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Spain and Fyrom doping cases in Eurobasket 2011

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  • Spain and Fyrom doping cases in Eurobasket 2011

    Two players have been found positive in doping tests during Eurobasket 2011 according to Lithuanian anti-doping agency.

    According to Eva Stanikuniene, the head of Lithuanian anti-doping agency, one of the player is Spanish and the other one a member of FYROM NT, but declined to reveal their names.

    According to her statements the players were found with "above the norm" quantities of banned substances in their organisms. The Lithuanian anti-doping agency sent the samples to FIBA Europe for further testing.

    If confirmed, and depending on the kind of drug in use, FIBA could ban those players with up to two years from any playing activity.

    The Spanish Basketball Federation said they contacted FIBA about the case but FIBA denied any contact with Lithuanian anti-doping agency.

    Source: AS
    Its a shame for european basketball!!!
    Fiba Europe will try to cover the case.Thats for sure.the only fair thing is to take back the golden medal and the 4th place from these 2 teams..

    Viva Espana!Viva Fyrom!
    Last edited by Tap; 11-21-2011, 12:03 PM.

  • #2
    we can expect that Fiba disqualfy Macedonia and that they create rule that Spain is alowed to have 2 doped players per competition
    Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tap View Post
      Its a shame for european basketball!!!
      Fiba Europe will try to cover the case.Thats for sure.the only fair thing is to take back the golden medal and the 4th place from these 2 teams..

      Viva Espana!Viva Fyrom!
      How can you take the 4th place away?

      Seriously, I think most of the basketball players are doped anyway.
      Boy, I am sure many people who envy Spain will use this against them for years to come.
      PAO EUROPEAN CHAMPION 1996 - 2000 - 2002 - 2007 - 2009 - 2011 - 2024


      • #4
        Since when did littel bit more testeron become doping -).

        It is a normal thing to have littel bit more testeron from time to time.

        And yes Cekovski wos the hero in the match against Spain -) 0/14

        LTU media truley are sick in the head.

        It is amazing how much bullshit one can wright in such short period of time (10 days).


        And even Greece will have more support in Macedonia than LTU.
        Originally posted by Ciscorlie Horford
        Macedonia (I refuse to call it FYROM, Article 19, Human Rights)


        • #6
          Are we crazy?
          This is bullshit, you can´t blame on a whole national team even if there was a single player involved, WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE
          Maybe, Lithuania media wants their national team directly to London?
          Don´t make laught, first gain it on the pitch.


          • #7
            Originally posted by pohani komarac View Post
            we can expect that Fiba disqualfy Macedonia and that they create rule that Spain is alowed to have 2 doped players per competition
            You made my day! Comment of the week!

            I from Wisconsin!



            • #8
              Originally posted by Robimkd
              It´s strange, we, as spaniards have been the most part of our lives watching the success in sports of any country but us, without asking if it was clean victories
              And now, that we compete at a high level in almost every sport, have to prove the whole world we have not take drugs to win,
              Even for team sports!!!!!!!!
              Maybe the day the rest of the world uses the olive oil for cooking, they will have testosterone in excess
              Last edited by Levenspiel; 11-08-2011, 09:45 PM.


              • #9
                Macedonia media: Macedonia and Spain are clean, another low blow from LTU media.

                ФИБА Европа: Нема допингувани кошаркари
                Originally posted by Ciscorlie Horford
                Macedonia (I refuse to call it FYROM, Article 19, Human Rights)


                • #10
                  did any1 ralized that Spain and Macedonia are 2 countries that beat lithuania in EB?
                  BARÇA O MUERTE


                  • #11
                    Everybody give Lithuania some attention, they are begging for it.


                    • #12
                      reading the coments it seems that all lithuania does is trying to have revenge. you should get rid of victim's mentality, nobody in lithuania is trying to take your medals or whatever. it's just an article in a newspaper which is no more than a tabloid.


                      • #13
                        Just a tabloid ? who spread it to whole europe ?.

                        But you know we hade it, this time your papers are going to court of law.

                        Your papers will finance our pre olympic torney
                        Originally posted by Ciscorlie Horford
                        Macedonia (I refuse to call it FYROM, Article 19, Human Rights)


                        • #14
                          macedonian authorities could sue that paper. but all i wanted to say is that neither macedonia nor spain is viewed as some kind o enemies in lithuania. in fact a lot of lithuanians admire what macedonia did. don't judge if you don't know what you are talking about


                          • #15
                            Wow. From your posts I imagine you as a fanatic guy, always dressed in orange/red clothing, with your room walls painted in macedonian flag colours and your radio playing Macedonia's anthem non-stop.
                            You seem to look for every tiniest reason to point out how evil Lithuania is.
                            Relax, man. I understand, that Macedonia's recent victories in EB2011 invoked great rise of basketball popularity in your country and your writings are based on emotions and national pride. You think that other countries (mostly Lithuania) are trying to push Macedonia back in any ways they can. In reality, no one is trying sabotage Macedonia's chances on hosting Pre-Olympic tournament. There's simply no point in doing that. All these great conspiracy theories exist only in your mind.
                            Believe me, no one in Lithuania feels hostile to Macedonia. After your team defeated us in 2011 quarter-final, many lithuanians were even happy for macedonian success. Some of our biggest "evil, anti-macedonian" internet news sites posted videos from Skopje greeting your team and most of lithuanian posters spoke really warmly about this macedonian team.
                            You see, we understand how proud you feel (in a good way). We had similar success in 2003 when our generation changed, great players like Sabonis retired from our NT and in their place we had NT, composed of young no-name players. No one expected anything big from that team. Especially when we finished in 12th place two years earlier in EB2001 and not even qualify for WC2002. Yet, that team won the competition and took gold. Whole country was in euphoria. Just like your country is now. We totally understand you. Just try not to be carried away by feelings and emotions. We are not your enemy.
                            About that doping article - i have read whole original material and here's the summary:
                            Two samples from players had more of some substance (it isn't stated which exactly) than usual. So, the lithuanian doping testing lab followed protocol and forwarded those samples to FIBA for further testing (for lithuanian lab didn't have the equipment needed). That's it. Lithuanan media stated these facts and made a conclusion that it MAY mean these players used doping.
                            No one directly accused anyone of using doping.



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