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Lithuanian Basketball League (LKL) 2023-24

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  • #61
    In first game Trinch tried Dimsa at 1 and he was just jacking off threes and missing and was trash. If you're playing like that, only your god Maksvytis can keep you playing.
    LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

    Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
    Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
    Buzelis, Lelevicius
    Murauskas, Sirvydis
    Tubelis, Krivas


    • #62
      Rytas troika Cole,Foster,Normantas ale those second rate guards scored 31+31+24=86pts in first 2 games

      Zalgiris 4 euroleague guards Lekavicius,Giedraitis,Dimsa,Sumner combined scored 38+22+10+10= 80pts

      But the biggest diffrence between backourts in first 2 games is last 5 minute play when crunch time came,watching replay of games its very clear why Rytas won those 50/50 games.


      • #63
        LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

        Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
        Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
        Buzelis, Lelevicius
        Murauskas, Sirvydis
        Tubelis, Krivas


        • #64
          Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
          To me it's funny how redneck Maksvytis homers here treat Maksvytis as equal figure to Trinchieri
          Go to sleep. I'm not even Maksvytis fan at all. Moreover, i wanted a foreign NT coach already long time ago. At that time you barely spoke bad about Maksvytis and you said that he deserved one more chance.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Dreamcatcher View Post
            Go to sleep. I'm not even Maksvytis fan at all. Moreover, i wanted a foreigner NT coach already long time ago. At that time you barely spoke bad about Maksvytis and you said that he deserved one more chance.
            You're slow last few days. Obviously I wasn't referring to you calling out Maksvytis redneck fan club here. Maybe you need a sleep?

            Exaclty. Some lunatics here as Ludux (well, he's been a lunatic ever since day 1 here N years ago, so whatever, he's on his own planet, SS at least sometimes uses logic, just can't stay consistent with it and tends to jump straight to conclusions instead of calculating all ins and outs often) think I'm Maksvytis hater. No, I'm not. I thought Maksvytis deserves a chance. I wasn't like Kleiza who said Maksvytis should GTFO after the failure of 2022. I was patient, I wanted to see what he learned. I even wanted to see what he learned after a failure against Serbia in 2023. But obviously he learned zero cutting down the player who could be a remedy against guard dominant Serbia (at least to certain extent). In other words, I lost belief in Maksvytis completely. Way too many nonsenses he did already. Way too many.
            LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

            Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
            Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
            Buzelis, Lelevicius
            Murauskas, Sirvydis
            Tubelis, Krivas


            • #66
              Originally posted by Straight forward View Post

              You're slow last few days. Obviously I wasn't referring to you calling out Maksvytis redneck fan club here. Maybe you need a sleep?
              You wrote homers in plural meaning it's not only about Shawshank. Since there were three of us involved in discussion i made a conclusion that Maksvytis' homers are Shawshank and me.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Straight forward View Post

                Any ideas WHY Dimsa is playing so little?

                Question was why you compare combine stats of 36min played minutes with 10 minutes players?

                Why Sirvydis played so litlle in Nt 2023 compare to Dimsa or Normantas? Ask coach not me

                Compare main zalgiris guards who plays 30min to Rytas main guards and you will see who is winning backout battle


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Dreamcatcher View Post
                  You wrote homers in plural meaning it's not only about Shawshank. Since there were three of us involved in discussion i made a conclusion that Maksvytis' homers are Shawshank and me.
                  Yeah, but we both agreed on coaching part plenty of time previously, so you could figure I'm not talking about you.
                  LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                  Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                  Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                  Buzelis, Lelevicius
                  Murauskas, Sirvydis
                  Tubelis, Krivas


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Shawshank View Post

                    Question was why you compare combine stats of 36min played minutes with 10 minutes players?

                    Why Sirvydis played so litlle in Nt 2023 compare to Dimsa or Normantas? Ask coach not me
                    It's simple. Dimsa/Normantas were still better than Sirvydis. Sirvydis needed to add strength and lack playing time at true PRO level. Now after one season at PRO with tons of playing time he outgrew those players and now is better than them.

                    The reason why Dimsa is not playing now as much as D. Giedraitis, it is because overall Giedraitis is already better. Trinch was winning tons of EL games when he took it over. So he did something right.
                    LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                    Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                    Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                    Buzelis, Lelevicius
                    Murauskas, Sirvydis
                    Tubelis, Krivas


                    • #70
                      "One thing for sure, that is very important is that we need Tomas Dimsa and Heyes to help us a little bit more. They have to find the way to enter this series:"

                      Trinch said in press comf

                      I think this answers why Dimsa is playing only 11mpg or so. He has been sucking balls in this finals so far.

                      If Dimsa can't help this depleted Zalgiris? How the fuck he's going to help NT? I see Giedraitis helping, but I don't see Dimsa giving anything much.
                      LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                      Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                      Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                      Buzelis, Lelevicius
                      Murauskas, Sirvydis
                      Tubelis, Krivas


                      • #71
                        If Trinchieri will lose lkl finals to Rytas zalgiris fans will ask his ass out is simple as that.

                        So its time for Giedraitis and Lekavicius to deliver something in last 5 minutes if they play 35minutes as 2 main guards.

                        So far Rytas main guards clearly outplayed zalgiris main guards in critical 4querters minutes.

                        I dont buy that any zalgiris guard is playing well in finals if they loosing 0-2 and lost both game endings to champions league club.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Shawshank View Post
                          If Trinchieri will lose lkl finals to Rytas zalgiris fans will ask his ass out is simple as that.

                          So its time for Giedraitis and Lekavicius to deliver something in last 5 minutes if they play 35minutes as 2 main guards.

                          So far Rytas main guards clearly outplayed zalgiris main guards in critical 4querters minutes.

                          I dont buy that any zalgiris guard is playing well in finals if they loosing 2-0 and lost both game endings to champions league club.
                          So Maksvytis taking worse players to the NT and devoted NT fans as myself should speak politely about it? How do you support a coach who takes worse Zalgiris players to the NT instead of better ones? Specially when we badly need that kind of players in the NT?

                          It's really funny how Maksvytis phrase got reversed with D. Giedraitis when he was talking about marginalized players without a reason. Dude made some much crazy things and at the end of the day said so many crazy things. Even now his words like it's not only about defense blah blah. At which end then Dimsa plays at least? It's about none of the BB court ends obviously. He likes that kind of players. Kariniauskas and such. He gives 0 shots and zero defense against Serbia. All good A guy deserved a red carpet and automatical spot without any competition.
                          LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                          Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                          Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                          Buzelis, Lelevicius
                          Murauskas, Sirvydis
                          Tubelis, Krivas


                          • #73
                            If see that Dimsa and Sumner get 8-9minutes in lkl finals

                            Giedraitis and Lekavicius gets 30+minutes

                            I will blame firstly coach for very strange rotation and seeing how Giedraitis and Lukas have no legs lefts in 4querter and missing all shots

                            secondly i will blame those guards that was on the floor in 4 querter and didnt get the job done versus weaker level opponnets.

                            Im not blaming players who averaged 8minute per game for loosing the series.

                            Like Im not blamming Ginenvicius and Slanina for 2004 meltdown vs Italy.

                            Jasikevicius and Siskauskas failed big time in that game.playing 30+min and not delivering anything when it mattered

                            If player become 30min player demands from him is diffrent. Playing 36min and giving lousy 6pts on 22% shooting thats very bad production


                            • #74
                              Did you even watch the game dude? Did you see how Sumner looked? He was beyond trash and fouled out. He can't play. He looks like a guy who could barely play in Eurocup ATM. Do you even watch games? I mean Trinch wouldn't be able to play him even if wanted, he fouled out.

                              None of Lekavicius and D. Giedraitis are starters. Simply Evans got injured and Zalgiris never bought a starting level SG either. Do you understand the situation?

                              And no, if Trinch will lose the final with back-up guards, majority of Zalgiris fans won't ask him out. He showed what he can in EL and any sensible persons understand the situation with Zalgiris roster ATM.

                              Trinch is not guilty that Zalgiris brought such trash as Sumner.
                              LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                              Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                              Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                              Buzelis, Lelevicius
                              Murauskas, Sirvydis
                              Tubelis, Krivas


                              • #75
                                -2,5 eff per 2 games for Sumner. How a bout a starter like that. Biggest bust in a long time.
                                LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                                Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                                Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                                Buzelis, Lelevicius
                                Murauskas, Sirvydis
                                Tubelis, Krivas



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