There is big 3 and others.There is no such thing as big 5. Stop trying to compare your fan liked players to NT leaders
Big 3 gonna play most minutes and take most shots.
I dont believe in your predictions that only seeing rises of ltu basketball every year
when resutls shows its not even close to rises. Neither in NT results,neither of more ltu players in euroleague or nba . Thats why its horoscope predictions to my eyes. Im calling like see it.
I trust players from Nba,Barcelona or Panathinikos elite clubs players wayyy more than Lietkabelis or Rytas players facing elite NT.
Sirvydis was same age 23 in 2023 world champ like Iggy was in 2022 eurobasket. Shown results of these 2 players at same age wasnt even close. One was in starting 5 ,other was 10-12th player.
Why you comparing Brazdeikis 23 to Sirvydis 24? if we have data of both at 23?
When the last time player from not from zalgiris or nba/euroleague circles was top 5 by importance in LTU NT?
Usually those Neptunas,Lietkabelis,Rytas leaders ends up being 10-12th bench players in NT.
Maybe there is some exceptions sure,but that what happens to like 4 of 5 leaders of Rytas,Lietkabelis/neptunas playing vs euroleague/nba opponnets
I think you dont understand diffrence in levels playing 35min with green lights in Neptunas or Lietkabelis and playing 15-20min in euroleague club with other high quality players vs way stronger opponnets too.
Big 3 gonna play most minutes and take most shots.
I dont believe in your predictions that only seeing rises of ltu basketball every year

I trust players from Nba,Barcelona or Panathinikos elite clubs players wayyy more than Lietkabelis or Rytas players facing elite NT.
Sirvydis was same age 23 in 2023 world champ like Iggy was in 2022 eurobasket. Shown results of these 2 players at same age wasnt even close. One was in starting 5 ,other was 10-12th player.
Why you comparing Brazdeikis 23 to Sirvydis 24? if we have data of both at 23?
When the last time player from not from zalgiris or nba/euroleague circles was top 5 by importance in LTU NT?
Usually those Neptunas,Lietkabelis,Rytas leaders ends up being 10-12th bench players in NT.
Maybe there is some exceptions sure,but that what happens to like 4 of 5 leaders of Rytas,Lietkabelis/neptunas playing vs euroleague/nba opponnets
I think you dont understand diffrence in levels playing 35min with green lights in Neptunas or Lietkabelis and playing 15-20min in euroleague club with other high quality players vs way stronger opponnets too.