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Eddie Casiano close to retirement

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  • parklandgroupohio
    75% possibility that he will retire? Well, I don't really know much about him since I'm not that huge fan of basketball. However, I believe you're a popular name among the fanatics.

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  • J-Mart
    started a topic Eddie Casiano close to retirement

    Eddie Casiano close to retirement

    El veterano canastero Eddie Casiano podría anunciar próximamente su retiro como jugador de baloncesto y comenzar una nueva etapa en su carrera, la de asistente técnico con los Indios de Mayagüez.

    "Estoy considerándolo seriamente. Hay un 75 por ciento de posibilidades de que me retire", indicó el propio Casiano al conversar con PRIMERA HORA.

    La razón principal para que considere el retiro es la árida lucha que desata con la gerencia de los Leones de Ponce por concepto del pago de dinero adeudado y los dos años garantizados que aún le restan de su contrato.

    Sin embargo, mientras tenga deudas pendientes, no podrá jugar en otro quinteto, por lo que Mayagüez no considera tenerlo dentro de las líneas, sino como el segundo asistente del dirigente, Manolo Cintrón.

    "Ésa es la idea que más me está entusiasmando. Sería algo nuevo en mi carrera", sostuvo Casiano, quien dijo que podría considerar volver a jugar si Ponce le salda la deuda total, incluyendo los dos años que le deben.

    Se espera que Casiano anuncie su retiro en la conferencia de prensa que celebrarán los Indios próximamente.
    he said there is a 75% that he will retire, and be assistant coach of the Mayaguez Indios next season. He is still waiting Ponce to pay him a money they owe Casiano. Its expected that Casiano will anounce his retirement in a press conference to be held by the Indios in about a week or so.

    Eddie Casiano is a two times BSN Scoring Champion and 1997 BSN MVP and a National Team Member since 1992 Olympics. He was one of the leaders of the "protest" that some puertorrican players joined in the PanAmerican Games in Mar Del Plata '95 and he was suspended by the NT. He returned in 1999, retired, and returned in 2003 to give Puerto Rico the qualification for the Olympic Games with a crucial basket against Brazil. He starred a fight against Tracy McGrady in the 2003 Tournament of the Americas. He also scored 18 points and a near the halfcourt shot on the face of Richard Jefferson on the 2004 victory of the PR National Team vs the United States in the Athens Olympics.

    He has won 3 championships and he has been a BSN Finals MVP.
    Last edited by J-Mart; 10-23-2006, 05:30 AM.

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