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2024 Lithuanian NT

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  • Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
    the guy barely stood up from the bench of PAO in the playoffs .
    And even that was still more than Jokubaitis did. LOL.

    Jokubaitis' performance has been disappointing so far so your ass is simply burning. You started to blame everyone (Maksvytis, Grigonis), but not Rokas himself. Like his bad shape has nothing to do with decreased role or whatever. Like his "great" season has nothing to do with that. Since when coaches started to decrease a role of a good pg?

    It turns out, we will even barely pass PR like you didn't write 2 days that you don't see it happening. Are you on your period or what?

    In true you don't care about a team, but only about players you like.


    • dinosour expert is losing his mind and just lives in his own made fantasy world

      He blames his beloved players bad performances on everybody else but never on their bad shape and dissapoting performances

      His brain cant accept information that Jokubaitis,Sirvydis sucks in this qualification tournament

      His brain cant accept Sabonis is same limited version in fiba as near Valanciunas was. Sabonis problem in fiba is not his teammates near him ,problems is he cant make jumper to save his life and scores only from inside.

      But searching ways how to erase Grigonis fantastic tournaments is ridiculous as it gets

      Grigonis was clearly best perimeter ltu player in 2022, Grigonis is still clearly best perimeter player in 2024.

      Grigonis played way better 2023/2024 eurioleague season than Jokubaitis individually and his team was stronger

      But still in his crazy mind somehow barcelona backup Jokubaitis should be more important guard than euroleague champion Grigonis at his peak at 30 old age

      What i can say delusional fan


      • Originally posted by Shawshank View Post
        Grigonis is just fantastic in this tournament.Clear alpha leader

        Finaly NT have perimeter player that scoring 20pts+ in multiple games and we can see how much everything become easier for others when team have such level scorer.

        ​​​​​​Ulanovas,Arnas,Sedekerskis is very good at doing their all around two way things in this tournament, love what their are bringing.

        Sabonis have no more excuses, being at total peak and look so average for nba all star in FIBA it's not good look.Still if he will show up in final and help win ticket all will be forgotten

        Kuz 14 Pts in limited time that's what head coach needs from experience veteran.Calm and smart play

        Lukas playing his best tournament.We can't ask more from him.

        It's was very good team effort, everybody brought something and NT easily beat good team with very little Sabonis impact.

        I don't believe Sabonis will play back to back so meh 2 games

        One more win boys !
        I agree.


        • Both of you DC and SS didn't get my point. If you would sincerely understand and follow my logic, I'm least concerned with fanboys games. NT to me is bigger than any club and any individual player or a bunch of individual players. And that's what separates me from absolute majority of people here like DC has partiality towards Rytas, SS protects some of ex Neptunas dudes like Maksvytis or Nulanovas or Butkevicius and so on. And even such bright posters as Mindozas here previously has his own partiality towards Zalgiris which he wouldn't ever cope with. I have none of that. I simply want to see NT strong and competitive again. You both wrong if you think my post about Grigonis has something to do with being a butthurt about certain players struggles. I care about it only as long as it concerns whole picture, the whole team.

          Absolutely Grigonis is still the best LTU perimeter player. But that's bad news. Ask yourself, do you really think we have any chance against Serbia, USA with Grigonis being our best perimeter player and even No.1 option? I'm afraid that alone sounds pretty bad for person who grew up watching Marciulionis, Sabonis, Karnisovas tearing it up. When it will come to real deal games, like opponents I mention, Grigonis won't be a third as good as any of these mentioned. And not only this - he doesn't involve anything.

          Why you guys so happy? I mean to me, it's about being competitive with NT. Grigonis is great, OK. But you don't get that if we put Grigonis as No.1 option, we can't run at the highest pace as the team. He only shoots and doesn't make others better. And he ballhogs a lot, and he hesitant with decisions, he doesn't move the ball. If you think with such number one leading guard we can be competitive at the real deal stage, I think it's time to wake up.

          It's not about crying as fanboy, it's about stating that as a NT fan, I'm disappointing about the level that I see. Again, if Jokubaitis, Sabonis will play like they did so far (except Sabonis game against IC), we won't have any legitimate claims for anything serious in Olympics. I'm concerned about the level and capabilities of THE TEAM. While you are too concerned with my claims about individual players. Your butts are hurt cause you can't kill your darling. When I say, this game plan won't make us competitive against strong teams, you just getting pissed that I'm not praising Grigonis. Why should I if I see that it's not leading NT where I want it to be? If you want NT be trash go and celebrate Grigonis 20ppg in qualies. If you want to be competitive again and legitimate power as basketball country, you should be concerned cause that's not gonna happen with Grigonis as a lead guard. It's like celebrating that Foster is LKL MVP, winning against depleted and tied and non motivated Zalgiris. But put this Foster and Rytas into the EL context and it would be complete trash. So go celebrate Fosters points.

          You guys always one or other way whining as a fanboys and always can't deal with my open and straight forward concerns when it comes to NT matter. When Grigonis will take down Serbia or any other powerhouse, I will obviously claim being wrong, but it's ain't happening. Our best chance is to play fundamentally sound basketball when everyone is involved and guys who being with the ball most of the time can pass and create, not only shoot. We used have Marciulionis as a lead guy in 90s, we used to have Jasikevicius/Siskauskas in 00's, we used to have Kalnietis in 10's and now we have Grigonis. I claim that it's the worst lead guard ever. And that's sad. To me it's not about some-one dropping 20ppg, I want NT winning legit big games again. With Grigonis as a lead guard it's not gonna happen. Live with that. Unless you don't care about winning real deal things. That's another question. I want NT to do that.

          It's not about discrediting Grigonis or to cover up Jokubaitis or Sabonis struggle. Latter 2 suck cocks. As simple as that. It's about saying straight forward, the situation is shitty. And most people are like "oh, how nice, we have Grigonis, so good". Nope...The situation is shitty and this team can grow into something legitimate only when tougher, more athletic players and more fundamentally sound players than Grigonis will be leading the NT. If you think Grigonis can lead NT to big things, you are naive as fuck. Very simple guys.
          LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

          Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
          Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
          Buzelis, Lelevicius
          Murauskas, Sirvydis
          Tubelis, Krivas


          • Who says that Grigonis as a main guy will lead to huge wins against elite teams? No one. I would like to see Doncic as a pg and a main player of NT, but there is struggling Jokubaitis instead.

            Your main problem/mistake here is that you think that it was a bad idea (Maksvytis' idea probably) to put Grigonis a main guy in the team/game. But it's wrong. It's natural process. Since Jokubaitis sucks, it's natural that Grigonis is more on the scene and Rokas is less simply because Grigonis is still a better player and he came after a clearly better season. It's funny that for you it's an argument that Grigonis barely played in EL play offs, but it's not a matter for you that Jokubaitis barely played the whole season. So how you are not biased?

            If you admit that Jokubaitis and Sabonis has sucked so far, so how it's not them who are first of all responsible for that? They are professionals. There may be some other issues but first of all it's about them themselves.

            About your comments regarding Foster I'm speechless. It's more than stupid. I would only indicate that it's wrong that Zalgiris was non-motivated. Bullshit. Like many things from you from time to time.


            • Originally posted by Dreamcatcher View Post
              Who says that Grigonis as a main guy will lead to huge wins against elite teams? No one. I would like to see Doncic as a pg and a main player of NT, but there is struggling Jokubaitis instead.

              Your main problem/mistake here is that you think that it was a bad idea (Maksvytis' idea probably) to put Grigonis a main guy in the team/game. But it's wrong. It's natural process. Since Jokubaitis sucks, it's natural that Grigonis is more on the scene and Rokas is less simply because Grigonis is still a better player and he came after a clearly better season. It's funny that for you it's an argument that Grigonis barely played in EL play offs, but it's not a matter for you that Jokubaitis barely played the whole season. So how you are not biased?

              If you admit that Jokubaitis and Sabonis has sucked so far, so how it's not them who are first of all responsible for that? They are professionals. There may be some other issues but first of all it's about them themselves.

              About your comments regarding Foster I'm speechless. It's more than stupid. I would only indicate that it's wrong that Zalgiris was non-motivated. Bullshit. Like many things from you from time to time.
              Good post, except that last line, but my example wasn't the best, so whatever.

              Whenever I'm wrong or not, we'll see after PR game. Imagine Grigonis shots are not falling, he just keeps chucking and not creating anything for others. My concern about this game plan and hierarchy would be spot on. I think that even with Jokubaitis being off shape, he's still way better passer and pick and roll initiator than Grigonis. And he showed several times dishing nice passes in pick and roll situations or making some nice entry passes. Grigonis, except that game against IC, doesn't facilitate at all, like literally and the same was in friendly games against Slovenia, so it's tendency. I do think that Jokubaitis should play with the ball more and used as main decision maker, specially being first pass PG. But my main claim as you figured, is about NT perspective overall. What's the point to make Olympics if you are trash there? We have very deep Olympic history and I want us be strong again. That's why I wanted to see Jokubaitis (or anyone else from guard) making huge step forward and lifting NT together with that. Grigonis doesn't have athleticism, agility, explosiveness, toughness to be real pain in the ass against best teams in the world. He would rely on his jumper in the first place. You right, Jokubaitis had a bad season and he's not playing well in the NT and I simply expressing my concern. That's bad. And some people celebrate Grigonis game too much. Assuming NT qualifies, we want to be competitive there, no?

              Look, it's not about trying to justify anyone. It's about discussing what puts NT in the best situation to be at their peak of competitiveness. Maksvytis, IMO, risking very very highly when he emphasizing Grigonis as the main piece. This way Sabonis is off the focus and doesn't get the ball inside enough. This way Jokubaitis can't show that he's by far the best passer on the team. That's my problem. I want NT to grow and if Grigonis will be No.1 lead guard, we'll be in the same situation as in 2022.

              Regarding Jokubaitis, I'm not only saying that he is responsible for his bad season, I say that he is on some kind of really bad attitude. He doesn't work enough, IMO, he's too fat, too slow and that's on him. He got sleepy after super good first season with Barca. That's on him. But also Maksvytis should understand, we have no upside as NT in Olympic if we base our game on Grigonis. Period. We don't want just participate, we want to improve and build competitive NT.

              My claim that even now if Jokubaitis would play more with the ball and Sabonis would be fed better, we would be in better situation than watching Grigonis being No.1 options and playing with the ball the most from the whole players. That's my thesis. You're welcome to disagree with that. Cause Jokubaitis' passing would make the pacing better and whole players get involved more and we would play more balanced basketball.
              LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

              Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
              Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
              Buzelis, Lelevicius
              Murauskas, Sirvydis
              Tubelis, Krivas


              • You are writing too much regarding one thing basically. Of course it would be better if there would be more of Jokubaitis who would provide and create for others. But again, it's on him. You claim that "if Jokubaitis would play more with the ball and Sabonis would be fed better, we would be in better situation than watching Grigonis being No.1". I can agree with that but i don't agree that Maksvytis is responsible for that or he could drastically change it. Players have quite a lot of freedom on the court and it's a natural process that a player who does way better outmatches the worse one. Maksvytis can't reduce role of Grigonis to give more to struggling Jokubaitis. How do you imagine it?

                IMO you are pissed because in your head Jokubaitis and Sabonis were going to play greatly and carry the team. Not so long time ago you wrote that the team would be about these two. Typical for humans when their expectations blow up like that.

                P.S. And no, we'll not see after PR game whether you're wrong or not.


                • Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
                  Lithuanian community (and fans) as usual very short sighted. Not to take anything from Grigonis so far who is dropping +20 with good %, the problem is that merely a shooter is our best player and No.1 option. So far the ball was dropping impressively, but what will be when it won't?

                  So far I'm disappointed cause I don't see what would we even do in Olympics with such game plan. If Jokubaitis is not running this team as pure point guard and Sabonis not creating, and Ulanovas is not creating, our offense will be super one dimensional.

                  Nah, dudes...with that basketball we would be complete trash in Olympics.
                  First things first. If Team Lietuva had not beaten Italy yesterday and does not beat Puerto Rico today, there will be no Olympics. Looking past Puerto Rico to the Olympics is asking for a butt kicking. And for Coach Maksvytis to try and force the offence to run through Rokas Jokubaitis and Domantas Sabonis if and when they're not producing would be a recipe for disaster against a highly motivated Puerto Rican team playing in front of thousands of their rabid fans.

                  I for one am delighted that Marius Grigonis, Lukas Lekavičius and Mindaugas Kuzminskas have stepped up their games to enable Lithuania to get to this final. With respect to Grigonis, he's carrying on the tradition established by Mantas Kalnietis of delivering his very best for Team Lietuva regardless of whether or not he had a completely ho-hum season for his club team. And like I say, that's very good to see.

                  There's no tomorrow. Hopefully Coach Maksvytis is therefore thinking of only today's tilt against Puerto Rico and setting all thoughts of team or player development aside.


                  • So Puerto Rico 39 Lithuania 35 at the half. Typical Lithuanian team game though. They've absolutely dominated the boards taking 5/15 rebounds off Puerto Rico's glass while the Puerto Ricans have taken only 3/18 off Lithuania's glass. But the Lithuanians have turned the ball over 9 times to Puerto Rico's 3.

                    But the Lithuanian team is also struggling from three point range making only 3/12 from the arc. Why though has Arnas Butkevičius been the one throwing up 5 shots from the arc? He wouldn't be my pick to shoot from the arc. He and Tadas Sedekersks had absolutely dreadful first halves. I'd look for more Edgaras Ulanovas and Mindaugas Kuzminskas in the second half.

                    Last edited by Hepcat; 07-13-2024, 10:24 PM.


                    • im sure dovydas giedraitis woud've been useless this game, dimsa and lekavicius are doing a great job defending these puerto rico guards.

                      and i better not hear this missed open shots excuse from the players or media after the game. there is a reason why butkevicius and ulanovas are open this much


                      • No wonder that for me it was a key question if Puerto-Rico has a good home court. They do. They also have NBA guard who is individually the best player from both teams and some more guards who can be hot and again their home court where crazy three pointers from Howard happened. I could see that. No surprise at all.


                        • This is definitely pretty sad for LTU.
                          1997 - 2012 - 2013


                          • Originally posted by R1ou View Post
                            This is definitely pretty sad for LTU.
                            And it's totally not sad for Puerto-Rico. Really great atmosphere there. They deserved way more.


                            • Wow, another fail.


                              • Now, I am pretty curious what SF has to say



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