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Adem Bona thread

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  • Adem Bona thread

    Adem Bona started balling only 1,5 years ago, yet the development he has been showing in this short span of time is impressive. His physical frame is already promising and he is learning so fast. He has so many deficiencies in his game, but if he continues to work like this and keeps on relying on his weaknesses as he has been doing so far then he can be a very interesting player. Great work ethic. Great potential.

    I swear when I first saw this guy 1,5 years ago he was not able to dribble even a little bit. And now see this...

    Sports is not only considered as a superiority of physical capability. Perception, intelligence and morality assist it as well. The strong with less intelligence and comprehension can not cope with the less strong but with sufficient intelligence and comprehension. I like the sportsman who is intelligent, agile as well as morally upright.
    Mustafa Kemal ATATURK

  • #2
    Originally posted by slice me nice View Post
    Adem Bona started balling only 1,5 years ago, yet the development he has been showing in this short span of time is impressive. His physical frame is already promising and he is learning so fast. He has so many deficiencies in his game, but if he continues to work like this and keeps on relying on his weaknesses as he has been doing so far then he can be a very interesting player. Great work ethic. Great potential.

    I swear when I first saw this guy 1,5 years ago he was not able to dribble even a little bit. And now see this...

    This is his first nt game after having one year personal bb training. Actually his first game in Turkey.


    • #3
      Originally posted by slice me nice View Post
      Adem Bona started balling only 1,5 years ago, yet the development he has been showing in this short span of time is impressive. His physical frame is already promising and he is learning so fast. He has so many deficiencies in his game, but if he continues to work like this and keeps on relying on his weaknesses as he has been doing so far then he can be a very interesting player. Great work ethic. Great potential.

      I swear when I first saw this guy 1,5 years ago he was not able to dribble even a little bit. And now see this...
      indeed, Slice. What is his story? is he really born in 2003? How did he end up in Turkey?
      5 out 6 scientists say Russian roulette is safe.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Toruko View Post

        This is his first nt game after having one year personal bb training. Actually his first game in Turkey.
        Yes. I watched this game in hall
        Sports is not only considered as a superiority of physical capability. Perception, intelligence and morality assist it as well. The strong with less intelligence and comprehension can not cope with the less strong but with sufficient intelligence and comprehension. I like the sportsman who is intelligent, agile as well as morally upright.
        Mustafa Kemal ATATURK


        • #5
          Originally posted by slice me nice View Post
          Adem Bona started balling only 1,5 years ago, yet the development he has been showing in this short span of time is impressive. His physical frame is already promising and he is learning so fast. He has so many deficiencies in his game, but if he continues to work like this and keeps on relying on his weaknesses as he has been doing so far then he can be a very interesting player. Great work ethic. Great potential.

          I swear when I first saw this guy 1,5 years ago he was not able to dribble even a little bit. And now see this...

          He is listed as 2003 born. Is it true tho?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Levenspiel View Post
            indeed, Slice. What is his story? is he really born in 2003? How did he end up in Turkey?


            I think Turkish wont be a problem for you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by saritasbora View Post
              He is listed as 2003 born. Is it true tho?
              Look at his childish face and you know its true. If hes older then not more than a couple month.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Toruko View Post
                haha, thanks.
                When I go to Turkey, though, the first a couple of hours, people hearing me talk look at me weird... not the pronunciation or choice words, about which I'm picky, but the broken flow of speech... but then everything gets back to normal quickly.
                Last edited by Levenspiel; 08-02-2019, 08:22 AM.
                5 out 6 scientists say Russian roulette is safe.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Levenspiel View Post
                  indeed, Slice. What is his story? is he really born in 2003? How did he end up in Turkey?
                  A Turkish coach who was working in Kuwait meets a African coach there. The African coach gets him to watch Bona's clips. The Turkish coach likes him and offers him to a basketball agent. Then he ends up in Turkey and starts to play for our Regional League.

                  You can never be 100% sure if he is '03 born or not. But he seems like that. The face is so childish so does his behaviors.
                  Sports is not only considered as a superiority of physical capability. Perception, intelligence and morality assist it as well. The strong with less intelligence and comprehension can not cope with the less strong but with sufficient intelligence and comprehension. I like the sportsman who is intelligent, agile as well as morally upright.
                  Mustafa Kemal ATATURK


                  • #10
                    Eurosport Türkiye ekibinden Kuzey Kılıç, FIBA U18 Avrupa Şampiyonası'nda Türkiye’yi başarıyla temsil eden Adem Bona’nın oyun özelliklerini kaleme aldı.

                    16 yaşındaki dev: Adem Bona

                    Eurosport Türkiye ekibinden Kuzey Kılıç, FIBA U18 Avrupa Şampiyonası'nda Türkiye’yi başarıyla temsil eden Adem Bona’nın oyun özelliklerini kaleme aldı.

                    Devşirme konusu Türkiye için daima bir ikilem yaratır. Başarılı olunan durumlarda, "Bu başarıda bir de Türk olmayan vardı." deriz. Başarının gelmediği durumlarda ise, "Onu devşirme yoluyla almayıp kendi oyuncularımızla devam etseydik en azından denemiş olurduk." deriz. 2003 doğumlu Adem Bona, bu demeçlere şimdiden yakalanmış gibi görünüyor. Zira genç oyuncu FIBA U18 Avrupa Şampiyonası'nda sergilediği performansla birlikte, ESPN'den The Stepien'e kadar hemen hemen bütün scout dünyasının ilgisini topladı.

                    Doğum tarihi: 28 Mart 2003
                    Uyruk: Nijerya
                    Takım: Pınar Karşıyaka
                    Boy: 205 cm
                    Kilo: 95 kg
                    Pozisyon: Uzun forvet
                    Onu öne çıkaran özelliği: Atletizm
                    En çok geliştirmesi gereken özelliği: Şut

                    2018-2019 sezonunda Basketbol Gençler Ligi’ndeki istatistikleri
                    Oynadığı maç sayısı: 26
                    Süre ortalaması: 23,1
                    Sayı ortalaması: 9,3
                    Ribaund ortalaması: 7,3
                    Asist ortalaması: 1,3
                    İsabetli şut yüzdesi: %55,3
                    İsabetli serbest atış yüzdesi: %55,2
                    Blok ortalaması: 2,4
                    Top çalma ortalaması: 0,6
                    Top kaybı ortalaması: 2,3

                    Adem Bona henüz 16 yaşındaki bir oyuncuya göre inanılmaz -bununla birlikte kariyerinin ilerleyen dönemlerinde geliştirmesi gereken- fiziksel özelliklere sahip. 205 santimetrelik boyunun yanı sıra kanat açıklığı 217 santimetre olan Adem, bu özelliğini atletizm zekâsıyla entegre ederek göze hoş gelen bir oyun sergiliyor. Hem tepeden hem de forvetlerden topu alıp kendi pozisyonunu yaratabiliyor, yani potaya penetre ederek skor üretebiliyor.

                    Adem kendi pozisyonunu yaratma konusunda başarılı ama bu konuda biraz sınırlı. Aslında kreatif üretim konusunda elit seviyede olmasına gerek yok, zira boyalı alana gömülü kaldığı zaman çok daha etkili. Potanın iki adımlık çevresinde etkin bitirici özelliğe sahip olan uzun forvet, özellikle dipten yaptığı topsuz katın ardından pozisyonu harika smaçlarla bitirebiliyor. Klasik tepe pick&roll oyununda ise içeriye tam zamanında devrilerek potayla arasındaki mesafeyi smaç, turnike veya yakın mesafe şuta kadar kısaltıyor. Tabii bazı pozisyonları alley-oop’la bitirdiğini söyleyebiliriz.

                    Hücum silahları
                    Üç sayılık atışlarda büyük sıkıntı yaşıyor. Orta mesafe şutlarda ise çok yüksek bir isabet yüzdesine sahip değil ancak gelecek adına ümit vadediyor. Yani şut mekanizması geliştirilebilir.

                    Set hücumlarında topsuz alana perdeler götürerek takımdaki kısalara şut pozisyonu yaratabiliyor. Aslında bu özelliğe çoğu uzunda rastlayabiliriz ancak Adem Bona’nın henüz 16 yaşında olduğunu ve patlayıcı atletizm tehdidi nedeniyle kendisini savunan oyuncunun ikili yardıma gitmesini engellediğini söylemekte fayda var. Normalde topsuz alanda perde yapan bir uzun, kendisini savunan oyuncunun bir adım önüne geçer; çünkü perdeyi alan kısa, rakip uzunun görüş alanına girmiştir. Eğer Adem ortalama bir atletik yapıya sahip olsaydı kısaya ikili baskının gittiğini görebilirdik, ancak o inanılmaz bir atletizm özelliği barındırıyor. Risk edilemez. Genç yıldız adayı kariyerinin ilerleyen yıllarında üç sayılık atışlarını en azından %30 civarlarına çıkarabilirse pick&pop oyunlarında yaratacağı tehditle de günümüz basketbolunun aradığı bir numaralı isimlerden birisi olacaktır.

                    Muazzam bir savunma yeteneğine sahip. Perimetre, adam değişimi, alan savunması veya bire bir... Adem, savunmanın bütün departmanlarında takımın bir numaralı ismi. Normalde onun kadar atletik olan bir uzunun, kısaların hızı ve deliciliği karşısında yavaş kalması doğaldır. Ancak bu durum Adem için geçerli değil. Sürekli çalışır durumda olan motoru ve geniş kanat açıklığıyla kısalar karşısında bir duvar gibi kalabiliyor. Hızlı elleriyle birkaç adımlık mesafeyi kontrol edebiliyor. Ayak koordinasyonu ve pozisyon okuma becerileri üst düzey.

                    Bire bir savunduğu uzunlar karşısında da etkili bir savunma performansı sergileyen Adem, özellikle post’ta rakiplerine adeta nefes aldırmıyor. Temastan kaçınmıyor ve rakibini bunaltarak onu hataya sürüklüyor. Bütün bunları yaparken faul almaktan olabildiğince kaçınması çok önemli bir özellik. Blok yapmak ise Adem için bir rutin. Pozisyon okuma becerisini fiziksel özelliğiyle birleştirerek birkaç adım geriden gelip muazzam zamanlamayla birlikte blok yapıyor.

                    Ribaund ve asist
                    Adem, bir uzundan beklenen ribaund performansının ne azını ne de çoğunu sergiliyor. Hücum ribaundlarında etkili değil; elit bir uzun olmak istiyorsa bunu geliştirmeli. Savunma ribaundlarındaysa fazla hata yaptığını görmek zor. Pas ve asist, kanat açıklığının kendisine getirdiği artılardan bir diğeri. Görüş alanı çok geniş olmasa da pozisyonu bitiremeyeceğini anladığında dışarıya paslar çıkararak takımı adına alan açıyor. Set hücumlarında pick sonrası topla buluşup bazen boyalı alana paslar gönderebiliyor. Basketbol zekası gerçekten de büyüleyici.

                    Henüz 16 yaşında
                    Adem Bona’nın henüz 16 yaşında olduğunu unutmamak gerekiyor. Şu ana dek gösterdiği performans onu geleceğin en iyi uzun adaylarından birisi hâline getirdi. Tabii çok genç olduğu için kariyerinin ilerleyen dönemlerinde şutlarının daha iyi olduğu, top hâkimiyetinin ve hücum ribaundlarının üst seviyelere çıktığı senaryolar kendisine bu adaylığı getirdi. Fiziksel gelişimi de unutmamak gerekiyor. Özellikle kol kasları biraz ince gibi görünüyor. Vücudunun alt kısmı sağlam ancak bacakları biraz daha gelişmeli. Keza omuz ve göğüs bölümlerindeki kaslar da henüz yerine oturmuş değil.

                    Kısacası Adem’in önünde uzun bir yol var ancak o, yola en iyi arabayla çıkmışa benziyor...
                    5 out 6 scientists say Russian roulette is safe.


                    • #11
                      This sounds very promising. As the author said all he needs to do is have a resemblance of outside shot and develop his body, and he already has a spot in the BSL. If he can keep developing technically and mentally, which is very likely considering he is new to basketball, he can make it to serious Euroleague minutes and even NBA in the best case. He is with Karşıyaka, right? It's a good place for his development.
                      Dilimde şarkıların gündüz gece
                      Deli gibi aşığız Fenerbahçe
                      Bu dünyayı yakarız senin için
                      Şampiyonluk gelince


                      • #12
                        What are the citizenship rules in Turkey? He got Turkish citizenship just in one year? He had never been in Turkey before and then begins to play for Turkish youth NT after a year or so?

                        I remembered a story of Ilyasova who was Uzbekistanian and then he appeared to be Turkish.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dreamcatcher View Post
                          What are the citizenship rules in Turkey? He got Turkish citizenship just in one year? He had never been in Turkey before and then begins to play for Turkish youth NT after a year or so?
                          well, I didn't really know, so I checked on google. here is what I've found.

                          "You need to be of adult age (according to your country of origin), and you must have lived in Turkey for at least 5 years, with a total interruption of less than six months. This is reduced to 3 years if you are married to a Turkish national or if you are a foreigner born on Turkish soil."

                          so, go figure. Bona meets exactly zero of these criteria . but see this part:

                          "Your chances of obtaining citizenship will be greatly improved if you can demonstrate that you can make a valuable contribution to Turkish culture and society – if you work for a Turkish company, for example, or are a professional athlete or university professor."

                          We also know the government is selling passports in exchange of money (i.e. buying property). In short, you have tons of rules to follow to get a TR passport, but anything is possible if you are rich or an athlete.

                          Originally posted by Dreamcatcher View Post
                          I remembered a story of Ilyasova who was Uzbekistanian and then he appeared to be Turkish.
                          it's shorter, "Uzbek". Ilyasova's story is more mysterious. you can go and check that thread for nostalgia, but the most likely explanation is that he's from Uzbekistan, and not from Eskisehir as officially claimed.
                          5 out 6 scientists say Russian roulette is safe.


                          • #14
                            That'a a no-brainer to call Bona is surely a defense first big man for NBA standards. What he has been displaying in UCLA defensively is enough to have a room in a NBA team in future. He is the main reason why UCLA has the best defensive rating in college basketball. These are the obvious things that everyone sings from the same songbook.

                            Regardless, I have problems with the way he has been treated on offense since the beginning of season. He doesn't get any share on offense unless it is a second chance point or alley-oop position. His defensive contribution has not been rewarded with regular post-up games. The team only let him running floor to seek positions on offense. Bona developed his footwork and post-up over the years and I would expect his team to utilize him from this point of view to be honest. They obviously keep his terms with ball on offense minimum which is a bad sign for his development. Jaime Jaquez, Jaylen Clark and Tyger Campbell dominating the ball in UCLA and Bona only shares 7% of UCLA offenses which is a low percentage even for the standard of defensive center.

                            I don't like the idea of him being only a defensive anchor. He is more than his. The kid shows big potential on offense when he is trusted. I do understand the construction of his team and role that is given to him, but still some flexibility on offense should be tolerated, especially for the developing players.
                            Sports is not only considered as a superiority of physical capability. Perception, intelligence and morality assist it as well. The strong with less intelligence and comprehension can not cope with the less strong but with sufficient intelligence and comprehension. I like the sportsman who is intelligent, agile as well as morally upright.
                            Mustafa Kemal ATATURK


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by slice me nice View Post
                              That'a a no-brainer to call Bona is surely a defense first big man for NBA standards. What he has been displaying in UCLA defensively is enough to have a room in a NBA team in future. He is the main reason why UCLA has the best defensive rating in college basketball. These are the obvious things that everyone sings from the same songbook.

                              Regardless, I have problems with the way he has been treated on offense since the beginning of season. He doesn't get any share on offense unless it is a second chance point or alley-oop position. His defensive contribution has not been rewarded with regular post-up games. The team only let him running floor to seek positions on offense. Bona developed his footwork and post-up over the years and I would expect his team to utilize him from this point of view to be honest. They obviously keep his terms with ball on offense minimum which is a bad sign for his development. Jaime Jaquez, Jaylen Clark and Tyger Campbell dominating the ball in UCLA and Bona only shares 7% of UCLA offenses which is a low percentage even for the standard of defensive center.

                              I don't like the idea of him being only a defensive anchor. He is more than his. The kid shows big potential on offense when he is trusted. I do understand the construction of his team and role that is given to him, but still some flexibility on offense should be tolerated, especially for the developing players.
                              I feel sorry for him that his team doesn't utilize Bona's talents effectively.
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