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2024 Lithuanian NT
Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Lekavicius
Grigonis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Sirvydis
Sedekerskis, Tubelis
Sabonis, Valanciunas
Sabonis is missing every 3rd tournament. If to choose which he will miss it will be 2025.In 2027 olympic ticket will be in play,2028 olympics. Thats what nba stars does they usually dont play in summer after olympics.
Grigonis back will be one older and dont believe such health guard will play alot in his 30s especially back to back summers.
Lekavicius short legs will be one year slower I dont even want to see him in 2025 at 31 old .Knowing how 1m80 size declines faster.
With Brazdeikis you never know. Dude didnt played all year and missing olympic summer.I almost sure Butkevicius 2 leg injuries this season was worse and we know Arnas is not 100% healthy,but he is pushing himself to play because its olympics. .Brazdeikis isnt.
Valanciunas will show up yes with like 99,9% in 2025. But he will be 33 .
So from those 5 players we will be lucky to have 3 in 2025
Thats why im predicting NT will have like 6 euroleague players in 2025.
2027 is realistic to have strong team,but not in 2025 when 50% of 2024 euroleague players wont play.
Check history like with 4 of 5 times olympic teams always is alot stronger than next summer team. Because alot of best and older players prepares rest after olympic summer with 2 tournaments.Last edited by Shawshank; 06-18-2024, 10:13 PM.
It's not only about Domas and Grigonis to make 2025 strong. In 2023 we already had nice core of young, but already experienced players like Jokubaitis, Sedekerskis, Brazdeikis. They will be much better in 2025. Then Sirvydis this year will take another shot in NT and in 2025 he should be ready to be one of the leaders. There's a good chance he will be better than both Grigonis-Brazdeikis as a scorer already. After this, we will be looking to integrate Marciulionis, D. Giedraitis, Rubstavicius and Tubelis with bigger role (assuming he makes NT this year which is not a fact yet). Maybe they won't be dominant just from the scratch, but definitely legitimate burst of talent. And, again, Buzelis card shouldn't be overlooked. If he comes, he adds multidimentional impact. He would elevate NT defense and athleticism. So, again, I see a scenario where 2025 could be even stronger than 2024.
Again, Sabonis already didn't play in 2023. Now I have no reason to see why he would miss 2024 and 2025, knowing that the 2026 season is empty. I think he will be there. Grigonis absence is more likely, IMO, bet we can fill the position 2 with Brazdeikis, Sirvydis, D. Giedraitis, Rubstavicius. Surely tons of talent in that position.LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
Krivas looks long next SabonisImagine this experience for him now. Priceless. Going against third best center in the world and NBA MVP candidate. For him it's a great workout.
LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
Originally posted by Straight forward View PostIt's not only about Domas and Grigonis to make 2025 strong. In 2023 we already had nice core of young, but already experienced players like Jokubaitis, Sedekerskis, Brazdeikis. They will be much better in 2025. Then Sirvydis this year will take another shot in NT and in 2025 he should be ready to be one of the leaders. There's a good chance he will be better than both Grigonis-Brazdeikis as a scorer already. After this, we will be looking to integrate Marciulionis, D. Giedraitis, Rubstavicius and Tubelis with bigger role (assuming he makes NT this year which is not a fact yet). Maybe they won't be dominant just from the scratch, but definitely legitimate burst of talent. And, again, Buzelis card shouldn't be overlooked. If he comes, he adds multidimentional impact. He would elevate NT defense and athleticism. So, again, I see a scenario where 2025 could be even stronger than 2024.
Again, Sabonis already didn't play in 2023. Now I have no reason to see why he would miss 2024 and 2025, knowing that the 2026 season is empty. I think he will be there. Grigonis absence is more likely, IMO, bet we can fill the position 2 with Brazdeikis, Sirvydis, D. Giedraitis, Rubstavicius. Surely tons of talent in that position.
10-11 euroleague level players in 2024
6-7 euroleague level players in 2025
Nothing to compare clearly 2024 team will be stronger like normally is with Olympics.
2023 NT what kind young group you see there? our bench 2unit that played well was from veterans Kariniauskas,Dimsa,Kuzminskas,Bendzius,Dmo
In 2023 tean wasnt young at all and 2024 team isnt young either
NT will have rebuilt their roster in 2025-2026 and prepare them 2028 olympics. But dont expect winning results when thats happening in first few tournaments.
You count only you upcomming tallent and dont count that like 70% of todays ltu euroleague players is at age to be close to retire from NT and as always predicting some kinda miracle NT rises like every year
Last edited by Shawshank; 06-19-2024, 09:04 AM.
Originally posted by Shawshank View Post
count the euroleague players and you will see its like having
10-11 euroleague level players in 2024
6-7 euroleague level players in 2025
Nothing to compare clearly 2024 team will be stronger like normally is with Olympics.
2023 NT what kind young group you see there? our bench 2unit that played well was from veterans Kariniauskas,Dimsa,Kuzminskas,Bendzius,Dmo
In 2023 tean wasnt young at all and 2024 team isnt young either
NT will have rebuilt their roster in 2025-2026 and prepare them 2028 olympics. But dont expect winning results when thats happening.
2024 wont win medal because competion will be ridiculously strong, 2025 wont win because ltu roster will be very average and inexperienced.
Grigonis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Sirvydis
Sedekerskis, Tubelis
Sabonis, Valanciunas
I count at least 9-10 NBA/EL players. What are you talking about?
I mean Jokubaitis being one year older can be complete game changer, as well as for players like Sirvydis, Brazdeikis or even Rubstavicius, Tubelis. There's tons of talent. These players that I mention has higher upside than Ulanovas, Butkevicius, Lekavicius and that kind of EL material. Damn, let's be very clear - Jokubaitis, Sirvydis, Rubstavicius all have higher upside than Grigonis even.
And if Buzelis comes, he's by far the highest upside young player with no-one even close.
So what do you don't get? LTU on ultimate rise and potentially much stronger than 2024 if Sabonis comes. Easy to see that. As I said, if Jokubaitis already can lead NT at elite level, that alone is a game changer potentially. I just can't see how NT 2025 can be worse generally. The only big loss would be a loss of Sabonis, but he will be IN. After Sabonis, there's Jokubaitis, Buzelis, Brazdeikis, Sirvydis, Sedekerskis as the key players. All young guys. Grigonis can be subbed by Brazdeikis and Sirvydis. If you don't see a potential growth there, I can't help you.
Hell even players like D. Giedraitis, Marciulionis, like key hard workers, are higher upside players than Butkevicius, Lekavicius and such.
You're missing it completely. NT on a big big growth ATM. Superior players will change such pieces as Grigonis, Lekavicius, Butkevicius, Kuzminskas, Ulanovas and even prime Sabonis most likely will be better than prime Valanciunas cause Domas involves others. We're about to see if it's true though, starting with this season.
LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
I feel like despite Iggy loss this NT will have the most options in this Olympic cycle. FOA, Ulanovas is a legitimate options. He can do a lot of things. SOA, Sedekerskis is even different now than last summer I think and he can be more aggressive attacking close outs. And lastly there's Sirvydis.
So aside traditional protagonists of aggression in Jokubaitis, Grigonis, Sabonis (and Lekavicius off the bench), these 3 players above should emerge as legitimate providers in every game. The key is now how Maksvytis handles Sirvydis. I hope he won't screw him and will have some decent plays for him that he could show his best.
LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
Competion is very big in SG-SF players. Grigonis,Sirvydis,R.Giedraitis,Butkevicius,Ulanova s,Kuzminskas
SF position is deep with 3 battle tested dudes that knows how to play well in fiba.
From Sirvydis coaches will need him to help Grigonis at SG like coach mentioned in press conference in this 2024 roster,
If Sirvydis will play well nobody is interested to bench him.If he will perform like in 2023 he will find himself on bench
Somebody from euroleague players will end up being on end bench as 11-12th player its clear with such deep rotation in SG-SF.Last edited by Shawshank; 06-21-2024, 06:48 AM.
Easy decision is to movie Ule to 4 mainly, realize that Giedraitis is trash and to use Sirvydis as 2 mainly. Grigas, Sirvuha 2, Kuz, Butke 3, Sedas, Ule 4. That would be my rotation. But I would also want to have Jokubaitis, Grigonis, Sirvydis, Ulanovas, Sedekerskis closing some small ball games. I think that's the most skilled and flexible line up to close the games. Or Sabonis instead of Sedas if center is bigger. Those 1-4 position players is our best chance to play most dominant offense assuming Sirvydis playing well.LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
Im not fan of closing lineup and dont have atleast one above average defender to put on opponnets leader and make his closing game atleast chalenging.
Sabonis will be finishing games . Bigger question coach will choose Sedekerskis or Ulanovas to finish games at PF.
Jokubaitis 30min,Lekavicius 10
Grigonis 25
Butkevicius 20,Kuzminskas 15,(Ulanovas 5-10min)
Sedekerskis 25,Ulanovas 15-20
Sabonis 30, Dmo 10
about these main players roles im sure more less
Who will win battle for 15min backup SG role between Sirvydis or R.Giedraitis we will see.
They both sucked in 2022 and 2023 in fiba,im not confident in neither of them...for 2024Last edited by Shawshank; 06-21-2024, 08:17 AM.
Maksvytis has to have balls to sit Sabonis against true small ball. Garuba was one of the main reasons why LTU lost and we needed Sedekerskis badly (Kazys didn't think so).
Regarding rotation I see this:
Jokubaitis 26, Lekavicius 14
Grigonis 26, Sirvydis 22, Giedraitis 5-10
Kuzminskas 20, Butkevicius 15
Sedekerskis 25, Ulanovas 20, Tubelis 5
Sabonis 28, D-Mo 12
I believe it will be between Dimsa and Giedraitis (most likely Dimsa out). I don't think anyone would understand cutting Sirvydis after this season and how much we lack individual skill, specially when there's no Brazdeikis. I see a big role for him, around 20mpg, maybe even more. He's on his way to become better than Grigonis (Marius will never have his slashing, physicality and size). Can he emerge as better this season already? Probably not this season exactly, but this is possibility. If Sirvydis will be knocking down his threes and will drive to the basket as he did in LKL playoffs, he will be the best guard along with Jokubaitis on this roster. Grigonis can mainly shoot. Against top defenses and teams he is always locked only for shooting mainly. Doesn't have burst, explosiveness and physicality to make a damage inside. PAO used Grigonis in playoffs (and mainly RS as well) as merely a shooter. In the NT he will have much more ball in his hands and he will get to the cup some, but not against top defenses. Sirvydis already has superior slashing game and physicality going down hill, not to mention 204cm size. Minimizing Sirvydis role would be huge mistake, but Kazys made some amazingly stupid decision before so who knows. Sirvydis off course can screw it up himself too. Like R. Giedraitis somehow does in NT (but he is overall overrated even in EL, very streaky, gets some momentum and dominates for one or two months, but in others looks nearly unplayable and in NT he seems always unplaybale and has to play 30mpg to get his overrated stat production, I actually am 100% certain that for 10-15mpg role Rubstavicius would be flat out better than Giedraitis as well as off course D. Giedraitis, but Maksvytis has his own mentality of mediocrity and you won't change it).
From this roster there's only these players with elite upside (current/long term):
Jokubaitis, Sirvydis, Sedekerskis, Sabonis (and likely Tubelis)
All others are at the best above average EL players (Grigonis, Ulanovas, Motiejunas) or lower.
That's why it's super important for Sirvydis to feel his natural self in the NT as soon as possible. This would lift NT a lot. If Jokubaitis and Sirvydis starting to play as they can (or will eventually), NT instantly in way different situation upside wise. As well as I want more from Sedekerskis this time (in the play in against Maccabi and Virtus, dude unleashed 21eff per game). He's already elite combo forward essentially. For Tubelis it's a little too soon, but I want these four elite material to do good.LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
Saboni at 28 at his total peak milk that cow untill nothing left.Thats would be my plan with Sabonis for 2024 summer.
Serbian wont bench Jokic,Lithuania wot bench Sabonis. We cant compare them to nba roles centers Hernangomez and Garuba example.
There can be some special one matchup where maybe yes,but in like 4 of 5 games Sabonis will be finishing games im very sure in that.
I think you way optimistic about Sirvydis role in 2024 team.
This is not Lietkabelis where he played 35min and shooted 15-20 shots per game and opponents wont be uleb players in Olympics. Those elite SG opponents gonna attack his weak defence too.
Listen i dont care about your future upsides ... take your horoscope prediction of ltu tallent threads.
Here we are talking about winning games in 2 weeks not in 2027. And what gives our Nt best chance to do that and qualife to 2024 Olympics.
LTU 2024 big 3 will be Sabonis,Grigonis,Jokubaitis thats around who team will be built,other players must find their roles adapting to big 3
Originally posted by Shawshank View PostSaboni at 28 at his total peak milk that cow untill nothing left.Thats would be my plan with Sabonis for 2024 summer.
Serbian wont bench Jokic,Lithuania wot bench Sabonis. We cant compare them to nba roles centers Hernangomez and Garuba example.
There can be some special one matchup where maybe yes,but in like 4 of 5 games Sabonis will be finishing games im very sure in that.
I think you way optimistic about Sirvydis role in 2024 team.
This is not Lietkabelis where he played 35min and shooted 15-20 shots per game and opponents wont be uleb players in Olympics. Those elite SG opponents gonna attack his weak defence too.
Listen i dont care about your future upsides ... take your horoscope prediction of ltu tallent threads.
Here we are talking about winning games in 2 weeks not in 2027. And what gives our Nt best chance to do that and qualife to 2024 Olympics.
LTU 2024 big 3 will be Sabonis,Grigonis,Jokubaitis thats around who team will be built,other players must find their roles adapting to big 3
Stop using that funny horoscope word. I am discussing most talented LTU players literally. If you don't like it, go to Juventus forum and discuss their next season roster, you're free to do it
Depends on Sirvydis himself. Just as people didn't see him dropping 20ppg or being that good in terms of slashing, he may surprise again. He was taking 11,7 shots in Eurocup. I will only remind you that Brazdeikis was taking 10 shots in Eurobasket 2022 for LTU. But the thing is that he was only 38.7% from the field and had only 8eff per game. He gave LTU 10.7ppg which was nice, but I believe Sirvydis can bring much more efficient scoring. At that time Brazdeikis was 23yo, clueless without FIBA experience and yet he became a guy who takes most shots and brings 11ppg. Inefficient points, but nevertheless to me he exceeded my expectations a little bit. He was very close taking down champs Spain in 4th quarter with a three and tip in in last minute of 4th quarter and overall 17pts.
Now Sirvydis is one year older than 23yo Iggy. Has way more experience in FIBA and Europe and I would say he unleashed more impressive season than Brazdeikis ever provided (or equal Brazdeikis' season in Zalgiris if you ask me). ATM I expect 10-12ppg from Sirvydis in ~22mpg playing time with around 50% accuracy from the field. I believe this is pretty objective asking from him. If he would exceed that, it would be great, but mainly I want him to play like Brazdeikis played in 2023 WC where he was a bit more efficient and didn't force things too much compared to his 2022 self. I think 2023 WC Iggy's version is his upside in NT more or less. He can't be one of the keys, while I think Sirvydis can be one of the leaders eventually if not now. Brazdeikis gave 11ppg, 23mpg, 8,5 shots per game, 48.5% from the field. Something like that I expect from Sirvydis.
I agree that Sabonis, Jokubaitis, Girgonis are 3 key players for 2024, but I would love to see Sedekerskis and Siirvydis being on the same tier as well.LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas
Another horoscope from talents threadMaksvytis should study this and decide what's the best way to use Sirvyds. When it comes to offense, there's no question that Sirvydis now is among top 4 most dangerous players in this roster:
Kauno Žalgiris oficialiai pranešė apie susitarimą su Deividu Sirvydžiu. Ar Europos taurėje dominavęs vilnietis yra pasiruošęs ir Eurolygai? Šiame video kalbu...
LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:
Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
Buzelis, Lelevicius
Murauskas, Sirvydis
Tubelis, Krivas