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2024 Lithuanian NT

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  • There is big 3 and others.There is no such thing as big 5. Stop trying to compare your fan liked players to NT leaders

    Big 3 gonna play most minutes and take most shots.

    I dont believe in your predictions that only seeing rises of ltu basketball every year when resutls shows its not even close to rises. Neither in NT results,neither of more ltu players in euroleague or nba . Thats why its horoscope predictions to my eyes. Im calling like see it.

    I trust players from Nba,Barcelona or Panathinikos elite clubs players wayyy more than Lietkabelis or Rytas players facing elite NT.

    Sirvydis was same age 23 in 2023 world champ like Iggy was in 2022 eurobasket. Shown results of these 2 players at same age wasnt even close. One was in starting 5 ,other was 10-12th player.

    Why you comparing Brazdeikis 23 to Sirvydis 24? if we have data of both at 23?

    When the last time player from not from zalgiris or nba/euroleague circles was top 5 by importance in LTU NT?

    Usually those Neptunas,Lietkabelis,Rytas leaders ends up being 10-12th bench players in NT.

    Maybe there is some exceptions sure,but that what happens to like 4 of 5 leaders of Rytas,Lietkabelis/neptunas playing vs euroleague/nba opponnets

    I think you dont understand diffrence in levels playing 35min with green lights in Neptunas or Lietkabelis and playing 15-20min in euroleague club with other high quality players vs way stronger opponnets too.
    Last edited by Shawshank; 06-21-2024, 10:13 AM.


    • Don't ask results. Compare different LTU NTs in terms of quality. FIBA competition is all time high. NT getting better (it's a fact), but FIBA competition is getting competitive even at bigger rate (faster) than our improvements. But we can make huge leap since 2027 and find our selves among true contenders again very likely.

      You're missing the point that Sirvydis potentially could be the best Zalgiris player after Evans got injured if he had an opportunity to suit up for greens in the finals. We are talking about one of the best Eurocup players and definitely EL material already. Drafted guy with some NBA experience and 14ppg in NBA Summer League. As always you're just slow to react and to actually understand current level of Sirvydis. That doesn't mean that he will necessary be a stud already, but he can cause he made huge leap this season and is different now.

      All players mature differently. Brazdeikis had that ability and confidence to act like alpha from day one. Sirvydis is different. He doesn't have Iggy's swagger. He needed leader's role and plenty of playing time. Brazdeikis was coming to the NT in 2023 after a nice stint with Magic in the NBA. They were tanking so he was getting even starter's role at the end of the season. That's why he came to the NT pretty nicely ready individually and in playing shape. Sirvuha is different, he needed time and more minutes.

      We'll see how he will adjust to lesser role, but in 2023 indications were great. He moved without the ball like a stud, 62.5% from 2. He just needs to shoot threes better than 32% like he did. Anyway, time will tell. A lot will depend what kind of role Maksvytis will give to him. He can screw him completely, that's also a chance. He doesn't need D. Giedraitis. I would never trust a coach like that.
      LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

      Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
      Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
      Buzelis, Lelevicius
      Murauskas, Sirvydis
      Tubelis, Krivas


      • I think NT 2024 is not about Sirvydis thats my point. I believe coaches sees him as Grigonis backup.

        Backups is backups nobody will change how they play because of some backup.

        Second unit players must do anything they can to help team in limited time.

        Most coaching staff offensive ideas and game plan will be how to maximaze big 3 tallents. Especially in this super short preparation.

        Put most eggs in main players basket and live with results in 4 game mini tournament.


        • NT is about winning, not about utilizing freakin' top 3 talents. Top three talent my ass. When Sedekerskis is 2-3 times more efficient that 2 of those big 3 players, it's say a lot about it It's NT TEAM and it's about to make it work.
          LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

          Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
          Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
          Buzelis, Lelevicius
          Murauskas, Sirvydis
          Tubelis, Krivas


          • Sedekerskis is not even offensive player. Most of his offence comes what perimeter players creates .Zero plays would be made for him to score by coaches.

            Yes Grigonis and Jokubaitis is way more important than Sedekerskis in our NT 2024.

            There will be game or two when Ulanovas will play more minutes than Sedekerskis and finish games over him.

            I would be very suprised if 3 top scorers in 2024 NT wont be my named big 3 and that somebody from big 3 wouldnt be finishing games.
            Last edited by Shawshank; 06-21-2024, 12:25 PM.


            • Dude, you're sticking to big 3 whatever shit way too much. It's not even NT of that kind. The last time we truly had roster worthy of "big three" emphasis was 1995. It was Rooney with 23,7ppg, Sabonis with 22ppg and Karnisovas 18ppg. That was a freakin' big three and the team was carried exactly by those players. Now big three this big three that....

              It's freakin mickey mouse big three...I'm not even sure Sabonis can give 18ppg...JV never could do it, that's the fact.

              So keep talking about big fucking three...when there's 8-9 players of the same tier basically and Sabonis

              When Buzelis or Jakucionis will come and will drop +20 points into your face, or any other player will start doing this, then there will be a reason to talk about big three or big two or whatever, there will be something BIG. Now we have very equal roster of average EL players essentially + Sabas.

              Big fucking three...
              LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

              Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
              Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
              Buzelis, Lelevicius
              Murauskas, Sirvydis
              Tubelis, Krivas


              • Every team have to have leaders .Its not about pts averages jeaazas.

                When i say big 3 doenst mean they gonna score 70% of team pts. This is not nba

                Im saying offensive game plan will be built around those 3 players and they will be most important players

                And i expect when things goes badly somebody from those 3 will show leadership to survive moments when entire team will be in choke mode

                If they finish somethings with averages 16pts+14pts +13 pts as 3 leading scorers yes that would make them ltu big 3 of 2024

                But its not just with pts with averages ,they will demand double teams and have skills to create for teammates and then Sedekerskis,Butkevicius,Sirvydis types and others will get easy looks.

                If LTU 2024 will achieve something that troika must be really good,not just score but creating good looks for 4-12 our players.

                If big 3 are just average doesnt matter what others will do ,those 4-12th ltu players they simply dont have skills and need experience to be game changers playing elite NTs.
                Last edited by Shawshank; 06-21-2024, 01:40 PM.


                • Originally posted by Shawshank View Post

                  If big 3 are just average doesnt matter what others will do ,those 4-12th ltu players they simply dont have skills and need experience to be game changers playing elite NTs.
                  LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                  Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                  Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                  Buzelis, Lelevicius
                  Murauskas, Sirvydis
                  Tubelis, Krivas


                  • Originally posted by Shawshank View Post
                    When the last time player from not from zalgiris or nba/euroleague circles was top 5 by importance in LTU NT?
                    Robertas Javtokas when he was with Rytas is the first player that comes to mind.


                    • Originally posted by Shawshank View Post
                      There is big 3 and others.

                      Big 3 gonna play most minutes and take most shots.
                      I hope you're wrong, very wrong, about it being all about the Big 3. Quite simply Team Lietuva doesn't have a Big 3 this year. It has one superstar (who I really hope plays that way this summer) and a bunch of other role players. There hasn't been a cadre of three+ superstars on Team Lietuva for a dozen years. Every player is going to have to chip in big time in order for this team to get a ticket to the Olympics and then be a contending team in the playoffs.


                      • I'll be damn. Maksvytis fixed something right. Now I'm almost dropping dead. Kazys figured it out one thing right! When asked if Grigonis will be the main perimeter player, he answered: Well, yes, to certain extent he will share this role with Sirvydis, maybe they both will be on the court together, but yes. OMFG. I thought I will never hear anything sensible from Kazys this Olympic cycle, but he finally pushed something to the right side.

                        Shawshank's big three collapsed LOL
                        LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                        Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                        Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                        Buzelis, Lelevicius
                        Murauskas, Sirvydis
                        Tubelis, Krivas


                        • Uggghhhh! Validating your own very subjective preferences doesn't determine the quality of a coach. Why must this be repeated to you time and again?

                          Let's see how the games transpire with the mix of players Coach Maksvytis puts on the floor before we make any judgements.


                          • Gentlement can we wait for the real games before making any assumptions ?

                            When i will see that Sabonis,Grigonis,Jokubaitis will not be top 3 players in main games then i will say i was wrong. Now nothing changed im repeating that trio will be critical and most important players for NT 2024 results.

                            I know how inexperience players not from euroeague/nba reacted to hostile crowds in pressure games in the past tournaments. Dont expect alot.

                            The only young player in recent memory who really was good in pressure games without experience was Brazdeikis. With Brazdeikis in 2022 i was wrong NT rookie delivered way more than i expected.

                            All other recent NT rookies more less like i predicted will miss everything in pressure games.Because moment in their heads will be too big.
                            Last edited by Shawshank; 06-23-2024, 09:42 AM.


                            • Whatever the outcome, it's still good material of amusement to see how Maksvytis demolished your best players projections. You were projecting Sirvydis as fighting for trash minutes with Giedraitis or Dimsa, whatever

                              Now it's on Deividas to utilize this chance. Maksvytis let us know the chance will be given properly. This is indication that he looked really will in the camp so far as well. Can he choke in close games? Possibility. But he was pretty clutch for Lietkabelis this season. He's not playing with ultimate swagger as Iggy, but he's higher IQ player as well. He never was known to be shy or not trusting himself. Not every player can drop 16 points in 10minutes or so in NBA as well. He has that experience. Not every player can drop 25 points in Summer league, 34 points in G League and most importantly 31 points in Eurocup or 34 points in KMT (LKL).

                              I'm most curious to see his role. How much Maksvytis will give him the ball. He should be used like in Lietkabelis basically. FOA, some sets should help him to be in situations where he can find space for his drives or open looks. But if Maksvytis will allow him to wave his hand and ask ISO situations, then he will put him into position to be among best NT players of 2024.

                              Personally, I can see a scenario when Sirvydis screws it and at the end of the day gets into some kind of slump. Something like that happened with him at the start of the season with Lietkabelis. He was asked to be a leader, but he couldn't do it at the start. Was too eager to take all shots possible and just was too excited to show himself. But I think he exactly learned a lot from this season, later when the game slowed down to him and he just grew into that leader's role naturally. He was taking smarter shots, he was getting to the basket and FT line. Now I hope Sirvydis will be looking for higher % options in the NT, meaning the driving more than shooting. He should be patient and utilize his smoothness and size going to the cup in the first place.
                              LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                              Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                              Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                              Buzelis, Lelevicius
                              Murauskas, Sirvydis
                              Tubelis, Krivas


                              • Outcome is most important thing.What will happend in qualification semifinal and finals and which players will deliver and for which players moment will be too big.

                                Thats what it is all about. All those talks to camera,friendly games means nothing.

                                Sabonis,Grigonos,Jokubaitis is lithuanian best bet that they can be game changers.

                                Coach have many plans and half of them never come true because not all players performs what was expected in pressure moments and then plan changes very fast

                                Sirvydis stats in 2023 world championship was: 4,3pts 32% 3pointers and 3,4 eff in very mediocre LTU NT 2023 roster.

                                I need to believe that 10months later such player gonna start killing in fiba? with close to zero experience playing vs euroleague and nba physicial players? In way stronger NT 2024 summer?

                                I dont believe but we will see maybe im wrong
                                Last edited by Shawshank; 06-23-2024, 10:36 AM.



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