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USSR vs Yugoslavia in Eurobasket 2011.

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  • USSR vs Yugoslavia in Eurobasket 2011.

    Hello everybody, what do You think... if USSR and Yugoslavia would suddenly be restored, how their rosters would look? Perhaps there would be no naturalized players, so don't include them. Also who do You think would be a better team?

    Successor states of USSR: Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

    Successor states of Yugoslavia: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo.

    To make imaginary USSR roster is easier than to make Yugoslavian, because there are less countries who have high level basketball players. Countries like Kyrgyzstan and all who has ending "stan" suck at basketball and I don't heard any good player who could be included in the roster. I personally watched only few games this Eurobasket, so I have no idea how rosters should look like.
    Last edited by Test; 09-17-2011, 07:29 AM.

  • #2
    Yugoslavia has an advantage on guard position because of McCalebb.
    Teo can eliminate this advantage if he stays enough time in the court though.

    A problem for team USSR could be that Lithuanians would never pass the ball to the Russians and vice versa. I can also predict epic battles under the rim between Lithuanians and Russians for the defensive rebounds.

    I don't know. The whole idea is kinky but interesting.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Test View Post
      Hello everybody, what do You think... if USSR and Yugoslavia would suddenly be restored, how their rosters would look? Perhaps there would be no naturalized players, so don't include them. Also who do You think would be a better team?

      Successor states of USSR: Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

      Successor states of Yugoslavia: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo.

      To make imaginary USSR roster is easier than to make Yugoslavian, because there are less countries who have high level basketball players. Countries like Kyrgyzstan and all who has ending "stan" suck at basketball and I don't heard any good player who could be included in the roster. I personally watched only few games this Eurobasket, so I have no idea how rosters should look like.
      for me it's much easier to make ex yugo rooster because i know players better

      anway, i don't think yugoslavia would be that good at moment. great depth would be there, but lack of superstars would be problem

      it would be more like early 80is team when first golden generation aged and before 2nd golden genaration matured
      Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Adon View Post
        Yugoslavia has an advantage on guard position because of McCalebb.
        The OP mentioned that there should be no naturalized players, so let's not mention McCaleb here.

        Originally posted by Adon View Post
        A problem for team USSR could be that Lithuanians would never pass the ball to the Russians and vice versa. I can also predict epic battles under the rim between Lithuanians and Russians for the defensive rebounds.
        Wouldn't Serbs and Croats have the same problem too?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gytaz View Post
          The OP mentioned that there should be no naturalized players, so let's not mention McCaleb here.
          Fair enough. I didn't notice this point.

          Originally posted by Gytaz View Post
          Wouldn't Serbs and Croats have the same problem too?
          No, Croatian and Serbs wouldn't (couldn't) have epic battles under the rim
          I agree that none would pass the ball to Croatians though. And when I say "Croatians", I mean Tomic Tomic himself will never touch the ball so he wouldn't pass it to anyone.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Test View Post
            Hello everybody, what do You think... if USSR and Yugoslavia would suddenly be restored, how their rosters would look? Perhaps there would be no naturalized players, so don't include them. Also who do You think would be a better team?

            Successor states of USSR: Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

            Successor states of Yugoslavia: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo.

            To make imaginary USSR roster is easier than to make Yugoslavian, because there are less countries who have high level basketball players. Countries like Kyrgyzstan and all who has ending "stan" suck at basketball and I don't heard any good player who could be included in the roster. I personally watched only few games this Eurobasket, so I have no idea how rosters should look like.
            Kosovo is not a state...please don't provocate...


            • #7
              Russia+Lithuania alone would beat yugoslavia.

              But the question is can they win against spain?


              • #8
                i think macedonia plus some serbians (krstic, savanovic, keselj) would easily beat spain, russia, lithuania


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gytaz View Post
                  The OP mentioned that there should be no naturalized players, so let's not mention McCaleb here.

                  Wouldn't Serbs and Croats have the same problem too?
                  once been said by one reporter before war: "basketball is not true face of us"

                  us=ex yugoslavians

                  if there is one thing that conect us, that we get along well it's basketball

                  here....things were already boilng. jugoplastika in belegrade. one man played so well he got standing ovation from partizan fans

                  Vídeo complementario a la lectura del libro "Sueños Robados. El baloncesto yugoslavo". Toni Kukoc es ovacionado por el público de Belgrado en mayo de 1991. Q...

                  similar happend when bozidar maljkovic was in split back in 05.

                  on the other hand prosinecki might be hero of red star, but during that period something like that never would happen

                  and belive me in evrey other forum besides basketball ones we are not "so kind" to each other
                  Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


                  • #10
                    Lets assume that there would be no problems on a team, players are friendly and don't care about politics. Kosovo is not a state? Whatever, it is a part of Yugoslavia.

                    Anyone want to present how rosters would look like? Please also include injured players.


                    • #11
                      udrih, teodosic, dragic, jaric, ukic, planinic, popovic, lakovic, ilijevski.......

                      becirevic, rakocevic, pavlovic, giricek, vujacic, djedovic tepic........

                      stojakovic, nahbar, keselj, bjelica, tomas, bogdanovic, dasic, radmanovic.....

                      lorbek, teletovic, mirotic, loncar, banic, savanovic, erceg, velickovic....

                      krstic, brezec, nesterovic, tomic, barac, kasun, perovic, milicic, antic, pekovic.....

                      here some potetial candidates, you pick
                      Jordi Bertomeu sucks!


                      • #12
                        you add mirotic then you can add preldzic


                        • #13
                          Off to Wikipedia to compile list of succesor states of Ottoman Empire
                          The Moon Is A SCAM(!


                          • #14

                            1- Teodosic / Goran Dragic / Ilievski
                            2- Rakocevic / Vujacic / Tepic
                            3- Stojakovic / Nachbar / Bogdanovic
                            4- E. Lorbek / Velickovic / Teletovic
                            5- Pekovic / Krstic / Tomic


                            1- Jasikevicius / Kalnietis / Bykov
                            2- Shved / Kaukenas / Pocius
                            3- Kirilenko / Siskauskas / Jasaitis
                            4- Khryapa / Kleiza / Jankunas
                            5- Pachulia / Mozgov / Valanciunas

                            Probably left quite some players out, but off top of my head

                            LuDux, please don't...


                            • #15
                              G- Teodosic, G. Dragic, Ukic
                              G- B. Udrih, Bogdanovic
                              F- Stojakovic, Nachbar
                              F- E. Lorbek, Teletovic
                              C- Pekovic, Krstic, Tomic

                              G- Jasikevicius, Kalnietis, Shved
                              G- Kaukenas, Pocius
                              F- Kirilenko, Siskauskas
                              F- Kleiza, Khryapa
                              C- Valanciunas, Pachulia, Biedrins
                              Sexuality when one reaches their 30s is either mainstream or sick, but no matter what, it isn't pure



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