Originally posted by maccabeo
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I like every player on MTA because they are our guys. On the other hand, not every player is useful. Sharp is a very important piece in the locker room. He is the reason, why foreigners (mainly Americans) come to MTA and like it there. He makes their transition smoother, he always keeps his coolness and that reflects on the players. Sharp is never panicking. Green has been injured all season long and thus he was never able to play much. However, when he played and got more than a few seconds of game time, he has proven to be useful. He was very good defensively and adequate offensively. He has had a great game vs. Caja Laboral, for example. However, he has never been worth his salary at Maccabi. He was three times overpaid there. Burstein never lived up to what he was supposed to show. He was prtty much okay during the regular season and until the fourth game of the Top 16. Since then he has been a total zero. However, he was mainly got for the domestic competition and he is doing okay there. With more playing time and a very good 3PT (20/47, 42,6% in 21 games). I consider Hendrix to be a good role player and he is becoming better but he is playing out of position, since he was signed before Eliyahu came back. I have seen Macvan play for Hemofarm and I know that he still isn't showing at MTA what he is capable of. His last game in the domestic competition should have been an indicator however. But he is young and MTA will fare well with him. Pnini and Blu had their ups and downs during the season but when the going got tough they delivered big time. Eliyahu has progressed in defense and needs to be more physical on offnse but he is a unique offensive talent and very hard to stop. Sofo is the dominator. The most powerful player in the EL. He has learned how to pass the ball out of a double team and does better in that department than before. He is unstoppable one-on-one. His defense is solid and his ticky-tack fouls are decreasing. It is known that his stamina doesn'T allow him to play 30 mpg but it's okay as he does more in 20 minutes than most other centers in 30 minutes. Eidson is experiencing problems with his shot accuracy right now but he is one of Top 5 allrounders in the EL and very important for MTA on offense and defense. PArgo has been very unstable during the regular season but has been superb lately - EL MVP for the month of March. Perkins epitomized this Maccabi squad. It is impossible to beat him on defense, while offensively he has become more consistent. He has hit the most important free throws this season, he has been also a great all-rounder.
Of course, one could say that some of the guys can be replaced for better players. This is true and this is also possible, if we aren't alking about better Israeli players because there are none available. But this team is giving me so much fun watching it this season and everyone is contributing. Everyone has his key moments to lead his team. I know, which players are gne for sure and which players are under question mark but as long as this very successful season is not over, I don't feel the urgency to stab the guys in their backs like you do. All of them have brought this team to the Final Four. All of them. I'm grateful for that and I won't demand anyone to go now.