The issue is not dependent on performance in practice but CJ's penchant of playing vets over young players. He doesnt have the patience for his yound players and outright remove them once they commit errors. DJ maybe better offensively as of the moment but Kai is way better on the defensive end. Also, Kai's opportunities were mere garbage plays and why would you give Kai post plays when he still lacks enough strength these days. He should be given face-up high post plays and passes when he rolls. I am not a fan of lob passes because it would be too risky and I would prefer Kai receiving passes when he rolls. Drop passes would also be ideal. A roller Kai would be too difficult to stop.
Regarding Wemby and Chet's speed over Kai, Kai can keep in step with guards then how much more wemby and chet.haha Wemby has been taking around 30shots a game and his field goal percentage isnt great. His output was just because of mere volume and if his percentage isnt great then most likely he will have lesser accuracy against players his size. Wemby is just a more gritty and hungrier Bolbol. Same playstyle and just a bit heavier.
Does wemby and chet's speed similar to usain bolt or at least a ja morant for Kai not to keep in step?haha the ignorant take is too blatant. A 7'3 durant will still be a non-guarantee sure thing in the NBA. Unless he will be a big more than playing as an SF then he will be the same as others. Give bolbol 30 shots and he will give those numbers or better. Wemby will still be a mere experiment and remain to be seen.
Regarding Wemby and Chet's speed over Kai, Kai can keep in step with guards then how much more wemby and chet.haha Wemby has been taking around 30shots a game and his field goal percentage isnt great. His output was just because of mere volume and if his percentage isnt great then most likely he will have lesser accuracy against players his size. Wemby is just a more gritty and hungrier Bolbol. Same playstyle and just a bit heavier.
Does wemby and chet's speed similar to usain bolt or at least a ja morant for Kai not to keep in step?haha the ignorant take is too blatant. A 7'3 durant will still be a non-guarantee sure thing in the NBA. Unless he will be a big more than playing as an SF then he will be the same as others. Give bolbol 30 shots and he will give those numbers or better. Wemby will still be a mere experiment and remain to be seen.