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Russia NT

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  • #31
    Kansas University center Sasha Kaun has been invited to try out for Russia’s national basketball team. Kaun, a 6-foot-11, 250-pound senior from Tomsk, will travel to Moscow for tryouts in early July in hopes of representing his country at the 2008 Summer Games in China. “This is a great opportunity for me to continue to […]

    Russia invites Kaun for tryout
    By Gary Bedore (Contact)

    Posted Wednesday, April 16, 2008

    Kansas University center Sasha Kaun has been invited to try out for Russia’s national basketball team.

    Kaun, a 6-foot-11, 250-pound senior from Tomsk, will travel to Moscow for tryouts in early July in hopes of representing his country at the 2008 Summer Games in China.

    “This is a great opportunity for me to continue to play basketball and move toward a professional career, whether that be the U.S. or overseas,” Kaun said Tuesday.

    NBA player Andrei Kirilenko (Utah) and Viktor Khryapa, who was cut by the Chicago Bulls this season, led the Russian nationals last summer.

    Kaun — he averaged 7.1 points and 3.9 boards a game — said he was flooded with phone calls and text messages from friends in Russia the past several days, congratulating him on KU’s national title.
    aim low, score high


    • #32

      JR.Holden (CSKA)


      • #33
        Originally posted by vaslover

        JR.Holden (CSKA)
        It's your wish?

        As I remember David Blatt announced 25 candidates, article.
        I copied the list from Lithuanian site, because of russian letters (just ignore the endings of names ) :

        Forwards: Andrejus Kirilenka (Jutos „Jazz“, NBA), Dmitrijus Flisas (Badalonos „DKV Joventut“), Andrejus Voroncevičius ir Viktoras Chriapa (abu - Maskvos CSKA), Kelly McCarty ir Nikita Šabalkinas (abu - Maskvos srities „Chimki“), Fiodoras Dimitrijevas (Liubercų „Triumph“), Jurijus Vasiljevas, Sergejus Monia ir Travisas Hansenas (visi - Maskvos „Dinamo“).

        Centers: Aleksandras Kaunas (Kanzaso „Jayhawks“, NCAA), Aleksejus Savrasenka (Maskvos CSKA), Nikita Morgunovas (Maskvos srities „Chimki“), Dmitrijus Sokolovas (Kazanės „Unics“).

        Guards: Zacharas Pašutinas, Johnas Robertas Holdenas ir Aleksejus Švedas (visi - Maskvos CSKA), Antonas Ponkrašovas, Vitalijus Fridzonas ir Jegoras Vialcevas (visi - Maskvos srities „Chimki“), Viktoras Keiru ir Nikolajus Padiušas (abu - Kazanės „Unics“), („Chimki“), Sergejus Bykovas, Piotras Samoilenka ir Dmitrijus Chvostovas (visi - Maskvos „Dinamo“).
        2nd in IBN EuroBasket 2011 Prediction!
        2nd in IBN EuroBasket 2013 Prediction!
        MVP in IBN EuroBasket 2013 Prediction! # Correct W-L: re5pectas (59)
        All-Tornament Team in IBN EuroBasket 2015 Prediction! Perfect score: re5pectas (7)
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        2nd in IBN Olympic 2020 Predicion! Perfect score: re5pectas (2) Within 8: re5pectas (8) # Correct W-L: re5pectas (23)


        • #34
          Originally posted by re5pectas
          It's your wish?

          As I remember David Blatt announced 25 candidates, article.
          I copied the list from Lithuanian site, because of russian letters (just ignore the endings of names ) :

          Forwards: Andrejus Kirilenka (Jutos „Jazz“, NBA), Dmitrijus Flisas (Badalonos „DKV Joventut“), Andrejus Voroncevičius ir Viktoras Chriapa (abu - Maskvos CSKA), Kelly McCarty ir Nikita Šabalkinas (abu - Maskvos srities „Chimki“), Fiodoras Dimitrijevas (Liubercų „Triumph“), Jurijus Vasiljevas, Sergejus Monia ir Travisas Hansenas (visi - Maskvos „Dinamo“).

          Centers: Aleksandras Kaunas (Kanzaso „Jayhawks“, NCAA), Aleksejus Savrasenka (Maskvos CSKA), Nikita Morgunovas (Maskvos srities „Chimki“), Dmitrijus Sokolovas (Kazanės „Unics“).

          Guards: Zacharas Pašutinas, Johnas Robertas Holdenas ir Aleksejus Švedas (visi - Maskvos CSKA), Antonas Ponkrašovas, Vitalijus Fridzonas ir Jegoras Vialcevas (visi - Maskvos srities „Chimki“), Viktoras Keiru ir Nikolajus Padiušas (abu - Kazanės „Unics“), („Chimki“), Sergejus Bykovas, Piotras Samoilenka ir Dmitrijus Chvostovas (visi - Maskvos „Dinamo“).
          Yes,it,s my wish. I hope Blatts wish the same!


          • #35
            Russia preliminay squad for Beijing,21 players

            форварды – Андрей Кириленко («Юта Джаз», НБА), Виктор Хряпа , Андрей Воронцевич (оба - ЦСКА), Никита Моргунов, Никита Шабалкин (оба - «Химки»), Сергей Моня («Динамо» М), Федор Дмитриев («Триумф»);
            центровые – Алексей Саврасенко (ЦСКА), Александр Каун (университет «Канзас», NCAA), Дмитрий Соколов (УНИКС);
            защитники – Джон Роберт Холден, Захар Пашутин, Алексей Швед (все - ЦСКА), Сергей Быков, Петр Самойленко, Трэвис Хансен, Дмитрий Хвостов (все - «Динамо» М), Антон Понкрашов, Виталий Фридзон (оба - «Химки») Виктор Кейру (УНИКС) и Алексей Зозулин («Урал-Грейт»).


            • #36
              Originally posted by Kleber
              Russia preliminay squad for Beijing,21 players

              форварды – Андрей Кириленко («Юта Джаз», НБА), Виктор Хряпа , Андрей Воронцевич (оба - ЦСКА), Никита Моргунов, Никита Шабалкин (оба - «Химки»), Сергей Моня («Динамо» М), Федор Дмитриев («Триумф»);
              центровые – Алексей Саврасенко (ЦСКА), Александр Каун (университет «Канзас», NCAA), Дмитрий Соколов (УНИКС);
              защитники – Джон Роберт Холден, Захар Пашутин, Алексей Швед (все - ЦСКА), Сергей Быков, Петр Самойленко, Трэвис Хансен, Дмитрий Хвостов (все - «Динамо» М), Антон Понкрашов, Виталий Фридзон (оба - «Химки») Виктор Кейру (УНИКС) и Алексей Зозулин («Урал-Грейт»).
              How about providing those with latin alphabet?
              Die Liebe wird eine Krankheit, wenn man sie als eine Heilung sieht
              Artificial Nature


              • #37
                The first one should be Andrei Kirilenko and the second one Viktor Khryapa...

                The forth one must be Nikita Morgunov...


                • #38
                  I would love to see Kaun in russian jersey. He was really impressive in March.

                  Damn, I hope Russians dont become european football champions and olympic champions this year it will be same as greece in 2004, and then european basketball champs at 2005. And eurovision also, Russians this year, and Greeks in either 2004 or 2005 Conspiracy?


                  • #39
                    Sasha Kaun is a great player who could easily be in the NBA. I guess he wants that 3 year contract with CSKA though. I guess he was born in Russia, but when did he move to the US?
                    "I really like the attitudes of eagles. They never give up. When they grab a fish or something else, they never let it go. It doesn't matter. In a book, they write they find a skeleton of [an] eagle and there is no fish. It means that the fish beat him and killed him, but he didn't let go." -- Donatas Motiejunas


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by mvblair
                      Sasha Kaun is a great player who could easily be in the NBA. I guess he wants that 3 year contract with CSKA though. I guess he was born in Russia, but when did he move to the US?
                      When he was ~16yo


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by mvblair
                        Sasha Kaun is a great player who could easily be in the NBA. I guess he wants that 3 year contract with CSKA though. I guess he was born in Russia, but when did he move to the US?
                        Let,s wait about his greatness. It,s too early. We,ll see him in Olympics Games and euroleague,and only after that we,ll probably trying to say that Sasha Kaun it,s something more than average player. Anyway,i wish him the best and i hope he,ll be our secret weapon in one month!


                        • #42
                          According to, starting five member of russian NT Viktor Khryapa may miss Olympics due to Achilles injury, which he got in collision with Nikita Shabalkin.
                          Форвард ЦСКА Виктор Хряпа получил серьезную травму ахилла на сегодняшней вечерней тренировке сборной России, сообщает корреспондент Sports.


                          • #43
                            How you people see the Russian NT for the olympics?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by cardenales
                              How you people see the Russian NT for the olympics?
                              Seems like Khryapa is going to play so they'll have the same roster. Russia was a big surprise in Eurobasket 2007. Perfect team play, everyone knew his place, great play by Kirilenko, Khryapa, Holden, Morgunov, Pashutin. I'm not sure Khryapa will manage to show the same quality while looking at his performances in CSKA. Still, if they'll manage to show the same quality team play, they can beat anybody in one particular game. And yes, i have no doubt Spain and Lithuania were stronger teams in Eurobasket and, imho, they'll prove that in Olympics.
                              Last edited by Straight forward; 07-07-2008, 05:40 PM.
                              LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                              Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                              Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                              Buzelis, Lelevicius
                              Murauskas, Sirvydis
                              Tubelis, Krivas


                              • #45
                                Khryapa used to do that good in NT, while not playing in the NBA. I think in 2005 he did pretty well too. So, I hope he'll do as well as in 2007 this summer.
                                It's a bird? It's a plane? No, it's Rudy!



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