Originally posted by JAMSKIE
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But since that ship has sailed, here's what I think KQ should concentrate on...more than training to improve skills such as dribbling...he needs to train his body to move better. There is such a thing. He needs to work on explosiveness, flexibility and agility. He'll never reach Gemao type of movements, the kid has been training his body for movements since he was a very young kid (I always use him as an example of someone who did it right) but he can still improve a lot.
If he can make his body move a bit better...get lower, quicker feet, changing directions...then it will enhance his skills. By now he realized just strength won't get him anywhere, UP put smaller and much lighter players on him and he couldn't take advantage, what more international teams with bigger stronger players. He needs to develop a slow-fast game.
Hopefully, he can find an elite trainer in Korea for this.