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15th Asian Games [Dec 1 Qatar]

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  • 15th Asian Games [Dec 1 Qatar]

    1st Round

    Group A

    24/11/2006 Bahrain 91 Chinese Maocau 56

    Group B

    23/11/2006 Uzbekistan 102 Mongolia 66
    24/11/2006 Mongolia 78 Palestine 70
    26/11/2006 Uzbekistan 78 Palestine 60

    Group C

    23/11/2006 Afghanistan 65 Hong Kong China 57
    24/11/2006 Syria 84 Afghanistan 66
    26/11/2006 Syria 89 Hong Kong China 61

    Group D

    23/11/2006 UAE 80 Kuwait 72
    24/11/2006 Kazakhstan 89 UAE 71
    26/11/2006 Kazakhstan 102 Kuwait 76

    2nd Round

    Group E

    30/11/2006 Jordan 62 Iran 59
    30/11/2006 South Korea 106 Bahrain 80
    30/11/2006 Qatar 99 Syria 59
    03/12/2006 Jordan 70 Syria 64
    03/12/2006 Iran 89 South Korea 75
    03/12/2006 Qatar 97 Bahrain 56
    05/12/2006 Iran 112 Bahrain 77
    05/12/2006 South Korea 93 Syria 85
    05/12/2006 Qatar 71 Jordan 64
    07/12/2006 Syria 96 Bahrain 79
    07/12/2006 Jordan 68 South Korea 62
    07/12/2006 Qatar 78 Iran 61
    09/12/2006 Jordan 85 Bahrain 44
    09/12/2006 Iran 95 Syria 79
    09/12/2006 South Korea 87 Qatar 81

    Group F

    02/12/2006 Japan 85 Chinese Taipei 75
    02/12/2006 Lebanon 106 Uzbekistan 70
    02/12/2006 China 89 Kazakhstan 77
    04/12/2006 Chinese Taipei 81 Kazakhstan 79
    04/12/2006 Japan 78 Lebanon 67
    04/12/2006 China 91 Uzbekistan 68
    06/12/2006 Japan 75 Uzbekistan 56
    06/12/2006 Kazakhstan 80 Lebanon 75
    06/12/2006 China 101 Chinese Taipei 65
    08/12/2006 Kazakhstan 100 Uzbekistan 77
    08/12/2006 Chinese Taipei 86 Lebanon 72
    08/12/2006 China 94 Japan 68
    10/12/2006 Chinese Taipei 106 Uzbekistan 69
    10/12/2006 Kazakhstan 77 Japan 72
    10/12/2006 China 75 Lebanon 73

    1/4 Finals

    12/12/2006 Iran 68 Japan 64
    12/12/2006 Jordan 99 Kazakhstan 91
    12/12/2006 China 68 South Korea 52
    12/12/2006 Qatar 103 Chinese Taipei 96

    9th to 12th Places

    13/12/2006 Lebanon 90 Bahrain 65
    13/12/2006 Syria 111 Uzbekistan 104
    14/12/2006 Uzbekistan 92 Bahrain 73
    14/12/2006 Lebanon 88 Syria 82

    5th to 8th Places

    13/12/2006 Japan 78 Chinese Taipei 67
    13/12/2006 South Korea 94 Kazakhstan 74
    14/12/2006 Kazakhstan 100 Chinese Taipei 74
    14/12/2006 South Korea 87 Japan 76

    1/2 Finals

    13/12/2006 China 86 Jordan 58
    13/12/2006 Qatar 67 Iran 64

    3rd Place

    15/12/2006 Iran 84 Jordan 78


    15/12/2006 China 59 Qatar 44
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Kings; 04-23-2020, 08:08 AM.

  • #2
    So as this approaches us starting in December, anyone know which bball teams are coming? Are they the first team players?

    Philippines (?)
    Saudi Arabia (?)

    I will try to be there taking live pics of the games and videos...Hopefully
    "...I got the hand that will rock your craddle / cream you like cheese spread you on my bagel..." - Shaq


    • #3
      Great news for the Philippines!!

      Philippines may get to play in Doha Asiad

      SAITAMA, Japan: A deal between rival basketball factions and world governing body FIBA approved here could result in the Philippines fielding a team at the Asian Games, FIBA officials said.

      Patrick Baumann, secretary general of the global basketball governing body, and incoming president Bob Elphinston of Australia said they hoped the move would lead to the currently suspended Filipino federation being active in time for the December event at Doha, Qatar.

      The plan, Baumann said, would create a new governing body from the Philippines by the end of September, which would be reinstated and allowed to send a squad to compete against the region’s other top squads.

      “If they are able to deliver what they promised, the Philippines are expecting to have their best players at the Asian Games in December in Doha,” Elphinston said. “That will be the first test.”


      "...I got the hand that will rock your craddle / cream you like cheese spread you on my bagel..." - Shaq


      • #4
        Fielding our best players may not happen for the Philippines.... I'm hearing reports that our professional league's heads are too stubborn saying that it would interfere with the upcoming season of the PBA....... damn, what are they thinking?? Our great chance to show what Philippine basketball players are made of and they just wants to let it go down the sucks!

        I don't know if they would change their minds (I hope they would)....otherwise, we just have to at least field in our best amateur cagers this coming ASIAD....


        • #5
          If the filipino in Qatar (REALLY BIG!) could somehow voice their opinon on this perhaps they would change their minds...I mean PBA? Come on, this is the first time for the RP team to send its best to play other countries (China, Qatar, Lebanon!) in a long time, right?
          "...I got the hand that will rock your craddle / cream you like cheese spread you on my bagel..." - Shaq


          • #6
            Heheh....right you are!!

            I got this statement of PBA commisioner Noli Eala in the news:

            "I don’t think the PBA has ever lacked entertainment and support to our many OFWs (overseas Filipino workers) who love basketball. In fact, we’ve just competed in a tournament in Qatar precisely for Pinoys living there," said Eala.

            If that's really the case, then they should send in the BEST, period.


            • #7
              Group draw

              E: Qatar, S. Korea, Iran, Jordan, A1, C1
              F: China, Lebron, Japan, Kazakhstan, B1, D1

              Top 2 seeds from each group will qualify the semifinals.


              • #8
                olympic asia games

                GROUP A




                GROUP B




                GROUP C

                Hong Kong, China



                GROUP D


                Chinese Taipei

                United Arab Em.

                Baseketball 2nd Round -Men

                GROUP A



                IR of Iran


                Winner A

                Winner C

                GROUP B





                Winner B

                Winner D

                i want your comments ??
                Proud to be Lebanese


                • #9
                  I wish the Philippine ban would end. They would be in this too.
                  But I like the idea. Is this qualififcation for the olympics or the Asian Games? Fif it is, I think it's better than the old way with like 6 pools.
                  My Blog:

                  Statistics Wish List:
                  1990 Asian Games -in Beijing, CHN
                  1991 Pan Am Games -in Havana, CUB
                  1991 South American Championships -in Valencia, VEN
                  1991 Oceania Championship -in NZ
                  1991 Asian Basketball Championship -in Kobe, JPN
                  1992 African Basketball Championship -in Cairo, EGY
                  1992 Euro Olympic Basketball Tournament -in Spain


                  • #10
                    Tought break for the Philippines being outted in this event ... sheesh

                    Will be fun watching Lebanon go against the Yao-less China team
                    "...I got the hand that will rock your craddle / cream you like cheese spread you on my bagel..." - Shaq


                    • #11
                      i think it is some how easy for lebanon and china to qualify

                      but korea , iran , jordan and , qatar
                      wow what a group

                      come on lebanon wish that we participate with our A team (khatib , fahed , vogel ...)


                      • #12
                        I think that Lebanon will not participate with all the players from the A team, some youth players will participate but this will not pull our level back i think they will take the 2nd place.. GO LEBANON.
                        !!! (*) BALLER 4 LIFE (*) !!!
                        !!! (*) IMPOSSILBLE IS NOTHING (*) !!!


                        • #13
                          lebanon should participate in their A team cuz the teams are exactly the way their gonna be in next year,s asia championship and it would be a good chance for lebanon to prepare itself + lebanon should try beating china since theres no Yao Ming


                          • #14
                            Kings, can you change the groupings in the title post:
                            Taiwan named 8th seed in Doha Asian Games by FIBA Asia - Sep. 30, 2006 - by Chris Wang
                            Sources in CTBA said that Taiwan has been named by FIBA Asia as the 8th seed in men's basketball event of the 2006 Doha Asian Games and doesn't have to play in the first round as the original draw by Doha organizing committee announced.

                            The organizing committee announced on Sep. 9 that a new two-phase system will be implemented in Doha Asian Games men's basketball since there are as many as 20 countries enter the tournament.

                            Twelve countries will have to play in a four-group preliminary games in the first phase with four group winners advance to the second phase along with eight seeds in the 12-team second phase.

                            The organizing committee announced the eight seeds without elaborating the seeding format. On paper, it looked like the top eight teams in the 2005 Asian Championship were seeded and get to skip the first phase. Taiwan was left out of the top eight seeds.

                            Since 8th-place Saudi Arabia decided not sending a team to Doha, its seed will have to be replaced. However it was Kazakhstan, which finished 10th-place in 2005 Asian Championship, and not Taiwan -- 9th-place in 2005 -- was placed as the 8th seed.

                            FIBA Asia ruled the draw invalid and later gave Taiwan the seed it deserved. Taiwan NT head coach Lee Yun-kwang welcomed the change.

                            The new bracket is listed below:

                            First Phase
                            Group A: India, Macau, Bahrain
                            Group B: Uzbekistan, Palestine, Mongolia
                            Group C: Hong Kong, Syria, Afghanistan
                            Group D: Kuwait, Kazakhstan, UAE

                            Second Phase
                            Group A: Qatar, South Korea, Jordan, Iran, A1, C1
                            Group B: China, Lebanon, Japan, Taiwan, B1, D1
                            aim low, score high


                            • #15
                              المتحد يعزز صفوفه بصباح خوري
                              السلة اللبنانية ستغيب عن ال<آسياد>

                              أكد مقربون من الاتحاد اللبناني لكرة السلة، أن جلسة الاتحاد يوم الاثنين سوف تكون حاسمة لجهة الخروج بالصيغة النهائية لل<سوبر ليغ> المحلي، الذي من المقرر انطلاقه في 19 تشرين الثاني. كما يتجه الاتحاد لاتخاذ قرار بالاعتذار عن مشاركة منتخب الرجال في منافسات كرة السلة ضمن دورة الألعاب الأسيوية المقررة في قطر، بسبب ضيق الوقت وعجقة الاستحقاقات بينما كانت هناك مقترحات بارسال منتخب لبنان للناشئين المتأهل الى كأس العالم للمشاركة في الآسياد بدلاً من المنتخب الأول.
                              على صعيد آخر، عكس نادي المتحد طرابلس، مدى رغبة ادارته في المنافسة بقوة ضمن الدوري المحلي بعدما ضم الى صفوفه لاعب منتخب لبنان صباح خوري، الذي وقع على كشوفات سفير الشمال بحضور نائب رئيس الاتحاد اللبناني لكرة السلة محمد أبو بكر واداري النادي سامر نشار، والمدرب جورج كلزي.
                              ويعد انتقال خوري الى المتحد ثاني أهم صفقات الموسم حتى الآن بعد فادي الخطيب المنتقل الى بلوستارز، وبه اقفل المتحد باب انتقالات اللاعبين المحليين بعد أن ضم شربل السخن (الشانفيل) روبير بو داغر (الحكمة) وإيلي رستم (بلوستارز) علماً أن صفوفه تضم: إبراهيم ياسين، محمد جبر، آلان بستاني، حسان حنوف، محمد عكاري، وهاني زكريا، والناشئون: أحمد الخير (لاعب منتخب لبنان) محمد مسلم، وطارق هوشر. فيما تستمر الاتصالات لاستقدام لاعبين اجانب مع العلم أن الجهاز الفني يحبذ الاحتفاظ باللاعب الأميركي راشيم رايت الذي تألق بشكل لافت في الموسم المنصرم مع المتحد.
                              in english this means that lebanon may withdraw from the tourment
                              or we may send our JR team



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