Originally posted by LuDux
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One thing that I learned from this tournament - liberal bb works, but only to certain extent. We needed more guidance and frame cause at times we looked like teams that I often mention in a negative context.
Yes, shooting is a problem, but I think spacing with Sabonis/Tubelis would still be much different than with JV/Domas. Both guys can drive, pass and they are incomparably quicker decision makers. So our offensive dynamics and spacing would still be improved. When any of your big can feel comfortable in the middle or off short role and distribute the ball quickly or drive, you have offensive flexibility, plus Tubelis can make mid range jimmy. So is Sabonis in NBA, but in FIBA he doesn't take it. Maybe if he would camped at 5 for good, he would feel more comfortable with his shot as well. So offense will improve a bit, but I think the defense will improve a lot. Tubelis not only can cover 4 I think, but he can provide a lot of help defence to 5 as well. He can switch. So we could have mobile defence, collapsing on the right players - unit that could switch all and provide mobile help defence.
I would see such picture: Domas playing the 5 (and only the 5) for 26min. JV 14min at 5. At 4 we have Kuzminskas for 16-18min. Tubelis for 16-18min (the rest for one of Sedekerskis, Bendzius, Zukauskas, Kulboka, Murauskas, Orelikas or who ever).
So we have a little bit of both. Playing with the stretch 4 and Tubelis who could improve our defence, and athleticism and passing.
To some extent we shouldn't overrate shooting. Germany didn't have great shooting bigs as well, but their D was good and their offense dynamic enough to win it all. Actually their bigs even lacked a bit of driving and scoring inside ability which Lithuania doesn't lack. VOIGTMANN theoretically is a good shooter, but he didn't shot much and not too well, except good game in small final.
If can add defensively competitive big (Tubelis) and a guy who could bite some-one like Brown (next year it will be Rubio) for some 10-15min of super intense defence (D. Giedraitis or Marciulionis), we make certain improvement. It's not complete game changer, but it's a step forward.