Originally posted by r1ck
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It’s been nearly two years since Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine made its debut in the U.S., but research on the shot is far from over. | Nearly two years after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, risks such as myocarditis are still being assessed. Researchers found that the risk of myocarditis is greater after a second dose of Moderna's shot compared with Pfizer/BioNTech's competing vaccine.
Oh you mean how more than 80% of the supposed idiotpathic cases of myocarditis/pericarditis and sudden cardiac arrests in healthy young adults (under 40) are jabbed and most have no record of contracting covid? We can go back and forth with this and you can post "paid" articles to defend the jab, but here are some facts
- The vaccines were rushed and were distributed despite lack of clinical trials and testing. Unproven vaccines are very dangerous and have been proven to be possibly fatal.or have you forgotten about the 2016 Dengvaxia fiasco.
- Pharmaceuticals such as Pfizer have been caught in multiple instances and been tried for manipulating and suppresing clinical data. (You can read about the 2.3 billion dollar fraud settlement Pfizer paid out in 2009).
- Dr. Robert Malone (one of the pioneers of mRNA technology) and Dr. Peter McCullough (one of the leading and most accomplished cardiologists in the US) were speaking about the claims that the vaccines were completely safe and effective but were labelled as mis information despite numerous published journals and data backing up their claims. Again another instance of silencing critics despite having evidence backed claims.
- With regards to Hydroxycholorquine and Ivermectin, despite the mis information meida campaign of it being ineffective in covid treatment it was actually being used as a treatment regimen in Japan, India and Russia and were proven benificial in reducing inflammation and the viral load in covid patients. Heck even high ranking US politicians were given this treatment regimen and was effective in their recovery. Now why would the media go out of its way to try and discourage the public from taking a proven and effective treatment regimen.
- There is a reason why countries dropped covid mandates and restrictions. They even let unjabbed people into their countries without any quarantines or any testing, hmmm makes you wonder huh?
This will be the last time I will be posting about this out of topic issue. We are all entitled to our own opinions but it wouldnt hurt to be skeptical about certain things especially when there are visible signs of it being false.