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Group C, Day 6, Russia vs. Greece

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  • Originally posted by mvblair View Post
    Perfect response.

    If anybody wants to talk politics, take it to the UN section.

    Let's return to talking about basketball. If people continue posting about politics, we (myself or one of the other mods) will temporarily close this thread. I don't want to offend anyone here. I'm not going to take sides. People want to read about basketball here. The UN section is the place to talk about history and politics.
    MvBlair, everything is OK, mate. But isn't it boring still to talk about Russia - Greece game in terms of basketball.. I guess Buzz just wanted to spice it up He knows Turkish people love spicy foods.

    And he promised to be a good boy too... So this conversation went pragmatic for both sides. And the readers will understand not to fight but to love each other... Any Greek Girl can PM me to talk about anything we share in common.


    • is the coffee greek, turkish, serbian or arab after all??? :P


      • Originally posted by wyopeq View Post
        Actually, they do not need to be true so much. Surely, historians do know them better. Those are the view that is seen from this part of the Aegean Sea. And the ones Buzz was talking about genocide, minority oppressions and etc are the views that are seen from the other part of the sea. My words are that much true if we consider Buzz's claims are true too. You got the point what I wanna say?

        That's why do not offend.
        Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
        A country without a memory is a country of madmen.
        George Santayana
        History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
        Karl Marx
        Historical research is here set down to preserve the memory of the past by putting on record the astonishing achievements both of our own and of other peoples; and more particularly, to show how they came into conflict.
        The father of history
        Herodotus of Halicarnassus(today Bodrum i think)

        These apply to both sides of the Aegean coast and the islands of course-lol

        Since you seem to be educated man i do not believe that you should stick with Greek,Turkish, textbooks about history but search more and more to find some truth if ever and if there is one.
        After all people of basket are no football animals.

        Pm me if you wish to discuss anything since i can't continue writing in this post.


        • This discussion is misplaced here,although it's very interesting.More interesting than talking about USA vs Angola game!

          There is already a thread,titled Greece and Turkey :

          Until we have some new games to talk about ,anyone can post his thoughts there. Discussion,even angry discussion, never hurt anyone.
          I am very interested to read the views of our neighbors Turks and my compatriots Greeks. I hope that the change of location won't discourage any of the previous posters.


          • First of all, I tought this is a Basketball forum. It won't be here any Political or Historical argument. I guess, no one here Politician or Historian. As far as I know if you are talking with History you have to submit real evident's.
            Arguing with this kind of Topics here defintly non sense.

            FYI; If Turkish or any other team prentend like Greek team done, I would say exactly some thing's . I hope it won't be like Eurovison Contest at Future. Greek lost against Southern Cyprus. Serbia lost aganist Montanegro etc.
            I can give many of example like that.

            If you have Basketball spirite you would be agree with me. Otherwise you have defence your National team with Historical or Economical issue's. Even you can add the topic like Dolma is belong Turks or Greek .

            Greek Nation has a lot of talented players. Like Spanulis, Papalukas. etc. We are wacthing them with pleasure and future I am sure that will introduce us many of new talent.

            I hope Greek National team dosen't apply this kind of ways anymore.


            • Originally posted by Dogukan Zorbey View Post
              First of all, I tought this is a Basketball forum. It won't be here any Political or Historical argument. I guess, no one here Politician or Historian. As far as I know if you are talking with History you have to submit real evident's.
              Arguing with this kind of Topics here defintly non sense.

              FYI; If Turkish or any other team prentend like Greek team done, I would say exactly some thing's . I hope it won't be like Eurovison Contest at Future. Greek lost against Southern Cyprus. Serbia lost aganist Montanegro etc.
              I can give many of example like that.

              If you have Basketball spirite you would be agree with me. Otherwise you have defence your National team with Historical or Economical issue's. Even you can add the topic like Dolma is belong Turks or Greek .

              Greek Nation has a lot of talented players. Like Spanulis, Papalukas. etc. We are wacthing them with pleasure and future I am sure that will introduce us many of new talent.

              I hope Greek National team dosen't apply this kind of ways anymore.

              Don't be so hypocritical. Choosing teams is nothing new. You can witness it in almost every international basketball tournament and in almost every sport for that matter.

              I think many people complained about this Greek team's loss against the Russians because they wanted to see them eliminated. Or perhaps, because they wanted Greece, Spain and the USA in one bracket, sothat of those three only one would procede to the quarters.

              Also, many Turks complained because they think this trickery is what eliminated them from the Eurobasket last year. That's why Tanjevic complained to Bouroussis after the match.

              PAO EUROPEAN CHAMPION 1996 - 2000 - 2002 - 2007 - 2009 - 2011 - 2024


              • Originally posted by chrisfiss View Post
       is the coffee greek, turkish, serbian or arab after all??? :P

                none. it is ethiopian. all the brewing methods that turks, greeks and arabs are using right now is derived from the ethiopian method, which is also know as the very first method to prepare coffee as a drink. before that, people were eating coffee beans, not drinking!

                you can google "ethiopian coffee ceremony" if you are really interested in those kind of stuff..


                • Originally posted by Victorious View Post
                  Don't be so hypocritical. Choosing teams is nothing new. You can witness it in almost every international basketball tournament and in almost every sport for that matter.

                  I think many people complained about this Greek team's loss against the Russians because they wanted to see them eliminated. Or perhaps, because they wanted Greece, Spain and the USA in one bracket, sothat of those three only one would procede to the quarters.

                  Also, many Turks complained because they think this trickery is what eliminated them from the Eurobasket last year. That's why Tanjevic complained to Bouroussis after the match.

                  Sorry but it is not choosing a team. Besides they could not able to chosee. Please do not defence that matter.

                  Regarding last year and Bouroussis. We lost by two points aganist Slovenia.
                  Because of Tunceri's injured. Might be you could not understand what Tanjevic
                  told to Bourousis. He told him you made same thing at last European Tournament. Then Bouroussis lost his control.


                  • Originally posted by Dogukan Zorbey View Post
                    Sorry but it is not choosing a team. Besides they could not able to chosee. Please do not defence that matter.
                    Nothing to add here. Greece chose opponents, they were 'punished' by the result, end of discussion...

                    Originally posted by Dogukan Zorbey View Post
                    Regarding last year and Bouroussis. We lost by two points aganist Slovenia.
                    Because of Tunceri's injured. Might be you could not understand what Tanjevic
                    told to Bourousis. He told him you made same thing at last European Tournament. Then Bouroussis lost his control.
                    this paragraph doesn't make any sense man...

                    Tanjevic had no job being there, Bouroussis got over-excited about it. Again, stop turning discussion in circles...


                    • Sorry but you are not chosing the oponent. Simlpy Greek team pretented.
                      It should be some kind of punishment against this kind of stiuations.

                      Originally posted by Kalashnikov View Post
                      Nothing to add here. Greece chose opponents, they were 'punished' by the result, end of discussion...

                      this paragraph doesn't make any sense man...

                      Tanjevic had no job being there, Bouroussis got over-excited about it. Again, stop turning discussion in circles...
                      Tanjevich can be any place. He can speak any one else there. There is no obligation for that. You can choose a team and Tanjevic dosen't speak cheaters.

                      Bulll shit. I guess this is the en of discussion. Don't tell me any more you choose the oponent.



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