Saying that in 2024 basketball team dont need offence from SG player is just not understanding basketball 2024 and from where most points is created
Giedraitis=Diaz 15min defensive specialist role players.This role he can play.
But If coach will play one sided bakcups more like 25min+ results wont be effective, lkl finals is good example and opponnets was uleb level guards,not elite world class perimeter stars.
Defensive specialist will bother best fiba scorers yes and maybe even force them shoot under 50% but they wont stop fiba stars from scoring
in 2024 your main Sg cant be just defender. No chance winning in fiba with that. Zalgiris couldnt even win lkl finals doing that
Doesnt matter what we put Giedraitis,Butkevicius or Seibutis fiba perimeter stars they will score in double digits
Only question is with over 50% or under 50% shooting when entire opponents team is working for them to get them free with picks so on.
Only 14 age level fans can imagine if we have elite defender he by himself will stop elite fiba scorers and fix all teams defence
Giedraitis=Diaz 15min defensive specialist role players.This role he can play.
But If coach will play one sided bakcups more like 25min+ results wont be effective, lkl finals is good example and opponnets was uleb level guards,not elite world class perimeter stars.
Defensive specialist will bother best fiba scorers yes and maybe even force them shoot under 50% but they wont stop fiba stars from scoring

in 2024 your main Sg cant be just defender. No chance winning in fiba with that. Zalgiris couldnt even win lkl finals doing that
Doesnt matter what we put Giedraitis,Butkevicius or Seibutis fiba perimeter stars they will score in double digits
Only question is with over 50% or under 50% shooting when entire opponents team is working for them to get them free with picks so on.
Only 14 age level fans can imagine if we have elite defender he by himself will stop elite fiba scorers and fix all teams defence
