partidos oficiales.

    La eliminación ante Brasil en el Mundial de Madrid fue el punto final para varios intérpretes de la Generación Dorada
    Old Profile: GustavoGanso (Since 2010)

  • #2
    Rasko Katic will retire from Serbian NT!!! xD
    Republic of CRVENA ZVEZDA


    • #3
      From Puerto rico Daniel Santiago, maybe Carlos Arroyo.


      • #4
        Kerems of TR (Gonlum & Tunceri) should both retire from the NT.


        • #5
          Jimmy Alapag from Philippines and maybe Gary David.


          • #6
            I dont believe Nocioni will retire.34 is too young for Argentina NT.I have my doubts about Prigioni too.


            • #7
              What about spanish golden generation? Is it too early for them? Maybe they want to play Olympics in Brazil for the last time...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Toxicity View Post
                What about spanish golden generation? Is it too early for them? Maybe they want to play Olympics in Brazil for the last time...
                Reyes will retire, Navarro will probably try to play in Río (his fifth olympics games), Pau Gasol and Calderón could try to play in Río, too.Marc and Rudy have only 29 and the others are young (more or less).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mr Chacho View Post
                  Reyes will retire, Navarro will probably try to play in Río (his fifth olympics games), Pau Gasol and Calderón could try to play in Río, too.Marc and Rudy have only 29 and the others are young (more or less).
                  Yeah, i was referring to those who won the U20 WC... so the 1980/1981 born...


                  • #10
                    Rio 2016 is the last tournament from our players

                    Nene, Varejao and Barbosa will be 34.
                    Garcia, Giovannoni will be 36.
                    M.Machado will be 41 (I don't think he will play).

                    Huertas will be 33, Marquinhos 32, Splitter 31. Hettsheimeir 30.

                    the last four probably will continue to 2018 WC (or 2019 I dont know). Maybe one of our NBAers too.

                    but today Raul Neto is better than Huertas, so the next tournament probably he will be the first PG.
                    Old Profile: GustavoGanso (Since 2010)


                    • #11
                      What I think, in this days, a healthly player can play on high level until 36 years old. But players with serious injury problem maybe can reach that age, but not playing in highest level. (Case of Santiago of PUR). He can play, but limited minutes, I don't know exaclty, but 1/2 of his best basketball.

                      ok too many games in just few games, but is a small competition, with high technology psychal preparation, alimentation, its possible.
                      Old Profile: GustavoGanso (Since 2010)


                      • #12
                        As for Lithuania, WC2014 should be the last tournament for Kšyštof (for sure) and Darjuš (maybe)


                        • #13
                          Hanno Möttölä retired for Finland.

                          It was kind of expected considering his age started to affect his performance a lot. Kind of a big deal since he's considered the best of all time for Finland (Koponen still has few years to go before he can be called that) and he's the first ever Finnish NBA player etc.


                          • #14
                            For South Korea:

                            Kim Joo-Sung 34yrs
                            Yang Dong-Geun 32yrs (Maybe)
                            Moon Tae-Jong 38yrs
                            Sacramento Kings
                            HERE WE STAY UNTIL THE COWBELLS COME HOME


                            • #15
                              Nenad Krstić announced his retirement from national team after todays game.
                              Originally posted by Jon_Koncak
                              That's funny shit.I cant believe there are sports fans thinking like it.It's like Federer losing to random Japanese player in round 1 of French Open but tournament director stepping in and saying "hey it was a fluke win who wants to watch a random Japanese guy in next round,Federer qualifies"



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