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2023 Lithuanian NT

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  • It was refreshing to see how confident Jokubaitis is. He and JV are at different level than all other players. Yes, Brazdeikis will be good too, but not as consistent and efficient player. I was laughing at these 4th, 5th spots which went to Ulanovas and Brazdeikis (via There's no doubt it's Sabonis/JV/Jokubaitis/Grigonis as the best ballers in the country (and the hierarchy of latter 2 are unclear, but most likely Jokubaitis is already third best baller in the country). We have 3 players who play at the highest level possible at the moment - 2 NBA guys and Barca's Jokubaitis. To be fair, I have a feeling that the next guy who will reach this level will be Rubstavicius (maybe Brazdeikis). Jokubaitis decision making and steamy offense will come on a constant basis and this means our offense will be good enough even without Sabonis, Grigonis, Lekavicius. I even liked his effort defensively, he was active with his hands, tried to lock down Georgia's PGs in some possessions, but obviously their guards are far from being elite. If Jokubaitis is playing around 20min. he's an average defender at the very least and sometimes his motor and effort is a bit underrated. Obviously he'll never be good defender, but his presence will be priceless for Lithuanian basketball in upcoming 11-13 years. We have very good player to start building winning culture for 20s at position 1.

    I'm most disappointed with the fact we didn't get a small ball 5. If Tubelis out, we really have no answers. Azuolas athleticism and decent lateral quickness, ability to chase down guards for a block here and there could be a nice option. Maldunas zero athleticism will be useless against serious opponents. Shengellia was eating him alive.

    Players as Giedraitis, Normantas, Sirvydis, Sederskis, Bendzius all functioned well as role players. We can add D-Mo and Kuzminskas to this list. Meaning we have very adequate role players who will do their job without any frustration and won't ask the ball. This is good. I have Jokubaitis, Brazdeikis, Valanciunas and even Dimsa as top protagonists of this team and players who will play with the ball the most. I still think Kariniauskas will be a tragedy and a mistake. He will suck balls in most if not all serious games, IMO. But it's refreshing to see that Sirvydis and Sedekerskis add certain creativity, passing culture to the team. Specially Sirvydis. We need those secondary facilitating glimpses since we depend on Jokubaitis so much:

    To me the biggest issue is the lack of defensive center. How we will be closing games? With freakin' Maldunas? I understand why Maksvytis desperately waited for Tubelis. We are butt naked in this department and after the season with Zalgiris and last EB, he knows we are in trouble if we play JV, D-Mo down the stretch...Our D will be butt naked.

    Heading forward we desperately need defensive 5. Hopefully Tubelis/Krivas can offer something soon. I see Tubelis making 2024 as third center.

    LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

    Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
    Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
    Buzelis, Lelevicius
    Murauskas, Sirvydis
    Tubelis, Krivas


    • Urbonas says Kariniauskas will be the main PG. I mean I don't care about that absolutely silly redneck, but, seriously, I will never ever thought this kind of level will ever be reached...Speechless...

      I'm sincerely frightful realizing that such persons actually get to coach LTU NTs as U18...OMG...
      LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

      Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
      Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
      Buzelis, Lelevicius
      Murauskas, Sirvydis
      Tubelis, Krivas


      • Our finishing 5 center is Domas. This 2023 NT dont have such player that could switch everything defence and have street smart,experienced big for endings.

        Coach tried to put Sedekerskis and Bendzius together they were eaten by bigs of Georgians inside.

        Same can happend versus huge size NTs of Greece or Montenegro or Serbia. Those 2 our PF together can work only againts small teams like Mexico or Italy

        Shengelia destroyed yesterday everybody on PF position with 30pts .We saw why he is good euroleague player and our PFs is uleb level.

        This 2023 NT have just too many defensive holes.Coach trying to fill one with more mobile bigs and doing that other hole inside opens up and georgians didnt even have high quality scoring guards and still was scoring easily

        This roster can talk about training all they want,but how to fix things when like all NT players is one sided players or defensive type or offensive type and nobody is two way player
        Last edited by Shawshank; 08-02-2023, 08:06 AM.


        • No. Sedekerskis is legitimate EL player. Shengelia simply had a very good game, but he's far from playing like this every day now. Besides, NT still doesn't have chemistry and that's the outcome of that too. Sedekerskis maybe didn't have the best defensive game this time, but he is a really really solid EL defensive combo forward. Actually Sederskis is a very good option to throw on some bigger PFs. Yes, if Shengelia will get it going he will dominate, but Sedekerskis will have some good defensive performances and hopefully that will come in important games too.

          Sabonis off course is better and sometimes much better than JV/D-Mo defensively, but overall he also is liability in p'n'r D and doesn't have enough rim protection. Yeah, we can live with him to certain extent, and knowing his offensive talent we will certainly will, but, again, we need some-one with better defensive instincts - the one who would LOVE to play defense. My money are on Raupelis, but Tubelis, Krivas also can be a step forward. Say you have Sabonis, Tubelis, Krivas as C line-up for 2027 WC and that already sound like not completely naked position 5.

          I want to see Tarolis getting a chance to close down upcoming games against Finland or France.

          Regarding grinding players for upcoming generation I would name Sedekerskis, D. Giedraitis, Marciulionis, Rubstavicius, Krivas, K. Keinys, Raupelis, Smirnov, Zygas. Those have huge defensive motor, tends to grind and play with 100% motor at least defensively. I think new generation will be more about offense and we likely to have a chance to be so good offensively that defense won't be even so relevant, but I think we still will have some good options for grinding egoless players.
          LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

          Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
          Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
          Buzelis, Lelevicius
          Murauskas, Sirvydis
          Tubelis, Krivas


          • I also was repeating here Sedekerskis is good defender,but when i see Vezenkov cooking him last summer,Sengelia this summer and alot fans imagine Sedekerskis would have slow down Doncic in 2021,but now im not so sure at all

            When im saying that Vezenkov and Sengelia were cooking LTU NT is not with just 20pts,is was more with 30pts on 60% shooting.Its means our PFs didnt take nothing from them and gave everything

            Sedekerskis problem is basketball iq,his body and athletism gives him chance being very good defender,but his basketball iq limitations im starting to feel he never will reach Maciulis/Siskauskas abilities on defence.

            Those dudes were street smart not dummies and was adapting to changing situations fast themselfs

            Cant say same about Sedekerkis.He is like robot doing what coaches is saying in scouting report,but not making his own adjustments when things changes on the floor.
            Last edited by Shawshank; 08-02-2023, 10:31 AM.


            • Those guys you mention are pretty good. You ain't no stopping them easily. Sedekerskis probably won't be as good defensively as prime Maciulis, or Siskauksas (different type of defenders though), but he still is sneaky good, you just have to trust him. Sometimes he will look a bit lost and in other stretch or game he will be the machine of efficiency and very good defense. Overall as the tournament goes I think he will be from decent to solid, just have to trust him and live with few misreads, personal fouls or missed shots. He had some great stretches during the season, then I think some injuries slowed him down.
              LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

              Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
              Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
              Buzelis, Lelevicius
              Murauskas, Sirvydis
              Tubelis, Krivas


              • I get all that, im not asking opponents NT leaders hold under 10pts,but could please our forwards hold them under 20pts ? and under 50% shooting ?

                I cant ask that from veterans Bendzius or Kuzminskas,so im asking that from Sedekerskis

                So far he failed in slowing down Vezenkov,Sengelia.

                Next his PF matchups will be Markanen and Yabusele

                Those good NTs have really good PFs .Sedekerskis must show what he is made of and step up his defence or he gonna be cooked again.
                Last edited by Shawshank; 08-02-2023, 01:41 PM.


                • Asking way too much, specially when we speak about Vezenkov. He was averaging 27ppg and not a single team hold him lower than 26pts...
                  LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                  Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                  Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                  Buzelis, Lelevicius
                  Murauskas, Sirvydis
                  Tubelis, Krivas


                  • NT of missing players vs current NT - which is superior?

                    Lekavicius, Grigonis
                    R. Giedraitis, Rubstavicius
                    Ulanovas, Butkevicius
                    Kulboka, Buzelis
                    Sabonis, Gudaitis

                    Damn, it's pretty close...

                    LTU NT will snatch Eurobasket 2029 title with this roster:

                    Jokubaitis, Marciulionis, Laurencikas
                    Indrusaitis, Brazdeikis, Rubstavicius
                    Buzelis, Lelevicius
                    Murauskas, Sirvydis
                    Tubelis, Krivas


                    • Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
                      Asking way too much, specially when we speak about Vezenkov. He was averaging 27ppg and not a single team hold him lower than 26pts...

                      Hold Shengelia and Vezenkov to just 30pts Kuzminskas and Bendzius also can.

                      If Sedekerskis dont make no diffrence in defence,i rather play those 2 for shooting
                      Last edited by Shawshank; 08-02-2023, 04:12 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Straight forward View Post
                        NT of missing players vs current NT - which is superior?

                        Lekavicius, Grigonis
                        R. Giedraitis, Rubstavicius
                        Ulanovas, Butkevicius
                        Kulboka, Buzelis
                        Sabonis, Gudaitis

                        Damn, it's pretty close...

                        5 men lineup Sabonis,Ulanovas,Butkevicius,R.Giedraitis,Grigonis is better than any 5 men lineup real NT 2023 can put.

                        Would have way better lineup to finish games too and better defensive team

                        I would bet that holiday team would go further in fiba tournament


                        • Originally posted by Straight forward View Post

                          Heading forward we desperately need defensive 5. Hopefully Tubelis/Krivas can offer something soon. I see Tubelis making 2024 as third center.
                          tubelis biggest problem is his defense, it might look a little bit better in europe but its the reason why didnt get drafted


                          • Greece beat Slovenia with Doncic in Liubliana

                            Itoudis squad even without Giannis looks like seriuos,deep NT from highlights

                            Walkup is nice fit for them,maturity of playmaking.defence,physicality just world class level.Our NT also need such type guard badly,especially for defence.

                            Thomas played for Zalgiris 3 seasons Lithuanians didnt even considered naturalise him. Walkup played for Olympiakos 2 seasons and already is in NT roster big diffrence in approach.
                            Last edited by Shawshank; 08-03-2023, 09:35 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Shawshank View Post
                              Thomas played for Zalgiris 3 seasons Lithuanians didnt even considered naturalise him. Walkup played for Olympiakos 2 seasons and already is in NT roster big diffrence in approach.
                              I much prefer the LKF's reluctance to naturalize. These nationality change operations never seem to work long. Can anyone cite even one example of a "naturalized" player remaining as his newly gotten nationality?


                              • And I'm reluctant to become president of foreign country that requires presidents to be born in that country
                                Last edited by LuDux; 08-03-2023, 07:55 PM.
                                The Moon Is A SCAM(!



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