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PLEASE Do Not Support FIBA Anymore

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  • #16
    Poor VS666.
    5 out 6 scientists say Russian roulette is safe.


    • #17
      Originally posted by PRSURF View Post

      If Fiba continue like that, will going down!
      Indeed,referees totally sided with Greece at the last minute and gave them the match but nooooooo noone is gonna talk about that cause clearly the more Greek members the more whining about Turkey. In Turkey-Greece game the refs totally sided with Greece again, you can watch the first 2 quarters again and talk about it anytime you want.

      I dont think it's a setup or anything though,just depends on the refs. Although clearly they indeed got some message from their supervisors to be tougher.


      • #18
        I don't think that any referee will ever make a mistake by purpose on a high level like this. Surely as players referee's can get effected by the home crowd chantings. Yes referee's are making mistakes but players are also making mistakes. Do you ever call a player who miss an empty dunk cheating ? No you just laugh and move on. Basically you need to act the same way when a referee makes a mistake. In all huge tournaments surely home team will have advantage just because of the home crowd. Nothing more. Putting Fiba into conspiracy theories is just pure childish attitude.


        • #19
          Why do we always blame the refs after lost games I don't understand? Why don't we praise their good calls but always curse them when they make a wrong call? Players or coaches of our teams make stupid mistakes to lose the match but at the end it's always the refs. They also are human beings and they can make mistakes like everybody. No need for conspiracy theories.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Srle View Post
            You have youtube, Fiba Tv google it etc Serbia vs Turkey was so rigged its not even funny. Refs were great in the first half and when they saw that Turkey couldn"t do nothing to Serbia with the fair referring they did everything to push Turkey into the finals. Some of the situations in the last minute and half were hilarious Krstic foul on Erden, Onan hitting Teodosic while he was talking with the ref goes unpunished , that should have been technical foul, Asik's acting job , refs didn"t do nothing about it, last Serbian basket by Velickovic was under the obvious foul by the Turkish player and even last possession by Serbia at 0,5 on that lay up Velickovic was fouled. Hey Turkish federation offered 1,000,000 dollars to every of its own players I could just imagine how much money they have thrown under the table to FIBA. This was one of the most disgusting robbery's in the last 10 years it can be measured with that game between Croatia and Spain in 2005 in Belgrade . Weaker team is playing final today its shame.
            Why don't you mention the final match of FIBA 2002 World championships ? Don't you think that the refereeing between Yugoslavia and Argentina in the last minutes of the match was shocking ?
            If those who cry foul now did the same back then, then it's OK!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Keisukehonda View Post
              Indeed,referees totally sided with Greece at the last minute and gave them the match but nooooooo noone is gonna talk about that cause clearly the more Greek members the more whining about Turkey. In Turkey-Greece game the refs totally sided with Greece again, you can watch the first 2 quarters again and talk about it anytime you want.

              I dont think it's a setup or anything though,just depends on the refs. Although clearly they indeed got some message from their supervisors to be tougher.
              Give me a break. You like it or not TURKEY WAS PUSHED BY REFS ALL THE WAY TO THE FINAL. In every single game. How can anybody speaks about the PR Vs GREECE game when we all saw the TURKEY Vs PR game....LOL

              Is it matter though? not really! FIBA and refs always playing home. This year simply was too obvious because Turkey had a good team to grab this help and make something out of it.

              Good luck to Turkey and US at the final.
              GERA ELLADARA MOU!!!!!


              • #22
                FIBA Europe Basket,I won't watch the final game because you asked so nicely or because of your solid reasoning-you can choose whatever makes you feel better.

                I feel sorry for anybody who takes bb too seriously.It's a game guys! It's (supposed to be) fun!
                And this forum gives us the opportunity to meet people from other nationalities,to speak about the game we love,to have some laughs,to do some teasing and kidding,but.....nationalistic hate?

                Are you serious?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by FIBA Europe Basket View Post
                  There were so many games that the refs CLEARLY rigged.


                  Argentina - Lithuania


                  Yeah I had a feeling Fiba Mafia had something to do with the fact that Lithuanians couldn't miss in the first half (bigger rim, I guess ?) and a 32 point lead in the third was achieved only because of the evil refs. This game was CLEARLY rigged


                  • #24
                    Australia - Argentina - haven't seen this game.

                    Argentina - Brazil - where have you seen bad calls? Argentina won because of Scola's unbelievable game.

                    Turkey - Greece - agree, but that wasn't so terrible.

                    Spain - Greece - was some bad calls for both side. Human-factor.

                    Argentina - Lithuania - yeah, refs made those 8 3pointers at the start of the game, they also have been defending Scola too (yeah, they helped Javtokas)

                    USA - Russia - everything is fine by my eyes...

                    USA - Lithuania - yeah, refs sucked, but that's not never know what may happen, but USA was better. Maybe little, but better (maybe that calls changed everything, it hurts psychology)

                    Turkey - Serbia - Turkey won because of K.Tunčeri.
                    I'm on twitter


                    • #25
                      What's the time of the game anyway? So i may know when NOT to watch it?
                      If there is no basketball in heaven, i am NOT going.

                      SMALLBALL, bitches..


                      • #26
                        NBA should organize its own World Championship and kick out FIBA.


                        • #27
                          The game was awful, even in the first half when serbia was up, the criteria on one side was totally different. Turkish players were clobbering Serbians all over the place only ever 5th foul was called on the other side the refs were giving and ones and fouls out like candy. Lets not even talk about the blatent calls like the foul on Krstic in the last minute where he was standing 2meters away from the guy lol.

                          Like i said realistically Serbia was better by 15 points.

                          Because of all this i will be rooting for USA for the first and i hope last time in an international tournament.
                          My homage to The heroes:


                          • #28
                            Yes.Now that Vasilakopoulos is not pulling the strings anymore to hell with FIBA.
                            Last edited by Nireus; 09-12-2010, 10:31 AM. Reason: ...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by durden_tyler View Post
                              What's the time of the game anyway? So i may know when NOT to watch it?

                              21:30 GMT3. That's roughly 1:30 or 2:30 am Philippine Time.
                              Follow my blogs and tweets. and

                              Road To Rio 2016.

                              Kwentong Gilas ~ Gilas Serye. LMAO!!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by albiongate View Post
                                NBA should organize its own World Championship and kick out FIBA.




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