Georgia - Russia
Date: September 1st, 2011
Venue: Švyturio arena, Klaipėda
Time: 18:00 (EEST (UTC+3))
Game of the day, speaking from perpective of political tension. If Georgia wins it, the whole nation can expect a public holiday tomorow. President of the republic attended the game against the Belgians. I guess yesterday's team's performance was convincing enough to stay for the match against the big neighbour.
Date: September 1st, 2011
Venue: Švyturio arena, Klaipėda
Time: 18:00 (EEST (UTC+3))
Game of the day, speaking from perpective of political tension. If Georgia wins it, the whole nation can expect a public holiday tomorow. President of the republic attended the game against the Belgians. I guess yesterday's team's performance was convincing enough to stay for the match against the big neighbour.