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Fiba u16 ec 2022

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  • TurkfromGermany
    Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
    Demir Dogan is no prodigy as Toruko claimed. Far from it. Not with this Joakim Noah shot...
    He was a prodigy after the U16 challengers 2021. In 2021 1 year younger and just great performance with even greater potential. But this year almost a bum. This is youth bb. Never saw a deeper fall in just 1 year. This kid has his last game before corona in the beginning of March 2020, then the U16 challengers in August 2021, then the season in Macedonia against grown men. Kid played last time with 13 in U14 league, then 1 weak U16 and after several months against grown men. Is this a normal way for a kid? Onuralp Bitim was a prodigy after U16(2015). Onuralp started the 2015/16 season very strong with the 2nd team of Efes, Pertevniyal in second division, he had great preparation & federation cup games, just fantastic with offense + defense + good shooting, he was a clear cut NBA player in 3 years. But in October he made the mistake of his life and went to USA and was back in April 2016 for Albert Schweitzer tournament and was almost a bum. After 6-7 months this great prospect was almost a bum. This is youth bb. Demir Dogan had never a great shot technique but in this tournament it was a joke. Huge huge problem for him. Overall he would have a much better tounament if motivated. Huge blow for turkish bb, it would be bigger blow if he were a perimeter player.

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  • TurkfromGermany
    Originally posted by Toruko View Post
    Gökpinar and Erdem are target player for the next level and this is more than enough.
    People are too much focused on stats. It´s a big shame for turkish bb that we call Kerem Erdem & Deniz Gökpinar as prospects. Both are not talented and already half men. Ege Akcay is a prospect, and a very interesting one. All teams except Turkey would use Demir Dogan & Ege Akcay together but this Efes´ coach used Efes´ players and not the more talented players in this team. Ege Akcay was PG in Dacka´s U13 team(U14 b) and not the leader of the team but you could see easily he is the man in that team. Already in U14 he made a huge jump and was clear cut best prospect and also best player(Yagiz Aksu moved from Borusan to Banvit) in Istanbul U14 league but corona break stopped his development. If a young player is young, has skills and big body and is raw, this player always has good chances for next stages. Ege Akcay is a bit over 200(198 is not correct, Yagiz Aksu´s 192 is not correct, Demir Dogan´s 205 is not correct, Demir Dogan is bigger as Emin Kara, but Emin is 208 and Demir is 205.....), very young - still like a kid, ballhandling and athleticsm and he showed in U16 league and even in this tournament that he could create his own shot in the next years. I´m pretty sure that we will see a much better Ege Akcay in the next years.

    Yagiz Aksu took many 3 pointers even in U12 team, this was always his biggest advantage. He had a special shooting talent(we can see this for example on 13 years old Ömer Kutluay too) but now he lost this a bit. Sadly Lithuania had 2-3 more talented perimeter players as our best perimeter player Yagiz Aksu, this shows that our youth system has big problems. Yagiz Aksu is mature too but he is talented and his big plus is his good defensive IQ. Yesterday i watched the final, man what is this spanish Mario Saint-Supery(G) for a talent, just unbelievable, for Turkey it´s impossible to create a talent like this because you can find this talent bodywise but you wouldn´t let him play this way, therefore it´s impossible, very very sad.....

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  • Straight forward
    GOLD after 14 years! Ever since Valanciunas' generation. Fantastic summer! It even exceeded my expectations. And finally we took red hot Spain down

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  • Straight forward
    46:32 Lithuania leads against Spain in the final after 2 quarters. It's strange to see how our guards not only not worse than Spanish, but actually outplay them and out skill them. Special generation, guard presence clinics!

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  • Straight forward
    Lithuania win convincing win and ticket to the final! Really successful Youth summer for LTU. Now we should grab that gold, it's been a while. This generation can dominate in Europe in all next stages.

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  • Straight forward
    Lithuania leads the tournament in PPG, RPG (despite being extremely small), 3%, efficiency, second in assists. Total domination basically. But we somehow suck at FTs. Only 2 good FTs shooters, Laurencikas and Indrusaitis. IMO, those are 2 best players of the roster, closely followed by Jakucionis.

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  • LuDux
    Originally posted by Dreamcatcher View Post
    Lithuanian team's flaw is a weak front court. Main c Narvilas can play basketball, but he's less than 200 cm. Lack of cm can be crucial against a team with big bodies.
    Technically he's 200 Paulius Narvilas / RKL
    Based on/best of FIBA, LKF, MKL, RKL and Raupelis 204, Narvilas 200, Indrušaitis 198, Buteliauskas 197, Šacas 196, Juzėnas 195, Smirnov 194, Buika 194, Kreišmontas 193, Jakucionis 192, Laurenčikas 190, Žilakauskas 182

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  • slice me nice
    Man, we could win the game, it was so close unexpectedly from my side. I would definitely commit a foul at the end because their poor FT shooter Smirnov was holding the ball in last possession, plus the momentum was on Lithuanian side and that was so obvious they would have huge advantage in overtime. We chose to defend the last possession and they crushed us in OT. The case, Smirnov making only one FT and we get the last offense was not a worse scenario than the actual result that Liths wasted the last ball, but the game went OT.

    Anyway, congratulations to Liths. Good game overall. Couple of promising players for both sides.

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  • Dreamcatcher
    Lithuanian team's flaw is a weak front court. Main c Narvilas can play basketball, but he's less than 200 cm. Lack of cm can be crucial against a team with big bodies.

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  • Straight forward
    How Slovenia is able to produce so many elite guard prospects? It's pretty insane.

    Here's Urban Kriflic. Been putting up big numbers and has some serious skills.

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  • Toruko
    Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
    His shot is huge problem. 23% threes and 38% FTs. Dude... And he doesn't seem to be nearly willing enough to put the ball on the floor to even consider him to be a point forward. He gonna be 4 as PRO if will be PRO cause with this shot...
    He has his off days then his on days no worry about a 16 year old guy. He has more than enough tools to be useful. I saw Bitim disappearing and he came when he was 22 so some things need time thats all.

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  • Straight forward
    Originally posted by Toruko View Post

    About Dogan its not the shot what is concerning but still a very valuable point forward.
    His shot is huge problem. 23% threes and 38% FTs. Dude... And he doesn't seem to be nearly willing enough to put the ball on the floor to even consider him to be a point forward. He gonna be 4 as PRO if will be PRO cause with this shot...

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  • Toruko
    Yeah we were not deep enough but fought well, its ok.

    About Dogan its not the shot what is concerning but still a very valuable point forward.

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  • Straight forward
    Damn, tough 4finals, expected easier ride, but Turkey played well. Our guys choked a bit, looked nervous, very talented generation, but not too strong mentally. Mainly Laurencikas' big cojones and creativity saved as, as well as Indrusaitis' scoring and energy. Jakucionis choked, he's a wild player. And Smirnov dude is hell of annoying dude. He's a scrub skills wise, but thinks he's Jordan

    Demir Dogan is no prodigy as Toruko claimed. Far from it. Not with this Joakim Noah shot...

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  • Straight forward
    Coach Purlys is not coaching this team well. He doesn't set the hierarchy and allows scrubs to do whatever they want. We are coming back only when Laurencikas took matter into his hands with spot on facilitation. Lithuania is choking badly, missing all shots and even FTs. Turkey looks nice, moves the ball, very flexible. LTU's defence has been trash for some reasons though. Interesting second half ahead.

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