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Originally posted by DAdmiral View Post
This is incorrect, 1st the SBP has actually been submitting recently names to FiBA for exception. Unlike in previous years with the advise of FiBA on the guidelines they are now filtering the list to be submitted to those who have reasonable chance of approval, part of the filtering process is they are no longer submitting players who acquired passport over 22 yrs old and established start of residency in their mid 20s (25 yrs old ), why is this ? Simple the reasons for rejection cited by FIbA in their letter of decision for Pringle and Standhardinger explicitly mentiones this as a reason for the decision for rejection .
now please do not mix term lobbying with submitted request (which is a standard transparent legal process), lobbying is referring to influencing decision making to get a favorable outcome ( this is essentially undue illegal influence, Paki usap bribes)
Note Roosevelt Adams, , Chris Newsome, and guard Maverick Ahanmisi the SBP requested clearance for all 3 and they got it , yet there isnt a real need to use all 3 in FIBA. , stop the speculation..
Robert , it's best you don't tallk about these matters by using speculation, as the information you are stating is incorrect and misleading
As cited by you that given afore-mentioned players’ circumstances there is a huge possibility that we may able to obtain exception for Ballungay, Lucero, M. Philips, Koon and Villegas.
Nevertheless, I’m not implying that players over 22-23 y.o. when they started residing or playing in Philippines will not obtain exception. Hermoso and Pringle still has chance due to their more than 5 years of being resident in Philippines.
Last edited by FilWelsh; 05-18-2023, 08:22 PM.
Sage Tolentino is utlised sparingly by Cincinnati. I do hope that he will transfer sooner to Philippines where he can be fully utilise. And SBP could also apply his FIBA exception before he reach 22….
Well, some players obtain clearance even after age 22 but likelihood of approval is much higher when you are in that age or younger at start of your residence in Philippines.
Originally posted by Giannis34GOD View Post
DAdmiral doesn't know that there are other things not just only being in the case such as Ahamnisi, Malonzo or Adams... And he forgot, Jawato only get his passport at age of 27... Remember, FIBA is a corrupt organization, same as FIFA, The reason why Qatar gets 2027 FIBA WC hosting rights w/o any official bidding for that event... If the federation gives money to FIBA for exemption case.. Then they will give you request to have those players exempted... That's reality bro....
I'm not naive to not admit that there is no bribery or lobbying, but this is different from the norm. And is absolutely NOT a requirement.
you are misleading people
Originally posted by DAdmiral View Post
You cannot cite exceptions to the normal and say it's normal practice (it is NOT), there are details u ommit that explain each situation, Mav is actually not exempted but got a document proving confirmation of citizenship before 16, Jawato lived as a minor in Indonesia.
I'm not naive to not admit that there is no bribery or lobbying, but this is different from the norm. And is absolutely NOT a requirement.
you are misleading people
Robert has been reading to much social media disinformation and swayed brainwashed his sense of reality , unable to detect speculation with verified information. (dangerous)
1. LOL the Pounding the rock article on Wemby joining the Spurs via sign and trade is an April's fool joke LOL, and he actually thought it was real
2. Giannis cannot be compared to Abassi, the former got his passport before 16 and was never classified as a NP , totally different situation. (kind of stupid comparrison)
3. it's super super clear by now that age of residency (especially as a minor) is what matters. (it's simple principle of country where player was raised and developed should be eligible and LOL it's an exception to an age base cuttoff rule ( of course it really matters alot_
4. the guy made it sound that it's a requirement to lobby and bribe, when there is a published standard application fee , process and guides on criteria for decision . (this is so stupid)
5. do not forget that for every decision on exception whether approved or rejected an explanation is given by the Sec general on the reason for the approval or rejection. and it's explicitly cited the years raised as a minor in the country given to approvals and explicitly cited as rejection is the player did not establish residency in the country until his mid 20's ( a clear explanation of reason for rejection).... the greg letter of approval is actually published and clearly states why , he and family moved to the Philippines (Cebu) as a minor . how clear is thatLast edited by DAdmiral; 05-18-2023, 09:07 PM.
Originally posted by FilWelsh View Post
Ahanmisi, Newsome and Winston were all granted FIBA exception at around age 22-23. For instance Winston moved to Philippines when he was 21, and attended his final college year with local UAAP. Ahanmisi and Newsome already graduated college in US before they moved to Manila at age 22. So ideally Fil- foreign prospects who wish to represent Philippines in FIBA tourneys must either move after their third year of college in US or right after they graduated. The status of Slaughter, Malonso and Adams is different as either they acquired passports earlier or enrolled in a Philippine school since age 18.
As cited by you that given afore-mentioned players’ circumstances there is a huge possibility that we may able to obtain exception for Ballungay, Lucero, M. Philips, Koon and Villegas.
Nevertheless, I’m not implying that players over 22-23 y.o. when they started residing or playing in Philippines will not obtain exception. Hermoso and Pringle still has chance due to their more than 5 years of being resident in Philippines.
Originally posted by DAdmiral View PostRobert has been reading to much social media disinformation and swayed brainwashed his sense of reality , unable to detect speculation with verified information. (dangerous)
1. LOL the Pounding the rock article on Wemby joining the Spurs via sign and trade is an April's fool joke LOL, and he actually thought it was real
2. Giannis cannot be compared to Abassi, the former got his passport before 16 and was never classified as a NP , totally different situation. (kind of stupid comparrison)
3. it's super super clear by now that age of residency (especially as a minor) is what matters. (it's simple principle of country where player was raised and developed should be eligible and LOL it's an exception to an age base cuttoff rule ( of course it really matters alot_
4. the guy made it sound that it's a requirement to lobby and bribe, when there is a published standard application fee , process and guides on criteria for decision . (this is so stupid)
Second, Giannis get his passport 17 years old, 1 year after the FIBA criteria at 16, But remember, I didn't compare him to Abbasi by the way (check the post above), And he was born in Greece but because his parents are illegal immigrants, Thus, they were not considered by the government as Greek immigrants until Giaanis make it to the NBA... Giannis gets local status by FIBA because he was born there.. That's basic criteria.. The only reason it was complicated because his parents doesn't have prove to the Greek government of any visa or passport that they are legally immigrant to Athens... If not Giannis' successful NBA career, Greek government will not care Giannis' family
Third, We both are agree on this one, residency is the key for exemption... But no cut offs... I already give you examples such as Young, Lish, Jawato... Those names gets their passport late in their careers...
Forth, Any organization, Whether it's FIFA or FIBA have that issues... It was posted it before that SBP pays 1 million PHP for Newsome's exemption... They lobby before Newsome's eligibility before but it was failed... But it was accept this time after they learn how PERBASI did it easily to Jawato (They bribe FIBA for Jawato's case)... This is reality bro... You are insider of SBP but you didn't know this? Cmon!!!! And i'm not lying... VBF pays same amount of what SBP pays for Young to be exempted, But they can't pull it all since it was costly...
You really can't comprehend , of course residency matters nothing new there , but you're clearly missing out on the importance of age of residency ( which matters so so much) to neglect and not recognize that importance is missing out the essence and principle of the under 16 rule , It's a rule to promote domestic development raised in the country . How simple and glaring is that information you refuse to highlight , age being raised in a country is the essence of the U16 rule. don't you get it ? comprehend.. you cited exceptions to the norm and even in the case of Jawato it was explicitly cited he lived in Indonesia as a minor
my gosh you're citing cases like Cstand and Pringle , not knowing there cases have already been decided with a clear explanation by sec general on why it was disapproved ( start of residency was too late ) , how clear is that
Puro speculation rather than basing it on hard evidence , this is style chismis, i'm not saying these orgnaisations are clean or there is no hanky panky stuff, but this kind of story telling to arrive with assumptions on what the truth and process is super pang. tabloid styleLast edited by DAdmiral; 05-18-2023, 09:28 PM.
Originally posted by alfrancis View Post
Does 6-8 Villegas also qualify for exemption? We have a dearth of big man and Villegas can play as a stretch 4. Ballungay I think is also worth exempting.
- residency at a younger age (although after 16 years old);
- PH passport at a younger age (after 16 years old within his teenage years);
- studies here in the Philippines;
- playing college basketball here (part of the basketball development of the kid).
Villegas? I don't have any idea. All I know is that Villegas was already 24 when he played for UE. I don't what age did Villegas first arrive in the Philippines. Upon looking on it, maybe the chances of him getting an exemption is slimmer compared to Ballungay, Philipps and Koon. He is a one-and-done, isn't he?
You need to combine those factors, not just one of it. Just think that FIBA will put emphasis on residency and its reckoning point.
Last edited by ja.he; 05-18-2023, 10:06 PM.Attack
Originally posted by Giannis34GOD View Post
OK... The 1st one i was fooled... Anyway you posted it too... So you fooled too... hehehehehehehehe
Second, Giannis get his passport 17 years old, 1 year after the FIBA criteria at 16, But remember, I didn't compare him to Abbasi by the way (check the post above), And he was born in Greece but because his parents are illegal immigrants, Thus, they were not considered by the government as Greek immigrants until Giaanis make it to the NBA... Giannis gets local status by FIBA because he was born there.. That's basic criteria.. The only reason it was complicated because his parents doesn't have prove to the Greek government of any visa or passport that they are legally immigrant to Athens... If not Giannis' successful NBA career, Greek government will not care Giannis' family
Third, We both are agree on this one, residency is the key for exemption... But no cut offs... I already give you examples such as Young, Lish, Jawato... Those names gets their passport late in their careers...
Forth, Any organization, Whether it's FIFA or FIBA have that issues... It was posted it before that SBP pays 1 million PHP for Newsome's exemption... They lobby before Newsome's eligibility before but it was failed... But it was accept this time after they learn how PERBASI did it easily to Jawato (They bribe FIBA for Jawato's case)... This is reality bro... You are insider of SBP but you didn't know this? Cmon!!!! And i'm not lying... VBF pays same amount of what SBP pays for Young to be exempted, But they can't pull it all since it was costly...
Originally posted by Sikatrix View Post
Giannis was stateless as a youth hence his FIBA eligibility was always gonna be easy once he got citizenship.
Originally posted by Giannis34GOD View Post
I'm not misleading... This is the truth... FIBA doesn't follow whatever the rules of those countries about their legalities of their nationalities... They don't care about that bloodline... Mexico also lobbying the case of Juan Toscano Anderson by the way as local player (same as Clarkson), But same as JC, JTA can't get exemption case since he's not living in Mexico... This is realtalk here, SBP can afford to lobby the case of Pringle, Cstand, Mikey, Ross or any Fil-foreigners already living more than 5 years or playing professional league of that said country but SBP is hesitant to lobby their case for exemption because once they get exemption case, Those players i mentioned can leave the PBA easily and go to higher pay leagues such in Japan, Korea, Taiwan or China as Asian locals spot and that is what PBA / SBP afraid of... That's why they are controlling those Fil-foreigners to have their exemption case as local in FIBA events... Their local talents already leave abroad due to higher salaries, imagine if those Fil-foreign players follow local counterparts to pursue their career overseas... What will happen to the PBA if all of those marquee players, Locals or Fil-foreign leave the league? For sure PBA will leave behind and their remaining players staying are 2nd rated players or bunch of benchwarmers remaining... This is what SBP / PBA afraid of....
do not forget that for every decision on exception whether approved or rejected an explanation is given by the Sec general on the reason for the approval or rejection. and it's explicitly cited the years raised as a minor in the country given to approvals and explicitly cited as rejection is the player did not establish residency in the country until his mid 20's ( a clear explanation of reason for rejection).... the greg letter of approval is actually published and clearly states why , he and family moved to the Philippines (Cebu) as a minor . how clear is that
my gosh you're citing cases like Cstand and Pringle , not knowing there cases have already been decided with a clear explanation by sec general on why it was disapproved ( start of residency was too late ) , how clear is that
Originally posted by DAdmiral View PostYou really can't comprehend , of course residency matters nothing new there , but you're clearly missing out on the importance of age of residency ( which matters so so much) to neglect and not recognize that importance is missing out the essence and principle of the under 16 rule , It's a rule to promote domestic development raised in the country . How simple and glaring is that information you refuse to highlight , age being raised in a country is the essence of the U16 rule. don't you get it ? comprehend.. you cited exceptions to the norm and even in the case of Jawato it was explicitly cited he lived in Indonesia as a minor
my gosh you're citing cases like Cstand and Pringle , not knowing there cases have already been decided with a clear explanation by sec general on why it was disapproved ( start of residency was too late ) , how clear is that
Puro speculation rather than basing it on hard evidence , this is style chismis, i'm not saying these orgnaisations are clean or there is no hanky panky stuff, but this kind of story telling to arrive with assumptions on what the truth and process is super pang. tabloid style
Originally posted by DAdmiral View Post
This is BS ,
do not forget that for every decision on exception whether approved or rejected an explanation is given by the Sec general on the reason for the approval or rejection. and it's explicitly cited the years raised as a minor in the country given to approvals and explicitly cited as rejection is the player did not establish residency in the country until his mid 20's ( a clear explanation of reason for rejection).... the greg letter of approval is actually published and clearly states why , he and family moved to the Philippines (Cebu) as a minor . how clear is that
my gosh you're citing cases like Cstand and Pringle , not knowing there cases have already been decided with a clear explanation by sec general on why it was disapproved ( start of residency was too late ) , how clear is that