Tournament Brackets

5-team double elimination bracket

If preparing a 5 team double elimination tournament then you’ll need to have a tangible double elimination bracket that players and fans can download, print and view. It’s a requirement to have a 5-team bracket on paper so that all the tournament teams and their friends and family so they call can best follow their tournament. This printed-out bracket will serve as the tournament bible.

Our double elimination 5-team brackets are printable and come in a few different formats and layouts.

What to Know About Double Elimination Brackets

How do double elimination brackets work with five teams? Well, double elimination brackets can certainly be more complicated than their single elimination counterparts. With double elimination brackets, the teams that lose their first game move into a losers bracket while the one undefeated team moves through the primary winners bracket then awaits the team from the losing bracket to come out. 

With each participating team allowed up to two losses before being eliminated, the typical 5-team bracket has a few rounds of games before the title game. Here’s some other tournament bracket you can look at to get a better idea of the differences between a single elimination bracket and a double elimination bracket:

Print 5 Team Double Elimination Bracket

Our five team, single-elimination brackets allows you to download the bracket in whatever printer friendly format (only available in landscape) so you can hand them to the team coaches and captains before the tournament begins.

Click here to download the printable 5-team double elimination bracket from the middle of this post. We also have a seeded 5-team bracket so you don’t have to figure out where teams end up. If you’d like to download the pink format from the top of this post, you may do so by clicking here for that image, and here for the PDF format.

If it’s the PDF format you’re wanting, then first ensure your Adobe Reader is the latest version so you have no troubles viewing and downloading the document. If you’d want to edit the bracket, add seeds, location of the gym, dates and times or however you want to customize the printable bracket.

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